Unions, what are pols opinion on them, how many are a part of one

Do you blame them for the offshoring of industry

how would you feel if minimum wage was abolished

would abolishing minimum wage solve illegal immigration?

are unions a communist. socialist tool, or can they exist in capitalism

Were necessary when they began.

Became worse than what they were created to address.

I find it interesting how Labor policy has not been touched by Trump other than "jobs are going to come back"

are people really this naieve?

Corporations that had a shred of moral decency haven't bailed on their country.

We're in a real bind with increasing robotic productivity and lack of enough jobs valuable enough to be paid a living wage. People have to get money to eat, and the jobs are not being created by the state or the private sector. I have no sympathy for the union buster, who tells the worker to compete, but is afraid to deal with a collective.

I would think opening up jobs to dirt poor wages would encourage immigration by any means.

In the US, labor laws are poorly enforced. You have to take up arms through the legal system, and a solitary worker rarely has the resources to do this on their own, lawyers prefer not to take cases on contingency. The slimier employers do their most to obfuscate their fuckery.

Workers will get sick of living constantly on the edge of hardship, and will demand more rights. Unions need to do a better job of keeping up with the times. People need to vote if they want respect from their government, and if the vote fails, organize.

Earlier this year I recorded union goons assaulting a site foreman and first aid officer. They followed me around threatening me to delete the footage.

Fuck em. Bunch of biker faggot crooks.

Collective bargaining agreements are a function of capitalism.
People tend to fight for things that benefit themselves and not the company as a whole, seniority is fucked, 2 tier wages are fucked, non merit based pay is fucked.

Always bad

Unions are neccesary to require safe working conditions for vey dangerous jobs. So back in the day steal workers, construction workers (on giant skyscrapers), welders, miners, lumberjacks, etc ha dubious and rightfully so. They risked their life everyday and unions demanded safe working conditions and very good pay.

Today they aren't neccesary for most jobs. The biggest is UPS which has a union (the brown delivery people) but only if you are a delivery man are you paid the most from it. My dad works there and makes $94,000 a year not counting free insurance because of his union. But he works 12 hours a day 5 days a week and in the summer that truck heats up to 130 degrees in the back and he lifts 50-75 pound packages all by himself on the regular. He earns every penny.

Do I think the cashier at Walmart should have a union? No. But I think that more construction working jobs should have them thought I believe most do. I have a couple friends in construction and they are Union. They also settle any grievances an employer may have with their employee's, and will have hearings, etc. and from what I hear, there are many

Illegal immigration is being driven by employers who want to pay under minimum wage

will a wall stop that?

will anything....


>has not been touched by Trump other than "jobs are going to come back"
If jobs come back, unions will have more power. Two of the manufacturing unions' big weaknesses are offshore outsourcing and unskilled immigration. Even if Trump doesn't lift a single finger to help them specifically, the Wall and his anti-NAFTA stuff will be big for them.

Walmart workers need a union more than your dad does, but a they offer very little a union can negotiate with.

What the service industry and other shit tier workers need is representation, like a legal defense fund they can pay 'dues' into and get a shark when the corporate bullies have them bent over.

and how will the employers react?

they are fine any voluntary group is encouraged [imo] but there are some states which force workers to join unions this is actual retardation and defeats the original purpose

The corporations already have their own union to look out for their interests. It's called "The Government".

Do you mean the ones that don't 'force' you to pay to enjoy the benefits of the Union?

That 'right to work' bullshit benefits only corporations that go state shopping and red state legislatures that don't know how else to attract tax revenue to their state. If you don't want to be in a Union, don't apply at a union shop.



How do we equalize China?


First post best post.

>If you don't want to be in a Union, don't apply at a union shop.
Different user, but redpill me on the differences between right-to-work states and whatever the other one is called. I'm unfortunately not very informed on union politics in many ways.

Does "right to work" just mean a unionized shop can hire non-union workers? I mean that seems like a private contract between the shop and the union, right? Where's the state come into it?

>inb4 Google it
I'm drunk and lazy and trust the word of a neo-Nazi on the internet far more than reputable academic sources.

>Were necessary
>Now essentially part of the lobby/buy influence system
>the moment something actually shuts them down, they will almost immediately become necessary again as many company's will always look for ways to save money at the expense of their workers then say it's the worker's fault for not negotiating their terms better
>the union lobby is always a tiny bit outweighed by the pro-business lobby

The hardest thing to do is to do it right. If you don't pay for union membership but benefit, it undercuts the unions ability to help workers. If a union forces everybody who benefits to pay, I would also say that's unfair because not everybody asked for the help. Strikes are also similar in being both fair and unfair. Labor will likely never be an easy issue to solve because it will almost always be treated as a zero sum game where either the company loses or the worker loses and as it turns out, full on government management of labor and companies tends to hurt both just as much as full on free reign for people to do whatever.

Unionizing is fine. It's all part of Capitalism. If you want your employees to work- then pay them as much as it takes to get them to work. If the job doesn't pay the money they desire, they'll find a different job and your business will be more screwed than if you just pay them, that's how business works. Make no mistake, every business is the Employer vs. The Employee and one of them is the winner and one is the loser. Both are constantly doing what is in their best interest regardless of how it hurts the other.

As far as deleting minimum wage. Minimum wage would stay relatively the same. If businesses pay a low salary all their employees will just quit and move on to higher paying jobs, until eventually all businesses have to raise their wages to compete with the best paying job. However, it would dramatically help if outsourcing was made illegal. And you would have to make sure that the businesses couldn't all just agree to pay their workers nothing. ie forming a wage monopoly. They have to operate seperately.

Let people have the freedom to unionize, don't give them any privileges.

Feep beep

It can go either way. A well run union will protect workers rights and stop them getting unfairly jewed like slaves by business owners.
However unions with too much power tend to be disagreeable unreasonable assholes themselves and demand the world for very little or poor quality work.

We had a working class politician here years ago named bob hawke, he was fiercely pro union but by the same token kept them in line with an iron fist so it was a fair balance. Mad cunt also held a record for chugging a yard glass full of beer.

Unions were founded by jewish russian shop keepers

'right to work' is the euphemism for state laws which don't allow unions to exclude non-dues paying employees from working at a business where they have negotiated good salaries, benefits and working conditions. Basically, if you don't want to pay the union to represent you, you still get the benefits. It hurts the unions, and encourages business to locate in those states, to the detriment of surrounding states.
I'm not union, I'm just a little guy

>want to make America "great again"

>unions will have more power.

Wrong faggot. Trump supports so called "right to work" federally in the US.

I would feel much better about the minimum wage disappearing if the job security were there to back it up. It has nothing to due with worker skills, and everything to do with employer loyalty, which would come back if outsourcing got expensive enough.

They're a necessary evil. Corrupt as hell, but they give people a decent living wage.

> Founded by Jews
> Ran by Jews

Only idiots would be tricked into paying Jews for something they can do themselves. Must be tough to go talk to your boss to find out what you have to do to get a raise.