Things that make you go mad

''We should not waste money on space, we need to fix our problems on earth first!''

Other urls found in this thread:

"Hitler was bad though, haven't you been to school?"


Fucking retarded non-argument. Why are ANY Muslims shooting people, blowing people up, or running over people with a truck?


>5 percent of 2 billion is 100000000

Even then, who definea radical? Just because a Muslim isnt a terrorist doesnt mean he still doesnt want to kill apostates and people who draw Muhammad. Liberals are just as guilty of stereotyping Muslimd as "Islamophobes."

"Its their choice to wear a Hijab, Burka or Niqab"

Not in fucking Saudi Arabia. Liberals are fucking demented.

Not anywhere my dear usabro.

yea but not all of them!

So yeah, if literally all except one Muslim were a terrorist, libtards would still be defending them. If one Christian or atheist does something remotely bad it is proof that everything is wrong in our society because white men.

thats because christians are privileged

I think you skipped your marxism class and might be literally hitler

>americans are white

always sets me off...

Part of me hopes the SJWs get their way and a caliphate becomes established as they will be the first to go. Marxists may tolerate Muslims but the opposite will absolutely not be true.

That's OK Abo.

>''We should not waste money on space, we need to fix our problems on earth first!''

Not thinking this is plebbit tier. There's literally no reason the government needs to waste money on space in 2016. The private sector is perfectly capable and ready to take over colonizing space.

Tourism and asteroid mining will kick start the space revolution. Not fags doing science experiments in low earth orbit.

We should devote 100% of our resources as humanity to space travel and exploration and other scientific progress, and 0% to gibs for niggers.

Space is a Jewish meme.
There's literally nothing of value out there.

If humanity stays on earth we have an all eggs in one basket scenario. If we want humanity to live on, we NEED to populate space.


This nigger serious?

Our asteroid belt alone has enough resources in it to keep humanity going for well a very long time. Sure the initial investment is a FUCKER of a thing to do. But any company that gets mining rights to any solar body in the solar system will be rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

People bitch about how we have finite resources. WELL GUESS WHAT, we have an entire solar system that has not been exploited.

The thing you aren't getting is that if the government provides a massive cash incentive to these companies, they're more willing to creep closer to the edge of what's possible. When it isn't your own money your risking on each failure you are willing to do a ton more R&D. So yes, private companies could take over, but internalizing the risks of failure would cause advancements to come in baby steps. Once those risks can be safely shunted away from the company, there's much less reason to just try crazy shit and see what works.

Reusable boosters are a great example. There's way too much monetary loss involved with getting them functional for SpaceX to have ever developed them if they had to eat the costs of each failed launch and redesign. They'd have stuck with single use boosters because it's the safer, cheaper route. Well, now that the R&D is essentially done its the new reusable boosters that are cheaper.

Wanting to keep government grants out of space research is wanting to willingly stunt progress.


Your pitch is literally "You should give them money so companies can try dumb shit and do it on your dime."

You yourself admitted that they still advance, they just don't do it fast enough to satisfy your Star Wars fanboy autism.

still finite though

Poor allocation of resources is an inherent property of government. Just look at the space shuttle. It was such a bad investment that it single handedly set back American space exploration by two decades.

If something isn't economically feasible for the private sector, it doesn't magically become economical just because a government pays for it. It's just a waste of resources. So many different technologies need to be developed and brought together that it is going to take an entrepreneurial spirit to figure out how to make it economical.

Think of the Ford Model T. People knew cars were possible but it wasn't really economical or even worthwhile for most people to buy a car. Think how retarded it would have been in 1900 for the government to waste a bunch of tax money making expensive, shitty cars. Various technologies and Henry Fords massive assembly innovations came together to create a way to make cars order of magnitude more cheaply and better. Similarly, we of course know what's technically possible in terms of space exploration but we'll just have to wait until someone figures out how to do it economically. Wasting resources is fucking dumb. The literal trillions of dollars of precious metals in asteroids is a big enough incentive that you can know that there are billionaires right now trying to figure out how to do it. Sure there's unprecedented risk, but there's also unprecedented reward. No need for government to waste billions of dollars making it happen inefficiently. When the economics are in the right place for it to happen, it will happen.

Your argument is correct except for the fact that a private company can only bring a limited amount of capital to bear on a situation.

If the initial investment required for a project is more than the company can bring, the project doesn't happen. This doesn't imply that the project is a waste.

There are certain problems that can only be solved when the entire country works together in solving it.

There are certain problems that can only be solved if the entire world works together on it.

The free market is good at solving little, incremental problems. It's bad at solving gigantic problems that have huge initial costs.

The best science is done by doing phenomenally dumb shit until you do something amazing. The fact is that there is an enormous payoff at the end of this race, and there's no reason not to run it as fast as we can. The thing that isn't quite clicking into place for you is that by dumping money into space, we solve a ton of the issues on Earth. The tech advancements and new resources are total game changers.

>Poor allocation of resources is an inherent property of government.
That's what my argument counts on. The government WILL be losing money short- and mid-term in these endeavors. That's literally the point of getting them involved.

>it doesn't magically become economical just because a government pays for it.
Feasible isn't a toggle switch. Say you have a project with a 95% chance of success and a project with a 85% chance of success. Failing either will cost you 25 million in lost resources. Succeeding in the first project still leads to a minor advancement, but the second leads to something significantly better. Its an easy pick. You go for the 95% chance. Now, say that failing the 85% chance project will only cost you 5 million due to government intervention. The 85% chance of success is looking a lot better now, isn't it?

>Think how retarded it would have been in 1900 for the government to waste a bunch of tax money making expensive
Not really related. The money in this scenario isn't spent making 'cars' so much as it is spent in researching and testing how to make better and cheaper 'cars.'

>The literal trillions of dollars of precious metals in asteroids is a big enough incentive that you can know that there are billionaires right now trying to figure out how to do it.
Right now there's only one making a serious run at it, and without outside funding it won't happen in his lifetime.