Gay is okay?

gay is okay?

Attached: LGBT RIGHTS IN EUROPE.png (1024x512, 89K)

weebfags must be burned

Attached: qeshurpamje.gif (600x450, 435K)

Yeah why shouldn't it be?
t. gay

being a faggot is still infenitely better than being an albo

Gay is purest form of love

The right homos should have is being able to have relationships and have their form of civil union, in order to let them buttfuck in the privacy of their own home and reduce their effects on society to the bone. Anything other than homosexuality should be treated for what it is, a mental illness.

excuse me I am gay and DO NOT appreciate being associated with anime.

those are 3 different statements, which one is represented in the graph?


maybe an average?

Being a homosexual is okay the same way being an alcoholic is okay, it's an urge to do an immoral thing, but it's not in and of itself immoral.

Faggots must be killed and their corpses must be burned to avoid contamination

>burn faggot corpses
>faggot virus is impervious to temperature (see "flaming faggot")
>fire aerosolizes the faggot virus
>faggot virus from just one faggot spreads over vast area
NEIN NEIN NEIN! You incompetent baboon, everyone knows you're supposed to douse the body in lime and pour concrete over it.


No, it is not.

Every male person on the world could become gay tomorrow, then all the bitches have to fight over my dick. Get out of the closet faggots!

Hahahahahaha where is that maltese gaylord now


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70% is still very high m8

Why are sweden and netherland so full of faggots IRL? g*rmanic shit genes?

Fuck you Alberto.