ALEXANDER G. JAHANS-"Fuck JK Rowling and the Alt Right"


In his latest video, betacuck leftist icon AGJ rants against JK and the AR
How will JK Rowling or the Alt Right ever recover?

>1 minute mark-ish Jahans won't be responding to his puny fans who want a reaction video to the recent Shoah showdown (Notice how he isn't a narcissist looking down on others at all)

>2:40 Jahans claims he totally understands the Alt Right viewpoint but just rejects it because he's not vulnerable and stupid like we are (Reminder that Jahans literally gets his idea of what the right is from daleks and refuses to debate)

>3:40 Jahans equates openmindedness with weakness, says he's not and that makes him an unbreakable ball of steel


There you have it folks, one more notch on the bedpost for the G O D of the green party. How will rightwingers or non-retarded leftists ever recover from this blow? I'll personally be drinking myself into a very early grave. G'day.

>The Farsh-Nuke's thoughts on race

The Shoah's pathetic reply to #b4sed Jahans

>Can't FLAY the AGJ
>Can't BAN the JAHAN

Other urls found in this thread:




jahans, pls

He's got a small head, right?
I can't be the only one who sees this.


He denies it, but we all know it's true

R e m i n d e r

None fashier

who is this potato and why do you faggots keep posting him? I asked once and was directed to an hour long video about esoteric jahnism. I wasn't about to watch a potato rot for an hour. TL;DR anyone?

Never forget

He's a lolcow. Google 'lolcow' and enjoy. He's a Sup Forums lolcow because he makes angry anti racist rants. We want him to be an icon of leftist autism in everyone's mind.

>taking Jahans seriously enough to make this post

wtf Leaf

>posting in Jahans' almighty thread
>not heiling him 1488 times a day

I see. Thanks for explaining it.

Stop giving this fat faggot attention. I know you're a canadian, and thus sucking off queers is in your nature, but you can fight it

>implying Jahans being famous isn't a big kick-to-the-balls against the left
He makes them look like shit. He's a phenomenon.

>not heiling Jahans daily

>all these posts from the same id
What is it about autism that attracts even more autism?

>He doesn't accept Lord Jahans as his one true savior

I don't fucking know!

All hail the supreme ascending master
The Green noting man !

Jahansnism grows stronger!


tfw your Jahanic comrades come to save you from the oncoming tide of Jahanophobic bigotry

Feels Wagnerian man

>100 posts by this id

You know, I'm halfway convinced that Alexander's really redpilled as fuck, and that this whole cuck persona was created in order to take us on a wild ride where he gradually gets redpilled. It's fun bantz for the clued-in and might help drag a few normies out of their reverie.

I wholeheartedly agree

I'm the NUMBER ONE JAHANS FAN in all Canada and a committed /Esoteric Jahanic/ disciple. Thank you for recognizing my religious fervor.


Why JK Rowling? Isn't she a leftist?

Why do you people keep posting this faggot? Isn't he just Chris-Chan 2.0?

Yes but she went against his GODKING Corbyn

He's a rising star of autistic liberalism. He's the ultimate Sup Forumscow of all time.

There's nothing /just/ about it, Dane

>Isn't he just Chris-Chan 2.0?


Is this one of those overweight angry feminists I've been hearing about? She looks pretty fat.

I'm getting sick of this mutant.
also, Canada is the country equivalent of gay anal fisting

post tfw someone pretends to be Gordo as a joke, the lols we will milk will be infinite, brothers

Cucking again, lel


There was never any hope for chris-chan.

There is hope for Alexander. He tried being a faggot and hated it, for example. Also he sometimes rails against certain lefty things (can't remember what) and so forth.

All he needs is a couple good encounters with the right sort of migrants and he'll be on his way.

Also we need to get that nigga laid. Maybe get a Patreon going and then hire him a hooker? We don't even have to tell him that she's a hooker, she could "match" with him somehow or whatever it is the kids do these days to get laid.

Tim Hortons will burn
maple will run down the streets
and there will be nothing you can do to stop it
the only one who will be spared is Norm Macdonald

No he is still a proud bisexual but he clearly prefers women, he just doesn't have the confidence to approach one.

He rails against how he tried to befriend a bunch of feminists, they let him hang around but they treated him like shit for being a white cis male taking testosterone shots. LELZ

He can be saved, too. Everyone wants to find out what's going to happen to him



you're in way over your head

>implying I take Ameriniggers seriously
Stop implying that

Didn't he recently go on a date with a guy to Burger King?

Yea but we got no reports about it, it was a leaked fact that he went to KFC for a date with a literal autistic faggot

But judging from his recent not-so-shitty mood..... maybe it went well...

I love you for making these threads m8. Restores my faith in leafs.

If you keep ban evading we will mac ban you.

His body doesn't produce enough human growth hormone.

One of many issues he has.

Stop giving him fucking attention.

What a sad life this canuck OP has.

Fucking incredible.

Imagine posting this everyday? So sad.

>He can be saved, too. Everyone wants to find out what's going to happen to him

We can do it. We can rebuild him.

Its one canuck. Literally one guy. Sure some people pass by and drop a garbage post then leave but this one fucking leaf sits all day everyday making and refreshing and bumping all on his own.

>implying Jahanism isn't being spread by multiple people around the world

I'm not evading shit, New Zealander


We need to help him.

I'm pretty sure you're the same fag who stalked reviewbra

that was a joke, actually

I have an edgy sense of humor, which is why I'm a jahanist, burger

>We can do it. We can rebuild him.

Nahh.. He is transition to fully become a robot. Observe the environment of a shut in.

This story have no happy ending

He's not a shut in though

Exactly, he's clearly a homebody but one user on here even went to film school with him.

I work from home, does that make me a shut-in? Even though I often leave and travel etc?

Fuckin' shit quality Norwegian posters lately.

true, based

sage, like everyday when you spam those shitty threads

>a literal frog


>24 posters
>57 posters

Really makes u thank huh damn

that's what I'm trying to get you to do, user, think, think for all you're worth!!!!

Looks like Toad of Toad Hall.

Why did he target JK Rowling?

I thought she was a multi-culti cuckess.

The left has its own infighting just like the right does.

Feel free to use the word Jahaneral

Jahans General

Why milo?
Molymeme spit another meme opinion?
Let me guess do you "feel " this doesn't belong here.
Milo go home you aren't wellcome here until you praise the Janhanic wisdom of the ALEXANDER JANHAS.

Hail Janhas !

Imagine a reply to this
Which is more autistic
The autistic who post
Or the one who keep replying?

New Video: So A Job Interview Scares Me

I wonder if he will introduce himself like this.
>I am a left wing autistic person who is against the alt right and against racism and I would like a job.

>tfw Jahans exceeds you in life

Less muscle tone than a skeleton, he's just a fat skeleton with a fucked opinion.


>that suit

>Google applicants name
>In the bin it goes

>would like a job.

This leftist openly admits he prefers not to work in his newest video. He just wants his basic income.

Nothing like a work shy leftist.

He needs a good beating.

> cv search

Who the fuck is masochistic enough to put himself in such a torture, to endure one of this retards videos? I mean wtf? Why do you even do it? It's obvious that this faggot is clearly an abortion that went wrong.

his most recent facebook post
>If the government announced a plan to execute all adult individuals who earned less than a certain amount of money per year there would rightfully be riots and we would not allow it. Yet that is effectively what a country without a strong welfare state is. And you wonder why revolutions happen.

Embrace it Greek-bro.


I'm on the autism spectrum so I relate to his problems a lot

except I'm fit and not a leftist

this guy is the embodiment of the unemployable millenial. he's simply not compatible with society. there isn't a job on the planet he would succeed in.

He needs to have a radical shake up in his world view. That's what some of us are trying to achieve. He's already admitting to having been tempted by some alt right commentators.

Kek. If you faggots actually turn him be ready to go full Kung-pow like the squeaky shoes "we trained him wrong for fun"

Either way props kebab-removing Serb-bro, i don't have the mental fortitude to watch a clip

can you tell me which probs straya bro?

The goal is help him
By ballot or bullet he will be help.

That was christ chan , we train him wrong on purpose to be a example of what not to do.

The janhans is in hands of Sup Forums
Sup Forumsacks will ubermensch the Janhas.

Second attempt at a Jahans Pepe

>Christ chan

Seriously this guy is a low-hanging fruit for humiliating an ideology, we don't want a ranting retard in our ranks. We should instead turn the leftist's weapons against them. "Humiliation is man's most potent weapon" - t. S. Alinsky

So converting this faggot will only give the leftists easy points "see? only mentally ill people gravitate towards right wing. Therefore, if you are right-winger you are mentally ill"

Oh don't worry guys.
I have him added on steam.

I told him that mass immigration is the plan of the burgeoise to eliminate the white working class, the only one competent enough for a revolution. And he was like: "Oh shit, you're right."


Kek only now he realised it? Even god-damned marx said so.

>That moment when you realise he's dumb enough to go to a job interview wearing fucking red bracers, brown badly tied tie, blue trousers and piss poor facial hair.


My point is to humiliated any ideology who doesn't support critical tinking

Muh left
Muh right
Muh nazis
Mhu jews
Mhu Putin
Mhu Soros

And on and on
If you came here is not to listen your own opinion, but someone opinion who is diferent off the one you have.

The cross roads
The four chanels


It's beautiful

Our ideology (right wing) is based on critical thinking. But either way, you cannot judge one ideology based on one faggot. Still this does not prevent leftists from doing it


Leftist already judge you .
But they don't tink, they just follow
To follow Janhas you need to tink first and judgment came later

Hail Janhas!

>that fucking bog roll rant
Literally laughing so hard that I can't laugh