Hello goyim

I have a question for you. Do you really believe that there is a Global Jewish

Conspiracy, or is it just a meme? I don't quite understand, can't you see that this only paints

Jews as geniuses who can control you like puppets while painting you as mindless sheep

without any control over their own lives? Don't you see it only hurts your image?

Seriously, if you are so incapable of controlling your own countries or securing your borders

because of the actions of a group consisting of 0.2% of the population, perhaps you really

shouldn't! :^)

As for me, it reminds me more of Niggers who say that "I DINDU' NUTTIN'! DA WHYTE MAN

IS KEEPING ME DOWN!!!11" instead of taking responsibility and fixing their messed up

situation, but what about you? Please explain your rationale.

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I'm still waiting on my World Domination Shekels in the mail.

Extremely bad pasta. It's literally all over the place.

You kikes make me laugh.

No its just that jews basically run the big banks = run the economies = run the world..

The general jewish population is just as mindless as anyone else.

Don´t be fooled to think that when we see an Israeil flag, we think "oh boy here comes that smart jew"

Generally I just want to vomit, but yeah...

Fuck jews

Good point

>literally all over the place.
Just like rapefugees and niggers in Sweden then.

yeah thats probably true. Jews are smart as fuck hence all the hate towards them.

The thing is they only give a shit about their kike bredren, thereby fucking over every and any goyim and not giving a flying fuck.

That pic related blew my mind just now

The star of david is a contorted swastica

Then why don't you take over the banks and run the world, goy? What's stopping ya? :^)

jews are hated because they have a strong ingroup preference.

Nobody trusts them because they don't trust anybody.
Eventually people give in to their paranoia. rightly or wrongly

>*rambles on in Swedish with a high pinch faggy voice*
Oh Norway please...


thats retarded
kikes are naturally adapted parasites, theres no conspiracy, some are just better parasites than others and there is a greater ethnic cohesion they like to foster in themselves

Because it took them revolutions and hundreds of years to take global economic controle.

>stop hurting my brain with ideas
t. low iq retard

Pay me Shekels now or else...

>Do you really believe that there is a Global Jewish Conspiracy
not global, and not only jewish
that jews mind their interests and keep their eyes on money is a different matter

white people dont like to parasite. if you mean why dont we kick you out its because jews successfully push propaganda against that from their positions in the media

>Laurence Fabius

dollar = jews = nazis

I just got ultraviolet pilled

>Jews are geniuses who can control you like puppets
Yh sure thats why you only have power in white countries, you know any nonwhite civilization would slaughter you the moment they detect kikery like every country in the middle east has tried to do.

What propaganda? Maybe Jewish people are just intelligent enough to take advantage of the worlds stupid trends. The Internet and mostly social-media holds most of the blame in the degradation of society. If you cant see that, you're a fucking tard.

the more they know about you, the easier it is to control you.


But seriously, the kikes are the most insidious, fanatical group of people on the planet. Completely delusional, they seriously think that they are 'chosen' by the demiurge to do it's wicked work.

Their power comes from a singular force: fiat currency. The control of this imaginary and magical substance is rooted in the Western prohibition of charging interest by christcucks.

What we need is a transition into an energy based 'currency', thereby ousting the kikes out of their current position.

What we need is an actual עלות אש

Do not delude yourself into thinking that the white race does not include 'wolves' who base their entire existence on the complete and total destruction of the Hebraic race and their hegemony over our nations. But you know this, don't you? This is the sui generis of the present kike-led anti-white sentiment being created on a global scale.

If it takes fifteen thousand years, we will crush you giant rats and hunt down the last of you to the ends of the earth, or beyond.


higher intelligence wouldnt explain their level of over representation. they would have to all be 300 iq supermen. the internet is the only thing holding us back from total degeneration. anyone can talk to anyone from anywhere in the world, instead of taking social cues directly from jew run media broadcasts. they are trying to coopt it too with faceberg and regulations but it hasnt taken hold yet

this is what I don't understand:

On one hand these guys say:
"Jews only care about money"

But on the other they say:
"Jews want to wipe out the white race"

If they only care about money why would they wipe out what is by far the richest consumer and producer group on the planet?

Makes no sense.
...And every time this I ask I get links to predictable web sites instead of answers.

Kek jews are just evil, Judaism is nothing more than a long way to make people think they arent complete psychopathic nuts, HURR WE KILL YOU BECAUSE WE THINK WE BETTER THAN YOU! Yh right kikes are monsters in human form they make niggers look like people when it comes to human decency.

That's hilarious. Your 'fiat' currency is one of the sole factors that continually pushes advancement and progress forward. What would you suggest? A gold standard through-out the world? Good luck in enforcing that with how high our population is.

Why's Israel like 60th iq average

Uh, Wes Clark is a Baptist.
Wonder how many others are wrong...

like anyone, jews care about power, money is just one way into power.

>"Jews want to wipe out the white race"
not really true, jews are parasites and dont want to kill their host, they just want to weaken their "immune system" so they push laws and situations that hinder their ability to fight against other races, because they themselves are another race that doesnt want to be fought. its all a natural self defense mechanism

>What would you suggest?

My suggestion was included in my post. Lern 2 reading comprehension.

Lel isn't this exactly what Nazis thought? When was the last suicide bombing of a Jew, though?

All jews must die.

I hate jews in general because of your smugness, the hebrew accent and using the holocaust to excuse everything, but its a meme for me. I think the federal reserves and central banks are doing the best they can given that the whole premise behind their existence is that the markets are somehow systems of equilibrium (which is totally false, if you have more than 10 people in a game, information doesn't flow normally, sometimes it doesn't even flow, the markets do not move to some sort of stasis).

Stop lying kike Hitler formed Nazi Germany as self defense against the Jewnited Kingdom, Jewrance, and of course the Jewnited States of America.
>last suicide bombing of a jew
Admit how many Palis you psychos butcher everyday.

But the fact is you could talk to a regular person and they wouldn't realise that the majority of facebook memes, etc are blatant marketing strategies. Humanity is forsaken at this rate, people become too distracted and don't care enough to critically analyse things that should be blatantly obvious.

Some of them are also only partly Jewish.

I could probably make a pretty good case that WW2 fascists were also all Jews with this logic.

>t. retard who's mom got fucked by public agent


Merkel ONLY changed her stance on muslims after watching that palestinian girl cry on tv.


>Hitler dindu' Nuttin'! It's the J00S who are keeping me down! I can't accept responsibility for my own life, country, and actions!

If that is true, then why was hitler for ZOG's work in Palestine?

The only jew I like are jews who are no longer jews. I hate your victim complex

Energy based system? Yeah, what type of energy? That's obviously easily manipulated too.
>can't retort
>attacks flag

You're the shitposter.

>I could probably make a pretty good case that WW2 fascists were also all Jews with this logic.

You are actually approaching the truth

You're right, we should take accountability and fix the problem by gassing all of the kikes

yeah i think 90% of people just go along with the flow, whatever it is. whoever is in the position to give it society a large enough push and get the cascade going is the real ruler in a sense. just part of our nature and i dont know if it can be changed

Oh my a kike thinks your life must suck to hate them(like every kike you say any negative jew thing to), your arrogance makes me want to vomit you people are truely the human incarnation of evil.

Why dont you fight pussy? Fight the sandniggers and stop making us fight your wars if you are so superior? You arent superior you are just completely insane all of your kikes are.

You know marxists believe capitalism is at fault of everything (racism, poverty, oppression) and that isn't new or 'jewish'? I swear, sometimes the alt-right only know the world through youtube videos.

Last time I checked, we were holding off pretty gud against the sandniggers. It's you cucks who appear tolet them fuck your wives and loot your homes :))

A lot of people who critique fiat currency doesn't understand basic economics. Their only education, if one can be so generous to call it that, is from conspiracy theorists who think the fed wants to keep people poor and gold speculators who fund that shit to a naive population that will buy gold when the price of gold was incredibly high. A lot of youtubers back in the day that was shilling for gold bullion were backed by these 'commemorative' mints.

the anti-fiat crowd is a bit low iq tho.

It's pretty nice that if I ask most people I know if it were justified for Germany to take control of its own country by expelling Jew's they will say yes.

My family, friends, work associates, nobody has ever argued there is anything wrong with hegemony over an ethnic homeland.

O but pardon me. It's not you at all, it's all the Jewss fault. Surely you are too brainwashed by TV and it's not any of your own
free will

If you're of such superior intellectual acumen than I, please explain how this current system of fiat capitalism is going to deal with the inevitable collapse of it's integral Ponzi pyramid?


The jews aren't to be trusted. I know you have no power but the power that comes from perpetual victimhood, but the moment the american population is forced to ask what is the jew doing in the middle east and what does it mean to them, your support will erode. American dollars, american lives, should not be spent on people who cannot take care of themselves. If Assad power was never threatened, the crisis in europe would have never happened.

I cannot wait for the day the west sees no relevance in the middle east and let you guys fend off the arabs on your own.

Sure there isn't. I'm for that as well. Only it didn't quite stopped there. I truly wonder if there is a chance for nationalism without Jingoism.
I'm against importing immigrants who have nothing to do with your culture by the millions, but also against expelling citizens without any proof of wrong doing. Not only does it hurt them, it also hurt your country.
Think about it, even Einstein fled Germany because of this. If this doesn't prove this mentality is retarded I don't know what is

You don't get it.

You Jews are sheep too, perhaps the biggest sheep of them all.

Rothschild convinced you to adopt his Satanic kabbalistic symbol as your sigil in the 19th century. The Seal of Solomon, a symbol God himself disowns in the Bible. A symbol that has NOTHING to do with Judaism. Yet you wear it on your flag, your tombstones, your temples.

Then ((they)) [The Zionist NWO elites] also convinced you that multiculturalism is good and to your benefit, when in reality all it does is multiply the number of Arabs wanting to kill you to incite social strife and the counter-reaction that will bring world government.

You are sheep being led to the slaughter by your Zionist masters and you won't even denounce them because you think the alt right is your enemy and the Zionist Jews your allies.

Think again.
Western civilization has been the only civilization humane enough to allow you to live among us in peace. The other races or even your fellow Zionist elites don't give a shit about you.

kek Israel gets nothing in comparison to other places in the middle east, who turn out to be total shitholes. Heard about Afganistan?

No, I don't believe in a global jewish conspiracy. But I've witnessed the attitude among Jews towards gentiles and towards Christianity and Western culture in general. They enjoy tearing at its fabric.

>Surely you are too brainwashed by TV

Have they started putting fluoride in the water in kike-land?

You strike me as an especially stupid kike. But on the other hand, the vast majority of your kind isn't anywhere near as smart as you think you are.

TV programming, which is dominated by kikes, attempts to brainwash people into thinking that you are all poor little victims who just want to munch on your not very bloody matzo and not poison wells, and the big bad evil Nazis genocided a ridiculous, non-existent number of you, completely ignoring the mysterious appearance of millions of Ashkenazim in your cursed little piece of sand.

Military aid

Economic aid

If we're so stupid, what does it say about you, then? :^)

Global Jewish conspiracy is a Global Jewish CONSPIRACY! It was made up by the Jews to make sure we stay in awe of their acts.

Capitalism isn't fixed, it doesn't have a shape, and for many people this is almost impossible to accept. This is also why marxist have been for decades unable to predict the inevitable collapse, it's because capitalism is an adaptive system that doesn't have to achieve equilibrium. Central banks and a lot of economists for decades conceptualize the adaptiveness in the system as if it was a liquid in a chamber, and eventually after disturbances, it will settle itself.

The ponzi pyramid forms within capitalism that will go extinct (and it will because it doesn't achieve returns, it isn't sustainable) but fiat currency isn't this form. Currency is different from other forms of capital because of its fungibility and that fungibility really changes its properties (think about, how can a fungible accrue more value without destroying its function?).

>Einstein, the 'genius'.

fucking meme. the faggot built off from a community of science. his contribution wasn't some sort of solely originated thing with not precedent.

It's not the jews as a whole group, most jews are just fucking plebs. However, a massively disproportional amount of bank/media/financial companies owners are Jewish, being that they are only 2% of the global population.

Basically, a lot of elite Jewish families started seizing places of power during the late centuries of the Holy Roman Empire, such as the Rothschilds. These families started intermarrying and some of them soon became part of the European royal dynasties, funded wars, made businesses with national central banks and so on.

Almost every firm, brand, throne and state belongs to no more than 150 people (namely the Bildeberg Group), who knows if there's people even above that...


Heard about the military aid, heard about decades and decades of it? heard about tacit support of israeli foreign policy goals, the cost of commitments to israel? heard of that?

If israel isn't a welfare state wholly dependent on America, then why does Israel constantly lobby for free money, free tech from America?

>Lol no Jews are so stupid
>We are brainwashed by mind-controlling magic called TV of an all powerful Jew
pick one

>foreign policy
literally a kike publication

Do I strike you as a brainwashed goy, Einstein?

kebabs are 20% of the population
Inside the Jewish population you have the recently-added group of jews from Africa (Ethiopia mostly) which are not well integrated yet and their average is really, really low.

Israel is ranked at the 12th place (notice there are double places, since there are multiple countries with the same average iq) with 96.
If you take an average of only the jewish population (including weaker groups) it jumps to 105, by 2014 estimate (most recent i could find) which would rank 3rd or 4th in the world overall.

Jews of European origin (Ashkenazi, sepharadics that are actually from spain and not mixed north africans) is esimated to be between 107-110

All of this said, IQ is generally bullshit, shouldn't be used as an argument for anything at all

Do you really think Jews aren't victims in this global game of chess for world domination? Your people are used as pawns.

Sure, Israel gets aid, like many other countries. The US, like any other state, has interests, they don't blindly support everyone.
I'd say the only democratic nation in the middle east Does deserve support

I ain't watching this 4 hour shit, nigger.

Not to mention Jacob Javits has been dead since 1986.

Another lie.
You are not 12.

Only Ashkenazi Jews have an IQ average slightly above whites. And it could be argued they are not real Jews at all, but Kazhars.

Yep, just in the opposite direction

I'd say that the only thing you deserve is to be converted into a big sheet of glass.

You disgusting little yids owe EVERYTHING to us. Who supplied your weapons? Who gave you intelligence in the 6-day and yom kippur wars? Who deposed anti-israel local dictators?


Jews are among the most nepotistic people. Many of them are very successful and have worked their ways into positions of power that has trickled down onto other Jews over time. In a case like hollywood where there are millions of people trying to break it into the business with nothing distinguishing them, of course it's all about who you know and it helps to go to the same synagogue or be related to someone up there. They make their own little fucking communities just like muslims and stick to Orthodox religious practices.

BUT every religion, and even race to a certain degree, tends to be preferential to their own kind.

It's cringeworthy listening to christians, who personally work to benefit other christians, start claiming atheism is some satanic, Jewish conspiracy that made up evolution. Only in America.

I feel as if a lot of people on Sup Forums want to find some enemy for "white people" to rally against when they don't acknowledge Hanlon's Razor and the possibility that maybe, just maybe, people are driven to believe a lot of stupid things, just like they do.

Yh thats why you pussies have nukes right? You are so weak you need nukes to beat sandniggers Israfail. Not to mention no country tries to invade you because the US will attack it so again you cant fight your own battles jewish coward.
Kike boy I was making fun of how you nutjobs think people must have bad lives to hate jews, you people are unbelievable.


not a conspiracy, just self preservation.

Jews are stateless and try to form the places they live in after their demands, which means detoriation of said state.

A strong nation almost always has a hostile attitude to jews and their practices, which is why they were so often expelled.

Cultural marxism draws the focus away from them, allowing them to operate freely.


Nice pic. Only the top Nazi brass you got there all right. Definitely not just 9 guys nobody's ever heard of.

its called zionism

U jelly of mah nukes? Besides, sandniggers attack us all the time. Stupid fucks don't know guns beat rocks :^)

What's this for then?

>stop making us fight your wars
lel what was was that that the bahamas were in?


Weak jewish pussy you are scaredy cats you know the combined might of the sandniggers would eradicate you, thats why you need nukes because you pussies cant wint any conventional war on your own.
>But muh six day'
US supplied weaponry kike.

To make things worse you kike nutjobs have alot of nukes with bizarrely long ranges as if you have them for a reason you arent letting on like that Samson Option you have enough nukes to kill all of us.
American vacation bud.

Y U so mad, Ahmed?

Nice thumbnail, o great and mighty chosen one

America gives military aid money because it eventually benefits them.
American companies get huge tax exemptions for their operations in Israel, and use it to run expensive R&D operations. That is one of the reasons why since 2003, all Intel desktop processors are developed 100% in Israel.

Also, "free tech"? the U.S is the one getting tech out of this deal. The vast majority of missile/smart bombs guidance systems the american use are either bought from here or developed here under contract, they add a few shekels for it to go under their name.
Sidewinder 9x block 3, awesome missile, right? uses our electro-optical guidance head, fitted to the 9x under contract after Raytheon shit their pants seeing how the Python 5 guidance works.

I work in that industry (different division though) and see what goes where.
the U.S gets billions of dollars saved by funding developments here with a few tens/hundred millions of dollars.

So you have nukes too, then.
Lol just when I thought you couldn't get more retarded. WHY DO YOU HAVE NUKES??? WHAT ARE YOU, A PUSSI?

>(notice there are double places, since there are multiple countries with the same average iq)

mommy didn't bother to send you to school so you can learn to read, Santiago?

You are the only shithole in West Asia with nukes why is that? Why havent the Turks developed nukes even though they are the most advanced sandnigger country of their own merit? Simple because Jewmerica doesnt want your enemies to get the one up on you, not to mention the only reason you have nukes is due to Jewmerica.

Jews are so superior yet they cant win any war,, hahahaha if you punks were superior your kingdom of Israel wouldnt have ever disappeared.

Weird, because as far as I know, we won every war to this day, even when outnumbered and outgunned by angry muzzies from 3 countries.
t. American education

