Steven Universe Censorship

I'm certain the majority of you are familiar with the censorship the U.K. did with What Can I For You, that caused controversy, leading the the creation of a petition.

These videos have well over 1 million views showing the horrific censorship done by the U.K., when it was obvious the censorship was over what was appropriate for children. The U.K even left the embracing by Ruby and Sapphire in "Jail Break." Speaking of Jail Break, this episode was heavily censored in the Arabian dub.

You will be able to see that they completely cut out their embracing, straight to the fusion and song. You might think that they are just identifying what's appropriate for children, however it goes deeper than that.

The innocuous lyrics are changed, so that the "relationship" is about their union. The meaning behind Stronger Than You is about Ruby and Sapphire's romantic relationship, but is altered so that they are just a team. This censorship is undoubtedly against LGBT, but there is no uproar. Where is it? The youtube video for the Arabian censorship has about a thousand views.

It's harder to understand the Arabic version unless you speak Arabic.

Also, censorship of LGBT themes in Britain is a bit more man bites dog

The people who complain about homophobia don't complain about Islam.

Irrelevant. I don't speak Arabic but have enough evidence to suggest that they are censoring homosexuality. It's okay for one culture to do it, but not another?



I'm against censorship and all, I know my SEA CN does that as much as SEA HBO but eh it's nothing big. They do it all the time and also

nah but its more a matter of expectations

Islamic countries treat woman poorly, no one actually expects them to treat a minority like LGBT people well when they don't even treat 50% of the population well

>It's okay for one culture to do it, but not another?
According to some people, yes. It's cultural relativism.
In fact, suggesting that one culture's view on homosexuality should be held to the same standards as another can be considered racist.

I never said anything related to Islam, not every arab is a muslim.

Why don't they censor the entire show? It's absolute garbage.


Learn the difference.
>everyone in the UK has the same culture as you
How ignorant.

Well if Johnny Test generated ad revenue...

But the UK censoring for appropriateness is?

>islamic people treat women poorly
No they don't. Islam favors mothers over the fathers first. Some countries in the middle east have females as their political leaders.

don't be stupid, while not all arabs are muslim the vast majority are, its a very basic assumption that an arabic language version of SU would likely be airing in an Islamic country so its natural to assume that Islam and certain people justifation of homophobia based on it might have something to do with its censorship

The main reason for censorship is either cultural or ad-based (which is why CN loves putting out eleven minute shows than the old 22 minute ones).

>The Middle East
>Almost every episode has at least a couple scenes cut out
>Basically every fucking hug was removed

>don't be stupid
Don't be ignorant. It's censorship of homosexuality, the same exact thing people fussed about to CN UK. The U.K is also primarily Christian, which homosexuality is forbidden. So why doesn't the UK get a pass?

Johnny Test was better though. Some of the jokes were good, some of the action was good, and they had waifus for the Sup Forums audience. The whipcrack doesn't bring it down that much. I didn't notice it the first few times I watched it.

Me neither but it does get stale around post S2.

way to literally misquote me

I said countries not people but that asside that argument is literally saying that there isn't racism against black people in America anymore cause we elected Obama

either way its besides the point, the point is that we expect human right abuses from these places so we aren't going to freak out over them not respecting LGBT people which is something we still struggle with ourselves, they are held to a lower standard

Yes I discussed this. What reason was there to change the lyrics of a song so there is no reference to the romantic relationship? Say it with me. Homosexual

>way to misquote me
>wanting countries used in lieu of people
You do realize this is worse, right? Nevertheless, still incorrect either way.

>held to a higher standard
Way to go, you change literally nothing. Anyone speaking out about the UK censorship should be embarrassed.

cause there is a difference between the United Kingdom, one of the most industrialized and educated nations in the world and a former British Colony

here is a shocker not all nations are equal, I really think arab people have other things to worry about other than their homophobia so no I don't care about it right now deal with it after all the other issues

Same case for Britian, in their cultural they have different views on what is approriate for children, but get this, people still raged.

They're quite litterally peddling homosex to children and preteens.
This isn't a "it's okay to be gay" thing it's full on "gay is awesome give it a try" type of stuff.
It gets a pass because it's part of the "keep population under control" thing that is being pushed heavily in every corner of western media and academia but the truth of the matter is. It's worked really well, but other cultures don't play that shit and are outbreeding the west and out thinking the west by leaps and bounds now.
What with them not poisoning their people or outright ruining the intellectual capacity of their own people.

>implying Saudi Arabia isn't one of the most industrialized nations
You do realize there are billionaries there, right?
>ignoring the fact some of the highest GDP per capita nations are in the Middle East. I want to say UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, middle eastern nations are somewhat well off.

>Arabs have problems
Completely irrelevant, the UK has problems, too, but people are more than welcome to get after then about censorship.

The Middle East is an even bigger shitstorm right now than Northern Africa, shit is beyond fucked and has been for a very long time. Saddam managed to keep things relatively stable for a while, keeping the Christians safe from the Muslims and preventing groups like ISIS from growing into what they are today, but we just had to go in and fuck that up because "m-muh dictatorship, need dat oil fo dem programs and shieeeet."

There's nothing wrong with being homosexual.

You guys are confusing the Levant with the entirety of the middle east. Don't focus so much on the extremes the media shovels down your throat.

You're right. There is not.
There is something wrong with pushing "gay is awesome everyone should be gay" on everyone as if it were the equivalent of changing your brand of toothpaste.

It was always stale for me. One of those "nothing else is on" shows. But it wasn't horrendously bad like people say it is. Still, I can't watch more than 2 or 3 episodes at a time.


Homosexuality is a sexual deviance that any moral code worth its salt would be against.


except that's not at all what it advocates or intends to do. They push homosexuality is okay, its okay to be yourself. Not everyone should be gay come and join us and be gay. There are straight couples in the show. It's normalization.

I'm really surprised by the sudden reports that this is being censored in Western Europe. Eastern Europe and Asia I understand though, and even Australia.

are you seriously this ignorant?

having rich people has nothing to do with being industrialized or not. GDP per capita also pretty meaningless since over 99% of that wealth is going to a very small ruling minority

and if you seriously think the UK's problems of old people worried about all the brown people are anywhere close to problems like open civil war I think you literally have no prospective at all

You do know there are more straight characters than gay characters in Steven universe right?

So the Kurds, Christian militia's, ISIS, the refugee crisis, Lebanon falling to the mudshits, the Turkish coup-de-ta attempt, etc... Is just media lies?

The only traditionally masculine guy in the entire show is a joke character and the lead is hyper feminine and gay.

It's all wishfulfilment and homosex peddling.
Same thing happened to adventure time

I guess this is the audience of CN now and why it's getting it's shit slapped by reruns of even the worst episodes of spongebob and the reruns of caiyou on other networks.

there is more than just ISIS, there is also conflict between the Turks and the Kurds right now, civil war in Yemen and Israel is always waiting to explode again

also shit in Libya and Afganistan and Pakistan although those might not count as the Middle east depending on how you think of the region

>having rich people has nothing to do with being industrialized
Ebin quote of 2016. Screencap this. Look at him. Look at him and laugh. How do you think they become billionaries? Money just randomly falls into their hands? Entrepeneurship. The countries I named such as UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait aren't dictatorships. They have a high HDI so no, the general population does have a sufficient living standard.

>brown people
You're with friends, you can call them shitskins.

It isn't all that happens. Is the US nothing but consistent school shootings and gang violence? Key word: nothing but.

Steven has gotten a lot of poo in the loo pussy for a gay guy.

Honestly the best shows on right now are Arthur and Star Vs. I am in great need of Justice League Action. It can't come soon enough.

see here

>censoring of gay shit
I like it better when the shit i'm against is on the same side

Their goal is normalization, if the creator telling you in flesh isn't enough, than I don't know what is.

Levant is the region, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Jordan, that particular area. Israel airs the Hebrew, and it experiences cultural tension. Somehow this excuses them from their homosexual censorship?

>nothing wrong

>Actually trying to compare a handful of incident to a full on open civil war and attempted genocide between dozens of ethnic and religious groups
Unlike school shooting and gang violence The Middle East actually is in a consistent state of civil war at the moment

I'm not asking wether or not you agree with it, I'm asking where are the SJW at when it's their time to step up. It's satirical.

which sucks because that's the only thing I'm legitimately against: creators trying to change people's minds and push shit
You can put anything you want in your show, but when you start revealing a flat-out agenda, that's when you're inviting opposition, and I'll provide it gladly.

so what you think rich people didn't exist until the industrial revolution?

its called resource extraction and exploitation and its even easier to get rich doing it when you have an important and valuable resource like oil

The Arab Spring is nothing new to me user, but this somehow excuses homosexual censorship?

So what

People complaining about "muh anti lgbt" are people crying while their boot is on your neck.

I gave up on SU. 90% of it is because of people with broken minds thinking that this show affirms their delusions.

wha? I wasn't.. replying to you. I was just saying I dislike gay shit and censorship, and I like it better when gays are trying to censor me, because I don't have to think very hard about who to support.

>This censorship is undoubtedly against LGBT
good for them.

>rich people didn't exist until the industrial revolutiom
Define industrialized first. Define what is an acceptable urbanization percentage is first.

its not an excuse to censor homosexuality

there is no excuse to justify that

however there is such a thing as having priorities straight and I think attempting to push back against arabic censorship of homosexuality is a lot lower on the list

the OP questions why there is backlash against the UK censorship and not the Arab censorship

short answer cause people are more concerned with other things going on in arab nations than censorship of homosexuality

It's satire. I'm poking fun at SJW, where they are all about spreading pro-LGBT, but the moment there is conflict blantantly censoring what they stand for they turn silent.

I somehow doubt that not censoring a dance in a cartoon is gonna stop them from tossing fags off a building while crowds cheer them on.

Just sayin'

>people are more concerned
Are they really though? What are the said people doing about this? Liking a picture on kikebook?

>there is no excuse for censoring homosexuality
uproar when? Not every arabian nation is in turmoil, user. Some countries in Europe are worse off.

And the SJW do nothing. How pathetic.

>i wasn't replying to you
If you look closely you will see OP in your comment.

you just wanna keep ignoring answers and holding up your strawman arguments cause you feel they attack people you disagree with?

cause that is all your actually doing anyway, you were given a reasonable answer but refuse to acknowledge it cause that messes up this "genius flaw" you found in so call SJW behavior

only thing more annoying than SJW is people who complain about them all day

Irrelevant. The problem is your answers aren't effectively answering anything. You're answering me yes, but that doesn't mean you are exactly correct. In this case you really aren't.

>Some countries in Europe are worse off
Ironically enough, because of Arabs.
Well, that's what you get for not following Hungary's example and just hosing the bastards down at the border.

>ironically enough because of arabs
Yugoslav Wars? Corelation does not always mean causation. I doubt Bosnia and Herzegovnia are well off, many countries on the Balkans are shitholes.

>Bosnia and Herzegovnia
Both 50% Muslim, come to think of it, Chechnya is also majority Muslim.

I'm just saying, that's a lot of "correlation"

The actual causes between these countries was due to nationalism, not because of introducing muslims.

>I say your answers are wrong, therefore they are wrong

you realize you have to be 18 to be on here right?

but fine to briefly answer you questions, people are doing very little about anything in the Middle east because we have very little power to effect it, its easy to effect something in the UK where many of the people concerned with the issue might be citizens, but less such concerned people are citizens in Middle east nations and honestly their citizens have even less power over their governments or corporations than in places like the UK

as a side note you never made it clear who was behind the censorship in the Arabic version, was it a specific government or media corporation? so who exactly are you expecting people to protest for homophobia anyway?

as for certain nations in europe being worse off than certain arab nations this is true, but you didn't cite european nations vs arab nations, you cited specifically the UK

in a similar example I doubt people would freak over a Ukrainian version censoring homosexuality right now, cause honestly there are bigger problems in Ukraine than homophobia

I wasn'y replying to anything in the OP other than the fact that it happened

>The only traditionally masculine guy in the entire show is a joke character
I can't even tell who you're talking about. Greg? Lars? Ronaldo?

>Implying it matters
Remember when people watched it as a SoL/action show with an okayish lead and not a shitty mahou shojou show?

>middle eastners has little power
>literally overthrowing their dictators
But they can't get the CN studios positioned in middle eastern countries to show LGBT?

>who was behind it
Irrelevant, how specific the UK was was very little. It's just UK censorship. People still watched it over a million times and created a petition. I didn't even say protests, I asked why nothing is being done about it. I mentioned European nations because European nations, particularly the Balkans and eastern, are held to the same standard. Or just to give you some context, some countries in the middle east are about as well off as Europe.

Your entire argument is that they have bigger problems, so to answer your question, the uproar is directed towards the CN associated country. So then, there isn't any excuse. I doubt the CN headquarters is putting up with a civil war. The point is, there is worse discrimination against homosexuals, and no one does nothing, not even shed light on the subject. My thread is satire, poking fun at those who give one country shit, but not another.

ya and your "satire" is completely wrong and stupid since you don't seem to realize that one country isn't the same as another and that is the reason why. Your joke is just an over simplification that shows you don't actually understand anything if you think the world works as simply as you seem to think

also please point out an arab nation that managed to over throw their dictatorship by themselves?

define some nations and well off cause I'm pretty sure your just talking about the 1% riches people living in what is basically Rhode Island compared to the whole of the Middle east, aka the rich minority in the small rich nations, a very atypical experience to the Middle east as a whole, if we wanna look at such super minority groups and generalize to the whole area than the whole of North America must suck based off the very small minority of people who are trapped in illegal human trafficking rings as slaves

The good ol' "well why don't you do something about x country then" is pretty bad. I could say exactly the same for the free speech defenders, why do they complain about vidya developers changing character outfits instead doing something about political expression on Arab countries. Surely one is more serious than the other yet there isn't anything being done by the first amendment online crusaders. In the end this argument is nothing but an attempt delivery deflect issues than one doesn't wanna face.

I do. Because Islam is homophobic.

Actually, what the fuck has this got to do with the show?

Jesus christ

I find it hilarious that people think the gay is some sort of communicable disease or learned condition.
I find it equally hilarious that people see censorship like this as a disease rather than a symptom.
What I don't find hilarious is this thread. This thread is just people airing their fucking political and social issues around the guise of talking about a cartoon and no one here is going to change anyone's pitiful mind for the better.

>shitty mahou shojou

There's non-shitty?

Kamen Rider Ryuki.

Doesn't really matter to me because the uncensored version is freely available. It sucks, but it's really not worth the effort. If Ahmed wants to watch the uncensored version, he can just torrent it or move to a country that isn't shit.

OP I agree with you about the inappropriate censorship of the UK CN version of SU but when it comes to Middle East censorship of LGBT themes, well, you're fighting a losing battle.

Like some people say, the treat there women terribly. I doubt that just because says they don't, they actually don't beat their wives like a drunken redneck.

But when it comes to homosexually, it's basically illegal in alot of those countries. People are killed because of being gay and you're complaining about censorship in steven universe?

It's basically mad Max times over in the middle East right now. cartoons are lower than the least of their problems

Why does jontron have a ponytail?

I wish they'd censor the entire fucking show so we'd never have to put up with you "gemtlemen" again.

More importantly what the fuck happened to Jacques?

based UK

>mfw completely against censorship of art, but when it's being done to something I don't like I pretend to be for it to make others upset

its a pity i dont live in a country which would censor those ugly ass SU character designs from appearing on my screen

If people got over LGBT issues in Arab countries, they might actually have to start caring about the fact that many countries execute people for being gay. Fighting that would take way too much effort and they might actually have to get injured to fight for what they believe in. Much better to get pissy about non-issues in safe, white countries.

>The U.K is also primarily Christian
For now.


>the horrific censorship done by the U.K

I hope they send any one who watched that show to the gulags, or as we call them "House of the Hungry, Hungry Gypos."

That post has nothing to do with what I said. I don't give a shit about vidya, but from what I can tell, people have a problem with the fact that the developers got pushed around into making the changes, which typically ends up making them worse, rather than something the developers really wanted to do to make a good game,

You guys forgot that not like 10 years ago they censored sailor moon lesbians in America

They also censored a bunch of other shit not appropriate for kids.

The bottom line is the same

"Well if they complain about x problem here then why don't they do something about x on this country"

I don't see the people that complain about free speech on social media doing something about free speech in north Korea.

Also, unrelated but how is something like the tacer's ass pose issue gonna affect the game?

>AWW COme On UK !!! RReally????
>I live in the UK. I have to put up with this when I want to watch SU on TV. ;-;
>So they kept in a man and a "woman" KISSING but censored two "woman" dancing??? Seems really homophobic to me. It's not like some children have two moms or two dads or anything...
>wow uk..... wow.....

All these comments thrill me.

The difference here is that Sugar openly admits that SU is inspired by her bisexual experiences as a woman and very much proud that the LGBT community loves it so much.