Salisbury Incident

So Int, Russian news website claim they got hold of a presentation from a closed briefing for the diplomatic representatives from various countries at the UK embassy in Moscow regarding the Salisbury Incident. Here it is:
6 slides (including title) of undeniable evidence and irrefutable proof.
About two dozen western countries and international organizations kicked out some of the Russian diplomats to show solidarity with the UK, after their representatives saw this report.

And what about you, Int? Are you convinced "without doubt that Russia is responsible"?

Attached: UK_Briefing_2203_p01.png (1333x750, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I believe that Russia did it but still the UK should have provided some solid evidence before making other countries expel Russian diplomats. I’m glad my country didn’t take part in this move.

>So Int, Russian news website claim they got hold of a presentation

So we should believe Russian news that this is the (only) evidence that was presented?

Go back to Sup Forums

Good point.
Well, they write that it was "followed with extended spoken commentary of the UK ambassador".

In any case, why not make the evidence public?

And I don't go to Sup Forums

my god

Attached: xjJKnF0.jpg (573x710, 170K)

Are you diplomat who being expelled? If no, why do you even care?

You are implying that kommersant is daily mail-tier news or what?

>croatia is in political war with russia
says news
what does that mean, cold war or just banter

That's not how a British government presentation would look. It's close, but it's missing important details.

Honestly this, I've never even seen a British presentation, but just looking at it from a third party perspective, i'd find it far-fetched that it was a governmental work.

And I also find it very hard to believe that a Russian news organization would've gotten a hold of this, without some mole. Which if it was a mole, why not give it to RT, at least they're more well known

i mean if it is a proofs how it's better than screenshots from twitter?

Yep. Plus if you read what it says it doesn't contain any details that weren't already in the news.

>First slide of the presentation is the crown copyright
>Random "Moscow" and date in the corner
>No mention of FCO
>Completely off brand

Bitch please

There aren't any news on evidence in the first place.
"I mean we're pretty sure" and "Well, who else could it be?" are still holding the case

There absolutely is. We're now waiting for the OPCW to independently confirm it.

Any day now.
Good thing you're patiently waiting for that.

This. So far this feels less like a 'We must defend ourself from the evil russians lets all band together and summon captain planet' and more like 'oh good this should give us a couple of months before we have to deal with Brexit again'

Attached: caricature_map_of_europe_1914_by_keithwormwood.jpg (1146x940, 606K)

Turns out, there is full transcript of the British Ambassador's speech from this briefing, it is sorta consistent with the presentation and it looks more reasonable the just the pdf:

*than just the pdf

Why do you pretend it matters to you? After the confirmation you'll still go on with THESE PROOFS PROVE NOTHING. WHERE ARE THE REAL PROOFS!

Attached: proofs.png (396x640, 115K)

There won't be any confirmation. Just a non-report along the lines of
>Yep, a nerve agent
>Nerve agents are bad
>Did you know Russia made nerve agents?
And then everyone will go the exactly that way with different agendas.
Is this your first geopolitics drama?

Oh, hi eestibro.
Hope that stuff is getting better for you.

Attached: 2648447219499.jpg (1024x576, 104K)

I know quite a bit about roosters and how you operate. As you quite well demonstrated you are already pre-emptively moving to the "these proofs prove nothing" stage.

What seems to be unknown to you is that no one cares about your roostering any more. You have spent all your goodwill with the west with your constant lying.

No need to use the 'you'. Only the government is operating the lies, the average russian is only deeply brainwashed..

Deeply inside they know that Putin does a lot of fishy things but it's rooted in their mind that to be a patriot they need to ignore their doubts and convince themselves that Putin is an angel.

>no one cares
That's rich coming from Estonia

I think they did to the politicians sometimes they don't go public in order to protect a source or if they think it'd affect an ongoing investigation (even if it seems unrelated).

Wtf is franch supposed to be there? Some elephant/frog/lizard?

>Good thing you're patiently waiting for that.
I think they said 2 or 4 weeks.