The election is in 6 days

Who is Sup Forums voting for and why?

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I hate both candidates so much that I'm actually more concerned about how shit the internet will be regardless of who wins.

He says what I'm always thinking.

Does it even matter who wins at this point? There's gonna be a lot of nasty shit going down either way.

So Hillary.

I early-voted for Hillary.

The shilly one.

>Either we get 4-8 years of boring "safe" depictions of Hillary that no one can have fun with or else they end up "committing suicide"
>Or we get asspained depictions of Trump that make anything more right leaning than a pink haired faggot crying about pronouns be shown as worse than Hitler


were going to die in poverty and debt or nuclear fire anyway

A gentleman never asked and a lady never tells.

Who's gonna start the first fight? Trumptards or AntiTrumptards?

Trump. He's a crazy billionaire that hates aliens. Closest well ever get to Lex Luthor irl

Should have done a "favorite comic, who you are voting for" thread instead.




A church already got torched and tagged with "VOTE TRUMP" graffiti.

It's a blatant false flag that only retards would fall for

I could not give less of a shit about politics but somebody is paying me a hundred bucks to vote for Hillary.

I'm Canadian, so good luck.

Is he /ourguy/?

Lucky Canuck bastard

Sup Forums is probably farther pro-Hillary than the average population. It's pretty left around here.

As a /k/ommando, I voted for Darrell Castle.

Vote for Jill Stein. I'll pay you 200$

You need more luck than we do. Hope you know Chinese and don't upset the thought police.

And they burnt a GOP hq two weeks ago.
I could buy it and do you have any proof?

I'm not voting because I'm not a member of the electoral college so my vote does not count for anything.

How'd that happen?

I'll sadly be voting for Trump because I don't want to go to war with Russia. I miss Rand Paul senpai ;3;

>when it's the side i like it's just a false flag
Keep telling yourself that, trumpet.

First post, best post.

The next episode of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comes out in 6 days.

What anime is Sup Forums watching and why?

Of course he doesn't have proof, not that it matters to you, you'll believe anything if it paints your golden boy in a good light.

>he fell for the "war with Russia" meme

He's no Ron Paul. He's just another neocon.

My state has mail in voting, so I already voted for Hilldog, for a law that makes it so families can have mental patients gun rights taken away and to force business to give sick pay..

I thought this was gonna' be a Hundred Flowers dealie or something. Shows what I know eh.

Keijo, Occultic Nine, and Tawawa on Monday.
Because waifus.

That gun law seems like it'll work out great.

Haven't been watching animo lately due to time, reading Boku no Hero tho'.

Tell them you voted Hillary and actually vote for Jill Stein
Where can I get in on this Shill for Hill money train?

Yeah, there's a reason we're called Sup Forumsmblr.

>warned for saging a bait thread
I've been here 6 years and I never knew that warnings were a thing.

>Hilldog, for a law that makes it so families can have mental patients gun rights taken away and to force business to give sick pay..
Mental patients gun rights taken away is horrible. Before we met, my ex was raped and went to an institution because of it. If that law was in effect, she would have to decide between her mental health or being able to protect herself if her attacker returned. How is that in any way reasonable? Please stop your shortsighted thinking and stop stigmatizing the mentally ill.

Hillary is the only one who knows what she is doing. Letting Trump with his temper, talking to other leaders will just cause issues.

Same here. I wouldn't trust Trump to lead a parade, much less a country.

same here

I'm tempted to do that cause' I'm a DCfag and we'll go Democrat anyways.

>Trump supporter is the damn retard ballerina who wrecks everything she touches.
I don't know if this shit is intentional anymore.

>Hillary is the only one who knows what she is doing.

yeah, she's a real pro at this stealing and murder business.

I haven't watch an anime since...fuck, I think it was School Live!.

shuumatsu no izetta
Magic-kyun Renaissance
stella no mahou
bernard-jou iwaku
udon no kuni no kiniro kemari
long riders
Flip flappers
Watashi ga motete dousunda
shakunetsu no takkyuu musume
Families of the mentally unstable would have to submit it and then it's only short term. It's a restraining order for buying guns. Also I already voted so, no take backs

I'm Chilean so please stop messing with out country, whoever your next president is


Only their family can take it away. So it's cool, their rights can only be taken away on the word of somebody else.

>talking to other leaders will just cause issues.
Except the rest of the world already hates us while they neglect their militaries and let America increase spending and police the world. But they actually hate that until we don't do it and then they yell at us for doing nothing. Fuck the rest of the world.

Yeah, If you're not in a swing state, the goal is to get Jill Stein to 5% of the vote share so the Greens get federal funding.

Sounds good, meet you at the 7-11 down the street.

The rest of my family is very political and are really serious about voting. They asked if I had voted yet, I said I wasn't going to because I don't care, they argued that I should and eventually my dad said he'd pay me if I go vote.

I don't even know who that is honestly. I hate politics so much I don't watch the news.

Sorry, I should have explained further. My ex was raped and beaten by her fucking husband, who would have been able to take her guns away if this law was passed. Her own fucking abuser would have been able to remove her rights to defend herself.

Comics & Cartoons

You could report your dad and get him arrested on a felony.

there's two ways it can go:

Trump is isolationist so that will dramatically lower the amount of international meddling affecting our political scene, but he's also protectionist which means our economy might need to adjust itself to work it's own independent trade deals instead of sucking off TPP(something we already do for the most part).

>Trump wins
>Libel laws means Americans can take every news media and sue them to death, GOP on suicide watch and Hillary gets put in prison
>Trump loses
>America demands Hillary be impeeched for violating laws such as colleting foreign donations, mishandling government documents and cheating during the debates, and Trump rapes the media sideways with lawsuits over pushing fake rape stories

Shit, man. I wish I had your family.

I fuckin' hate Hillary and the left and their smug pathetic hypocrite behavior over the past year, where everything they've demonized, they turn right around and act exactly like. I think Hillary is a liar and crooked and might just have the least popular presidency since the time of slaves. I think she'll be more of the same, only worse, and I think Trump is a legitimate wild card that might maybe enact some real change and some of it might just be for the better, as we'll eventually run out of resources to tend to immigrants, etc.

....But I'm also a coward who doesn't fully trust Trump to deal with other world leaders or have his finger on the nuke button. So I'll begrudgingly vote for Hillary in that respect.

Truth be told I might not even vote at all. We'll see how it feels on Tuesday.

Donald Trump is a comic and Hillary Clinton is a cartoon.

Not voting, neither has earned my consent to run the country. But being in a blue state, I'm surrounded by demofags who think Trump is muh literal Hitler and ignore Hillary's career of deception because muh feminism. It makes me want to vote Trump just to spite them.

>Libel laws means Americans can take every news media and sue them to death,
Wrong. Libel requires proof of damages. If Trump wins, even if they were blatantly lying, there was clearly no damage done so it would be defensible.

>knows what she's doing.
>What is the Iraq war?
>What is Libya?
>What is TPP?
>What is the deregulation of Wall Street?
Best case, she's incompetent.
Worst case, she actually does know what she's doing and these awful decisions are intentional.

I am personally going to vote for Gary Johnson. It's a long shot, but I think it would at least be picking the guy who isn't a hot-headed pig or a corrupt cunt.

>So I'll begrudgingly vote for Hillary in that respect.

You trust her not to keep provoking Nuclear powers into hostility and seeding terrorism to fuck with countries?

just because Trump is kinda silly, you think there's more of a chance he's gonna do something even worse than what Hillary is proposing openly? to literally shoot at fucking Russia?

Mi negro. Pase lo que pase disfrutaremos ver a estos gringos hacerse mierda

Remember that the closest Johnson polling station is in Aleppo. Ask him how to get to it if you get lost.

I'm looking for the Sup Forums meltdown on Election Night.

It's an event that only happens once every four years!

I'm pretty sure that if she would have pressed charges against him then that would be impossible.
Just last month in my state a mentally unstable person bought a gun and killed 4 people, including a 16 year old that beat cancer so I'm satisfied with my vote.

Trump was for both those wars and will roll over for wall street like a dog because he's desperate to impress Manhattan millionaires who actually are millionaires

All it means is that scummy press can't hide behind MUH FREEDOM OF PRESS when publishing hit pieces on people, which means we could see many more Hulk vs Gawker cases happing in the next few years
And it wouldn't even be Trump who sues them, media made many more enemies who would take advantage of the new laws

>I'm pretty sure that if she would have pressed charges against him then that would be impossible

abuse charges don't do a damn thing.

>Hillary being ousted
>Hillary even being impeached
Yeah good luck with any of that because I'm sure after years of having her ass covered they'll stop all that once she becomes even more powerful.

>mfw same

Sup Forums confirmed for not shit today

Hillary is a neocon and possibly the most powerful corrupt politician of any western nation in recent history, and Trump is under-qualified, and both would be absolutely terrible leaders. Hillary wants more oil wars and Trump wants some unrealistic wall.

Though, given the choice between the two I'd vote for Trump because it'd piss off the smug "lesser of two evils" voters and the smug lefty voters, and it'd be great to see the massive damage control the establishment media and political establishment will churn up after all their years of shoving shit down the average American's throat, plus Pence is the better of the two VPs, Kaine is just a CINO talking-point establishment wallflower. The world must burn metaphorically, not literally.

Considering he outright said he wants to use the nuclear option, I don't trust him either.

You might as well stay home and enjoy some sweet, sweet cartoons. It will have pretty much the same effect on the outcome.

black man here

trump is a racist
hilary is a racist

im staying home

>Considering he outright said he wants to use the nuclear option


Maybe in your shitty state.

>tfw no one on the internet ever notices that it's congress with the real power and the president is just a puppet.

Nah my dad is a bro. Technically he's not paying me to vote for Hillary but he wants me to vote and he's likely under the assumption I'd vote for her.

You mean Gary "What's Aleppo" Johnson?

Trump - both candidates are shit and capable of horrible things, but at least under Trump it would be interesting

I went tovote last week and since then the nieghborhood near my job has been filled with nothing but Trump shit.
This is what i get for living in fucking Georgia.
But i voted Hillary.

I'm a programmer looking for work. Trump has said he wants to seriously audit the H1-B visa program while Clinton says its working exactly as planned and should be expanded.

The choice is pretty clear for me.

Except she couldn't press charges because then she would have been homeless and at risk for further abuse if he got out on bail or if the police decided not to prosecute or if she lost the case or a million other ifs. There are millions of very good reasons so little domestic abuse is prosecuted.

Seriously, you're helping women get killed by their abusers. Domestic abuse is horrible and you should feel horrible for enabling it. 4 people died in that shooting that this law wouldn't have even helped since his family still would have had to notice something was wrong and get him to a doctor (Oh, and mentail institutions can already stop you from buying guns, by the way so this law is at best pointless and at worst horribly damaging) while I guarantee many more than 4 women will be killed by the direct result of a law like that passing in less than a year.

The correct answer is Jill stein

too bad she has 0% chance of winning

Live in PA, conservative christian white middle class man, probably going to end up writing in McMullin. If he starts to lose in Utah in the next week I'll write in Paul Ryan.

I do take a lot of pleasure in being the main Trump demographic and 100% not voting for Trump.

>Trump was for both those wars

was he?

Voting for trump because I'm not a warmonger

Ah, so I guess women in my shitty state deserve to get killed for getting abused and voting for Hillary instead of moving. Thanks for showing your true colors.

No one. I am chilling in NZ laughing my ass off.

Estos conshesumadre se lo merecen

There is literally no argument on why a woman couldn't be leader of the free world.

Jill Stein is the only candidate that even put the word reparations in their mouth, so she's got my vote senpai

You really need to stop pretending domestic abuse is a gendered issue.

Already voted Trump. Stein's policies are stupid and Johnson is a raging sjw. Don't even need to explain Clinton. Also his plan on cleaning out congress makes sense.

>Gee Hillary, it looks like you're gonna win
>Would be a real shame if someone were to kill your career at the very last second