German Intellectuals Sign Petition to Ban Right Wing Thoughts


>Mexican intellectuals


>Ban Thoughts

Where you get minority report instead of minority deport.

>kraut intellectuals

>mexican intellectuals

Literal thought police
wake me up

Wow, that takes a lot of courage. I never thought they are going to ban Islam.


Google translate mentions left-wing violence.


>German Intellectuals


That's not what the article is about, it's about lefty parties not wanting to take a stance against violent leftists. Doesn't make them any less retarded, though.

>pirate party
Why the fuck do they pretend they still have anything to say in this country? They're basically dead now

Underrated Kek

how can you ban thoughts?

Finally, the ARYAN has reached the final stage of its ANGLO assisted self destruction.

For years I have waited in the shadows, watching, deliberating and praying that we will finally overcome your disgusting people and initiate the ARYANDIED.

Soon the ARYAN NATION and the people who inhabit it will be gone forever.


They aren't intellectuals if they support this

6 Krauts wanted to sign some declaration (symbolic stuff, from what I can tell) against right violence. Then one of them suggested to also declare a similar thing against left violence (which is on the rise in germany, e.g. against open racist nazis like plebs from the AFD).

Of course, those keks (SP and other scum) did not want to sign any declaration against left voilence.

Remember kids:
>Das Gegenteil von gut, ist gut gemeint.

Fucking left scum always think they're above the law, because they're supposedly morally right. God I hate them so much.

article is about a bunch of lefty politicians starting another ineffectual denounce the right campaign. When someone tries to start a similar campaign about lefty radicalism they all delay and dont call back.

no founding of a thought police, no intellectuals just a bullshit one sided government program

>Turkish Intellectuals

>our ideas can't hold up against criticism or open debate
Leftism in action.

Hitler was right wing, Nazis were right wing
When will this meme end?

Ahh, there it is.

>German Intellectuals

>cuck intellectuals

Why aren't they shot yet? Jesus!

Thread fucking related, BrĂ¼der;

Right wings not only should be banned, the fucker should be put in gulags. Their atom sized dead brains can't comprehend the benefits of globalization and multiculturalism. They fucking stuck in the iron age.