Yfw there are actually still primitive third world countries that use the imperial system

>yfw there are actually still primitive third world countries that use the imperial system

It's dumb, but it would be way too much effort to switch over now.

The rest of the world managed okay, and some of those countries actually manufacture things.

However none of them have landed on the moon.

Except NASA and all respected scientists in the USA use metric anyway. It's just the plebs who get forced to use imperial units.

>yfw there are actually still primitive third world countries that have a muslim as a mayor

Myanmar already switched

Liberia has always been a USA wannabe

you're all alone now

It literally does not make a difference for the vast majority of people. Very few people do math. They memorize things and come up with rules of thumb no matter which system they use. How practical is it that a kilometer neatly divides into centimeters? It isn't at all for the vast, vast majority of people and situations.


>democracy is good except when people I don't like get elected

Liberia is actually the US's only former colony.

I wish we hadn't given up on it. Imagine if Liberia was still a US territory - we could reasonably tell Blacks to go back to Africa

its good to stick to tradition
and its not too important but I agree the metric system is smoother and nicer to work with

>country that put a man on the moon.
>country that has a nigger for president.
>country that holds the most SJWs
>country where feminism started
>country that has a problem with obesity
>majority of the people are religious sheep
>country that their new president candidates are both psychopaths and act like children.

The list goes on.... You could start fixing this problem by implementing metric system for starters.

We have a tribe of Hippies and Desert Jews larger than your entire country. Your opinion on how things should be done is less than irrelevant.

I truly wish there were fewer people in Estonia tbqh. Too many retards around.

And that, unfortunately, is our problem too.

>tfw swiched from caжeни to metrics
It was a good idea.

What's up with US and the Moon? Russians weren't even trying that hard to get there, they send a robot instead and focused on space station program. It's not really a race when your only opponent makes a half assed attempt just to picks up other competition instead.


It's called Burma you cunt

>meanwhile the UK still uses the imperial system for road signs and measuring beer
you better check yourself b4 u wreck yourself tb.h famalam, we are all primitives here

>muh metric system
>so perfect
>everything divisible by tens

>still has 365 days in the year
>still has 12 months in a year
>still has months of 28, 29, 30, or 31 days
>still has 7 day weeks
>still has 60 seconds in a minute
>still has 60 minutes in an hour
>still has 24 hours in a day

retarded system tbqph kinsman

>have state religion
>have head of state
>head of state = head of state religion

That isn't democracy. That's a theocratic dictatorship. Unlike Vatican City, you cunts do it very poorly.

So how many burgers of energy does it take to raise the temperature of a cubic inch of water by 1'F?

Thanks for good kek.

yeah but 1000ms in one second.

And 1000 miliyears in one year. Great system. So intuitive.

Well a ton more than if one year would translate into 1760 yardyears

2 sharts dont equal a white(american)

Imperial is far superior. Once we are free from EU shackles we will return to the units of Her Majesty.

So? If you running late to meet someone would you tell them you'll be there in a kilosecond or 16 minutes?

Americans are attention whores. Even when Russians are being autistic and communist Americans still have to prove that they are no.1.