Explain to me in 1 meme or less why there should be a single poor person on earth given the technology currently in...

Explain to me in 1 meme or less why there should be a single poor person on earth given the technology currently in existence?

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John "I like 42 dicks dipped in my cheerios before I eat them" Green

John (((Green)))

White people should be poor because slavery


Why does the faggot in OPs image always look like he wants to cry?



He has the absolute archetypal cuck face.


because some people are idiots

because the technology isn't as good as you think it is

because scarcity still exists

Why do these people exist?

It's like they're born and they decide to lie to people and fuck up the world just because they can?

lol "Author" like he's some type of intellectual when he rights romance novels for teenage girls.

who is john green? what qualifications or achievements does he possess?

cause the world is a big place, and it takes energy and resources to move shit, and because there are a lot of talking monkeys that reproduce like rabbits.

Explain to me why so many parts of the world should not take personal responsibility for their own situation?

And also why they should not be expected to a) have less kids b) be self reliant and scale their societies properly.

Some guy who writes shitty books for teenaged girls and makes a show about world history that's used in many public schools to indoctrinate children.

If one were to redistribute all income in the world, that would cause hyperinflation.

Imagine every Nigerian suddenly having $100.000. Their prices wouldn't be the same anymore. They would rapidly accelerate, as a lot of money is chasing few, mostly low-quality goods.

thanks don

When you have that many citizens and can't feed half your population because you have too many kids and you are terrible at taking care of your own society, the problem is themselves.

>i saw a poor person, that's terrible
Yeah.. but the fault lies in the people he's surrounded by. Having too many kids in a badly scaled society with shitty infrastructure etc. End up not being able to feed half your own population.. and just expecting someone else to fix it like a baby crapping in their diaper and start crying..

We give them foreign aid they just absorb it like they're at a teet.. and then shit their pants and cry. They need to learn to stand on their own two feet, and stop blaming others for their own bad decisions..

They have plenty of ressources on their clay, plenty of landmass, what they don't have is proper management over it. They simply expect others to take pity on them and do it for them, but that's not how it should work..

Each nation should ultimately be majorily self reliant if you want to end global poverty they must have less kids and must stay in their nations and sort them out.. Vid related is why. youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE You can clearly see that the badly performing nations are pumping out 5x the kids they can feed, which just makes poverty even worse in their countries. And we're not going to take them hell no, they need to have 1 child policy or have mass sterilization after first child or not have kids for a while till their population is at a level where they have an easier time to scale their societies on their own and grow their own food and all these things.

We cannot continue for instance to have africa deadlocked because blacks can't into doing things themselves even with all the help they're getting.. as soon as people leave they just sit down on their ass and go hmm now what.. let's have 5 kids..

he wrote a book about being a beta orbiter who gets his heart broken by some slut and the book is based off of his own life and being a stalker of some slut who broke his heart

he ends up with the slut in real life because monies from the book about being a cuck

Having a child and these things should not be a right, it should be a privledge for working and acting responsible.. these nations that are the major issue are the anithesis of this.

You can't expect that a nog in africa that doesn't do shit to contribute to anything, not even improving his country should have the same level of income as a very intelligent and hard working westerner. Nor should he be given stuff just because he's starving..

Where the fuck do you idiots think the food and other things we get comes from, falls magically down from the air? No you have to actually put in quite a bit of effort to get that stuff done. Something they seem unwilling to do.

That has to end. If they are going to continue to recieve aid, there needs to be strict requirements to recieving it.. which needs to include sterilization/child policies to reduce their populations to a level where they can actually feed them THEMSELVES.. and then scale gradually from there.

*earned priveledge

Because science and technology divides everyone into rich and poor
If there was no technology we'd all be cavemen and none would be poor.

"Economic growth" is a serious meme in this country. Especially when it's artificially manufactured, and coerced through government interventions that inherently hedge us against future growth, and when we don't attain that necessary growth because of a declining population (something the liberals consider good because of overpopulation) they punish the people by importing cheap labor immigrants to keep the scheme from falling to pieces.

GDP is just number porn for do-good socialist planners, and doesn't necessarily reflect healthy economic realities and policy.

All inflation adjusted growth is fucking inclusive John, you cereal loving cuckfest.

People have more money --> they buy more and more expensive products / invest more --> increased capital for both private and government sector --> more jobs / higher wages / lower prices

But not according to John Green. In his mind, economic growth just accumulates with the rich people. They don't spend it, because we all know that money can only be spend once. They just sit on it and do nothing.