
Conquer it and kill all the libs and Muslims.

why did no one notice? who do we fire?

Because we need an easy way to invade and annex Canada. A wall would just make that a lot harder.

Cause we could just climb up our maple trees(pbuh) And get to the other side, eh?


Because most americans would want to take us over then just walling us off, but that seems like a good idea with all of the dumb libreals..

because if we wall off canada, they win


most Canadians would want that.

we have a really fucking smug population when it comes to Americans.

Id help build it. I need a job.

Because they are mainly asian and a bit white. Asians and whites don't cause such a drain on US welfare like south/central americans do.

We'll have to annex them for oil and other resources eventually.

if you annex canada is it really canada that annexes you?

Maybe, lots of leftys' and liberals, plus that damn syrup will get everywhere, might have to throw them into toronto and detroit and let nature have their way with them.

Exterminate the gays and liberals. The holohoax was a lie!



>A threat


pls hurry east canada is really fagging this place up

canada is harmless

I blows my mind how difficult it is to find libertarians or nationalists in this country.

fuckin fite me bitch

We take Canada. Then we move liberals there, also giving them Maine, Minnesota, Wisconsin, UP Michigan, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington.

So you want to build a wall and pay for it huh

Because Border, Energy Security, Transport (AKA B.E.S.T.) Wall 2 is a lower priority and will only be made after Mexico has finished paying off Wall 1.


because we're too likeable

We'd gladly take all your left.
They need to learn that their sense of liberalism is utterly retarded.

Canada is like our retarded younger brother. You want to be rid of him but you know after a while you'll miss him.


fucking kek

Because there are no Mexicans in Canada..

The wall is to keep you in.

have another drink, luv.

Trump will offer them full annexation. If they fail to bend we invade and avenge the death of General Richard Montgomery.

I want freedoms


>tfw we'll never be protected from outside subversive forces.

no extensive illegal immigration problem. also canada is 1st world like murica, unlike 3rd world cartel run shitehole that is mexico