This house costs £700,000 in London

>this house costs £700,000 in London.

Is there anyway to even fix this?

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Well, it looks comfy.

jesus, even my house is much bigger and cost me around 60,000 pounds.

It looks something like pic related.

On this tiny island the demand far outweighs the supply. I'd say to stop buying into the market and let a crash take place, but where else are you supposed to live.

yeah but it's in mexico


Don't live in London?

>I'd say to stop buying into the market and let a crash take place

A crash wont happen you know. They are keeping this from naturally occurring through mass 3rd world immigration. The truth is you millennials are being sold out along with your future. The UK will be inherited by the brown tide. Its happening right now, and you've all been lead astray so you cannot see what's in front of you.

less people. start those deportations, nigel.

Come home white man

Fix what? Supply and demand, retard. If you can't afford a house, don't fucking buy one.

Mass genocide.

Have you tried not living in London? Try moving to Wales or something man.

The invisible hand™ of the free market™ will fix it

Remember goyim, real capitalism has never neen tried

London is a huge major city so of course housing is going to be expensive.
Supply and demand. Get fucked chief.

A large and bloody war could do it too. Kill a few million from the nations with this type of problem results in a smaller population, less money to spend, fewer people inhabiting these houses.

Same problem over here in Auckland. The market has seen rapid growth due to growing population and overseas investment.

It's a hard one to fix. Too much or the wrong kind of government intervention could cause the opposite and deflate the market, creating another plethora of problems.

No government will mean the filthy libertarians get their way and we can't have that.

I reckon strategic tax breaks on delapitated areas to encourage economic growth would do the job to some degree, providing a number of additional factors are considered.

It's like new york: I don't want to pay double what I should because a bunch of faggy Chinese people want to live there

I second this. You crumpets are okay, but the mudlimes must go

You have two problems.

a) There is literally *nothing* between London and Edinburgh.
b) You hate high rises.

Building high rises is an easy solution, but that would require the Anglo to overcome his fear of efficiency. Developing industry that is based somewhere outside of London is harder, and I have no idea how to even begin with that.

government intervention always works, user

Tempered capitalism has served the advancement of society pretty well. It shouldn't be worshiped, but as a tool it has been very useful. I agree that we are entering a post labor economy that wont benefit from the incentives of capitalism though.

It's important not to pay attention to your surroundings and adapt to new realities. Capitalism vs socialism shouldn't be some religious argument.

I'm seriously considering moving to Russia and colonising that land that they need settling.