>tfw fascist and authoritarian now

What are they? Hmm.. I almost got it, give me a second boys...



Oh you chose to break the law?

>But, obbicer, i-i only broked da law cuz my bamily neded food so i held up bank wid gun
>not my bault obbicer i swear



Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck, my REEE got the best of me

>letting women vote

People dont seem to care that America will be northern Mexico in 25 years.

Reagan gave them amnesty, if that means anything to you. I just think its a huge fucking waste of time and money trying to throw millions of people out. Obviously serious criminals and rapists and whatnot can gtfo. I also know illegals who came here as children, live here now, work, go to college and live normally. I only found out she was illegal because I was talking about traveling the world and she was basically like "yeah never leaving lol"
Build the wall and keep new ones out.

As a side note, calling them illegals would get you thrown out of my women's studies class. So have fun with that. Its been pretty fucking annoying.

They just made sure to import so fucking many of them that almost everyone knows an illegal.

>I L L I G A L
better delete this thread friendo

erase the shame

>illegals who came here


OK I get it now, take your dick out of your mind you desperate faggot

I have no shame you cucked Achmed. Enjoy being a minority in your own country is 10 years.

On a legal level you aren't wrong. It just seems like a huge expensive process for a marginal benefit. I could be wrong but I haven't seen the stats. Much easier and reasonable to secure the border and halt it where it is. Trump released any details on his deportation plan?

also, would not hit, not even with a truck
my point is that there are plenty of them just living and working like normal people. Better to just get them to pay taxes.

how does it feel that you live in a country where you have several terrorist attacks in 1 week (several weeks actually) but your leader turns around and says she wont even entertain a discussion in policy change? Even if you are pro immigration doesn't that shutdown of discourse bother you?

>Obviously serious criminals and rapists and whatnot can gtfo
Invading a country is a serious fucking crime. Every single one of them is a terrorist.

>huge expensive process for a marginal benefit
>protecting the white majority of the U.S
>protecting the white race
>marginal benefit

What you're saying is probably exactly what Reagan thought when he issued amnesty. Now look where we are.

Based Sven. It is an invasion, you said it exactly right.


Fuck off Paul Ryan. If you don't bring ICE down on her ass you're just as bad as then

Whitebois love Latina pussy.

Literally not an argument. Try again toothpaste.

Why do we only deport 19% of them?

>Caring about taxes when our race is literally dying.

American ''education'' ladies and gentlemens

Not an argument. Romanian gypsy faggot education, ladies and gentlemen.

Stay completely irrelevant, where you belong.

lol no
Saying ridiculously broad shit like this makes you sound retarded. They are breaking the law but calling them terrorists is changing the definition of terrorism to some bullshit.

So many of them are here to work. The men stand outside in 115F and have to compete with each other for the opportunity to help whatever person drives through to pay them whatever they feel like. Women clean all day long. They will send money back to mexico or where ever they are from.

I am against illegal immigration and all for holding them accountable for their actions. There have obviously been increases in crime and illicit activity through these channels, but how are you going to call them terrorists when we have seen what some of the islamic migrants are shitting up in germany?

hahahaha, America confirmed for cuck nation.

>Foreigners break the law
>clapping ensures
>(((Goldstein))) Hey America, it's OK :^)
>77% nod in compliance

We're already deporting illegal immigrants, Trump is just proposing to do it faster.

Good luck trying to get companies to get rid of them though, the turn over rate of Americans in farm and factory jobs are high; immigrants (illegal or otherwise) stay the course.

You can whine about deporting them all you want, but you're going to run in to business interests and that's where you lose in Congress.

No one gives a fuck you retarded faggot they broke our laws and disrespected our country. That's literally it. THAT'S IT.

>disrespected our country

Awww, poor baby.

the fuck are you doing in argentina then?

regardless, the logistics of paying and executing all of that shit is still an important converstation. Even if im just uninformed about the plan.

I'm the child of a first generation immigrant who came here got educated and was very successful. I dont hyperfocus on race like lots of you guys on pol do. I want to preserve cultural values of some nations but separating those things seems like an impossibly nuanced conversation to have with just about everyone these days.

Muh feelings is the only justification. The fact is its the law and needs to stay that way. We have borders for a reason and if they want to come they can do so legally or fuck off.

>i do not suck mexican dick okay
>the only thing I know about mexicans are that they are ill eagle
>ill eagle

fuck idiots like you

rewarding illegal immigrants is how you get illegal immigrants

id be fine with trump deporting people who support illegals too

go make mexico/central america great for the first time

>broke the laws
Okay, I already said I agreed with this

>disrespected America
Not illegal, 1st amendment

I was just saying calling them all terrorists is fucking stupid. Especially from a Sweede who isn't dealing with the Mexican immigrants he is talking about. Yes they might be contributing to problems but they are damn hard workers and that his commendable. Is right about the farms. You should be getting more up in arms about the companies fighting immigration reform from the inside, you know the ones hiring the immigrants.Who do you think signs Paul Ryan's checks?

Just sharing my own experience with these people because even if we want them gone we should try and understand everyone's position.


heres the problem

Keyword: WORKING

I mean I was just trying to reach out to people more conservative on this issue than I am, typically works irl when talking about this stuff. You aren't wrong, although the equation changes a lot with a Trump jumbo wall.

So you support deporting people for having the wrong opinions? Fuck the first Amendment am i right?

interesting. Ill look into this later. Do you know if this is legal immigrants or illegal ones as well?

Why do burgers call Germany "cucked", yet you have shit like this in Murrica? Nobody here thinks ILLEGAL immigrants should get a right to stay in the country just because.

so you are butthurt over my opinion? fuck the first amendment am i right?

So fucking children and murdering people is fine, so long as you're gainfully employed?

Here is what I would do:

1) I would fine any business who has illegals working for them
2) For current illegals here working, they will have to pay a $10,000 fine and pay back taxes for the past 10 years. (This will make most of them leave on their own)
3)If they do #2, they will need to go through rigorous screenings and they will have to sit in a holding jail as long as it takes to process a working visa.
4) If they do all that, they will have a path to citizenship, which I guarantee will only be about 5% of them.

see, a fucking idiot

I refuse to believe there was a 7 point shift on something as black and white as immigration.

>The law should be black and white with no regards to human life and suffering

t. Underage

Deport them all. Liberals think they have some sort of right to say, as if we're killing them by sending them back to Mexico. When that happens, ask them to describe Mexico, let them outline how horrible of a shit hole it is, because that's the only way they can justify their feelings of allowing them here.

Then call them racist.

Get saltier trumpet

You're damn right you shouldn't believe that. It was 8 percent.

This can't be real.... Please don't be. I have never met a SINGLE PERSON that when this subject was brought up thought this way

You called for the deportation of Americans with an opinion. That would violate the 1st amendment.
user is critiquing you and trying to show you that is UnAmerican, that follows the first amendment.

Try to calm down user, your rage is making you attack your allies.

lol im butthurt? I partially agreed with you bruh. I don't care, I just think its a stupid opinion.

You are talking about having the state forcibly sending people away for thinking the wrong thing. Nice try at deflection but it doesn't even work. If I wanted to be a butt hurt little bitch about it 1st amendment protects me because its just words, not deportation. Deporting American citizens isn't protected by the Constitution at the very least.

You immediately lose an argument when you start generalizing. In the future, use words like 'some' and 'few'.


Silent majority :^)


Illegal immigrants are not a race

They are undocumented workers my friend

They couldn't get here legally because the current system is a cluster fuck but the jobs exist so they come to work and support their families

Wouldn't you do the same if you lived in cartel land? Or maybe you don't love your family enough to do whatever it takes.

well, i was asking for the specifics of the study that you got the chart from. It only specifies immigrant headed households. If asking for details from a demographics study that you cited makes me a fucking idiot then i'm not really sure what to tell you.

This should be stickied on every post

I agree, which is why I'm very happy Trump and Nieto came to understand that to stop Mexican illegal immigrations, they need to take down the cartel in Mexico.

Their loyalty isn't to America. If we clean their country up, with their payment and cooperation, the amount of illegals coming here would reduce drastically.

They are undocumented workers
They are also immigrants here illegally

both labels apply.
I will get kicked out of my women's study class for using one term but whatever. Its all because 'muh feels' which should never be taken seriously.

Split it. Build wall deport anyone commiting crime. Which hopefully deports from low job areas. Then give them a 10 year path pay fine pass citizenship test like I had to for getting out of high school.

Then let no one else in make a big fine for any company who doesnt check citizenship hell make a government computer that checks socials against a picture so they can just query.

Then have the government investigate anything weird queries.


this just doesn't make sense. this is like seeing 77% of people would rather criminals go free rather than going to jail

not buying it

>Wouldn't you do the same if you lived in cartel land?

So what? Wouldn't you steal food to feed your family? Still illegal. Fuck off

this is what they want though
to turn America into 3rd world cheap labor market.

What a bullshit poll.

Its kinda like prohibition. Sure drinking was illegal but after awhile it became impossible / impractical to enforce.

It's pretty amazing how Trump has completely discredited the entire premise of his campaign in 8 months.

>Reagan gave them amnesty,
No, he gave them an invasion licence. To get mere amnesty, you have to give up the fruits of the crime. Otherwise it should be called what it is -- licence.

It was never impossible nor impractical to enforce. Politicians wanted to get their drink on and decided to change the law for themselves without gear of getting caught.

Giving support to enemies of the state is treason, punishable by death. Deportation is a lenient sentence.

Mass Immigration equals Cheap Labor!

That is the reason for the Speak Easy on the hiring of illegals and the "just make them citizens already" attitude by most people who benefit from paying them low wages.

The interesting part is that they will at least have to be paid minimum wage and will have to be treated slightly better (they can't be deported if they become permitted workers or full citizens.)

A way to hurt the people who hire illegals would be to stoke class resentment in the new immigrants minds and a sense of hatred for their Jewish masters at the top of society.

Start by telling them to demand fair wages and treatment. Next tell them about Central Banking and Whom ever prints the money, controls all who use that money.

The Master Class can't beat a lower class that has been educated about Central Banking and Fair Treatment of Workers.

(This post assumes you want to hurt the people who make backroom deals to bring cheap laborers to the USA.)

t. Paco

My captcha works now yaaaaay

This entire election year, and last year's early beginnings, have been the best comedy show of my life to date.

No it doesn't make you an idiot, it only makes you ill informed about the subject. Any accurate data regarding illegals is almost impossible to get these days.

Why do you think the government has been pushing that same 11 million undocumented figure for over 10 years now? Do you really think that number hasn't changed in all this time with all thats happened legally and economically since then?

Its because the feds don't release the data needed, even if they have it, that's needed for accurate sampling for anything regarding illegal aliens. The best we can get is localized data.

****Require nuclear launch

Look. I don't care how redpilled you think you are, no modern country that cares enough to call itself democratic will ever forcibly round up and eject 10 million people from its borders. Even the most sociopathic Sup Forumstard must understand the base depravity of such a humanitarian shitstorm. What are you going to do, send the national guard to every neighborhood and tear away illegal spics from their homes and children, most of whom are now legal citizens? Amnesty is going to happen one way or another, whether it's magically conferring citizenship on everyone at once or sending them to an island off of California that's technically mexico and reprocessing them. Yes I hate the idea that we're rewarding law breaking, especially as someone whose family worked for years to become legal citizens, but we're never going to straight up deport these people. We can't. And we shouldn't.

The best we can do is build that fucking wall and restrict any further illegal immigration. Weed out the worst of the illegals; anyone with serious criminal background or ties to organized crime can be booted. But that still leaves the majority of illegals.

would breed



Just let them destroy the country

>ask for more information
>get called ill informed

Hey man you cited it. I was just asking. I understand all of the context that you just said. I just havent read that exact study.

>thrown out of my women's study class

Nigga come on

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You arrest an illegal for everyday crimes like a dwi you deport him not release him. That will take care of a lot of them.

For the rest you fine employers that hire illegals so the jobs dry up. Cut off welfare benefits and generally make most everyday things impossible for illegals all the while encouraging self deportation.

Finally for those that do really want to stay, no amnesty but you put them at the back of the line for the standard citizenship process. If they can pass and pay any back taxes they might owe their in.

All in all pretty doable and it wouldn't even take very long to bring the numbers down to manageable levels.

>base depravity of such a humanitarian shitstorm
enforcing the law is now base and depraved? just because some people think deporting illegals would be the wrong thing to do doesn't change the fact that they had no right to be here to begin with and are a net loss for our country

>>disrespected America
>Not illegal, 1st amendment

>breaking the law is covered by the 1st amendment

Are you imply that outright theft is the same as crossing over an invisible artificial line drawn on a map?

No equivalency friend; its like say murder and speeding are the same in the eyes of the law

I agree with this wholeheartedly, make it impractical for them to remain here and a lot of them will leave on their own.

it doesn't have to be door to door detainment/deportations, just turn up the heat on illegals and those who enable them (employers who hire them, sanctuary cities etc)


Get your stinky pink white hands off her. She's for breeding BBC bulls ONLY.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

They're not "crossing over an invisible artificial line drawn over a map " chump. They're taking up resources that should be devoted to American citizens that have been paid for by American taxes.

Your plan leads to the end of the US, either by foreigners voting away essential liberties and destroying the foundational principles or by all out war.

The reality is that while many people think that deportation would be "cruel" it is by far the least cruel of the choices before us.

Taking in refuse makes you a dump.

Our founders deemed of a christian society that welcomes all. Those are their words, traitor.

there are different levels of law-breaking, but illegally entering the country is a crime nonetheless.
a poem does not constitute official US immigration policy, and in the time that poem was written our standards for who we allowed into the country were much more stringent than they are today

>Those are their words, traitor.

The words on the Statue of Liberty are not the words of the founding fathers, imbecile.


Those are the words of a foreign Jew written a century after this nation was founded.

I'd probably bash your alt right head in before some illegal spic. You seem annoying as fuck irl

>You arrest an illegal for everyday crimes like a dwi you deport him not release him. That will take care of a lot of them.
Why would we deport someone for something we wouldn't even toss an American in jail for? No one goes to jail for a first offense DUI. We already have guidelines as to what does and doesn't get you deported.

>For the rest you fine employers that hire illegals so the jobs dry up. Cut off welfare benefits and generally make most everyday things impossible for illegals all the while encouraging self deportation.
Literally using government force to stifle economic development

>Finally for those that do really want to stay, no amnesty but you put them at the back of the line for the standard citizenship process. If they can pass and pay any back taxes they might owe their in.
current year and our system is an inefficient bureaucratic nightmare. no talk about immigration can move forward without a functioning citizenship process. Make it very easy for them to get greencards/SSN so they can pay taxes.

How many asked where illegal?
America is a mess!