The other side

Have you ever had a change of perspective that really made you question how you could ever hold that previous opinion or belief, be it under the temporary effect of drugs or more permanent?

So with that feeling in mind... what if we really are the bad guys, as most keep saying? What if the globalist, multicultural, 'refugees welcome', 'only one race, the human race' lefties are right and have a truly enlightened perspective on reality and see the barriers separating us as mere illusions while we're stuck in an unexamined state of mind?

What if we're wrong on any scale beyond our mere feelings on the matter and won't see clearly until we let go?

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I used to hate transexuals. Then I fucked an mtf. Now I am a tranny chaser.

I think about this often, the only thing you can really do is try and remain as objective as possible and don't let your emotions get in the way.

Use facts.

I disagree with a lot of Sup Forumss bullshit as well so I'm in neither side of the camp to be honest.

Naw dude, your the good guy everytime an EU woman gets raped by migrants

Because I was redpilled for 10 years, went full lefty for another 5 years, and went back again.

Story short, it's all built on lies. It ignores so many human traits.
I am part of hardcore liberal facebook groups, and I know from experience the only way they manage to keep their beliefs are because they block out all conversation contrary to their belief.
NEVER been allowed to discuss anything that's not
And I'm even talking about groups that are supposed to be extremly open minded. Ie, drug groups, psychedelic goups, terence mckenna, etc.
It's cognitive dissonance all day.
When I've asked them what we should do about all the chaos, they simply say "ignore it".
Just ignore everything that's going wrong. Else they lose. I PROMISE THIS IS THEIR THOUGHT PATTERN.

There are people who wants to see the white race suffer.
EVERY other race knows white is the master race. All of them.

Other races and religions are abusing in group preference, while discouraging ours.
They blame whites for everything, like we do jews. Except whites actually did everything worthwhile.

What they are doing is destroying the west, the gentlest rulers that ever were.
If we don't fix this cuck, Asia will rise and rule with an iron fist. No mercy. They don't give a shit about anyone.

>tfw getting old

I used to be a rapid SJW and violent 'anti racist'
The redpill is the light in the darkness

Not really. I become more idealistic when drunk but I don't think that's what you mean.

Mass immigration, culture change, race change, etc.
>They are asking us to ignore everything.
Until what?
>....... (dont want to answer)
But it's
>Til we are no longer white and we lose everything.....

>all these ex leftists on pol

No wonder pol is so contrarian.

surely you've encountered at least one kike in your lifetime

a single encounter with a jew is all you need to know for certain that evil is real, and is operating in the world right now

whether that evil is merely their racial characteristics, or actually takes the form of a devil, is a question that is actually worth asking

>tfw still no gf

We have our answer, folks.

Kek has spoken today.

What's interesting is that the mindset of "Only one race, the human race" is being rejected by a number of American Leftist scholars and activists, who believe that race consciousness is important to studying the unique oppressions a particular racial group experiences.

I do think the Alt-Right is full-blown autism, but the "Globalist, Multicultural" Left is also chock full of delusional people. I do have faith that a successful post-racial society could exist if it is lead by a strong Leitkultur, but I do not think all cultures are fully compatible for peaceful coexistence. The cancer that's killing Europe is the Leftist idea that assimilation is oppression.

Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world.

When it passes, so shall we.

Everything else is irrelevant.

how old

I have to agree, speaking as a Jew, there are only 2 types of Jews. One's too stupid to realize they're brainwashed and destroying the West and the Jews that are actively teaching other races to destroy the West.

Effectively never let Jews into power.

Its time to stop having hope in ever finding one.

Self doubt is natural. Personally I grew up pretty blue-pilled. I took public school lessons and other such compulsory inputs at face value. Most everyone does. My perspective didn't shift until I began reading and studying works that fell outside the domain of what is considered a normal educational curriculum. The ancient Greeks and Romans led me to Enlightenment-era European philosophers, whose works led me to Nietzsche, Heidegger, and others. I was becoming more intelligent and more well read.

Eventually an interest in Traditionalism led me to Evola, Guenon, Bachofen, etc. By then I had completely discarded the vast majority of my old blue-pilled beliefs. So as I gained more knowledge I became less blue-pilled. This seems to be evidence that indicates that an increase in unconventional knowledge leads one to reject popular platitudes and beliefs accepted purely on faith or out of a lack of intellectual curiosity.

Obviously this isn't an air tight conclusion. But consider the things that you know:

>the media, most academic institutions, and Hollywood tend to push the beliefs that we describe as blue-pilled.
>the media, most academic institutions, and Hollywood tend to lie, falsify, deceive, and misrepresent. This is easy to demonstrate.

So, let GAY represent "the media, most academic institutions, and Hollywood." Let BP represent "blue-pilled beliefs." Let BULLSHIT represent "lie, falsify, deceive, and misrepresent."

If GAY ---> BP

Now we form a conditional sequence:


:^) really makes you think

>this nigga had to READ to get red pilled
>I was a natural born red piller by looking outside my window and seeing niggers chimp out

I didn't read too much I just took way too much acid and realized how fucked humanity is becoming.

There are far more people who grow up Left and Move Right as they gain knowledge and intelligence than the other direction.

Most have a moment or series of events that change their perspective.

Not many people are part of the right then move left with more information and intelligence.

In the current set of circumstances.


Uh, our fate's been sealed since the moment we discovered that you could get acetylene from boiling coal, and the petrochemical singularity had us in its deathgrip.

OP, Kill yourself nigger!!

>"male to female"

Nope I grew up in majority black area and had to fight blacks all the time. They would jump me just for being white.

Even at 12 I was truly redpilled and wondered why we live among beasts.

Interesting concept.

However it doesn't take long to count the non-white countries which value freedom, liberty, and the rights of the individual e.g. women's rights (taken too far in 21st century) gay rights, minority rights (again, used as a tool by globalists).

Sure pol is full of Nazis but a lot of us just want a reversal because so much is at stake.

Have you ever considered the fact that you might be baised towards authority? i dont know you just a rethorical question.
I think of it aswell, ive noticed that i think in repeptitive ways with small diferences hard to notice, a sort of mini evolution. I dont know what thinking even is fuck, i try to not adhere to any politcal bias, i barely know were the orignin of these things are though. I try to stay openmided, but i dont trust myself too much.
well you should be critical and openminded, whatever that means. They are clearly not since they openly say so and avoid anything else.
im ex retard autist, i fit in here.
I was a small child and found niggers scary. I liked to sound smart and as a six year child i said that chinese people (i didnt know asia existed) are different animals, my mom was a bit supriced kek.

When I look at you and Germany and the state you're in I can safely say no, so fuck off you fucking Daim bar.

Did they still have their feminine penis? If ot then that is really degenerate.

Hello OP, no I used to be a leftist.

I have also read a lot of the globalists books, written by their founders. What they want to do does not work, but instead destroys the west in order to make something new.

So keep that in mind, and no they are not good, they are just resetting the clock and keeping themselves at the top.

Ultimately it turns to feudalism and despotism and a new dark age.

Resist it at every instances if you can, and do not stop.

>What if the globalist, multicultural, 'refugees welcome', 'only one race, the human race' lefties are right
They aren't. Everybody who has had to deal with refugees knows this. Everybody. Some are in denial (SJWs), some hide their power level, and some state the facts openly.

Idk m8, I'm pretty fucking autistic. Seeing niggers chimp out in public school only made me avoid them. I didn't draw any conclusions based on their behavior at the time, because I really wanted to believe the "we're all equal!" narrative. This is how the cognitive dissonance we talk about on Sup Forums plays out in real life. It's safer for your mental state, your future career, and your social prospects to hold blue-pilled beliefs. Logic rarely enters into the equation. When it does, the false edifice of blue-pilled beliefs comes tumbling down.

I honestly believe that if a person is both intelligent and moral, it is impossible for that person to stay blue-pilled forever.

My opnion on mcanus is that he can be retarded at times, but sometimes he puts the edge just fucking right, and that is glorius.
Very funny guy at times, his podcast with joe rogan was comfy and exiting as hell.
Why did you post him? becuase im a pussy? i know...

It just showcase some of the leftist contradictions in a entertaining way.

I mean, where do you stop with this stuff? Where does the line go?

I have no clue really, i try to play devils advocate and leave a what if along with rethorical questions. I voted SD though, my argument was that it would provoce disution. (secretly i want jimmie just in the riksdagen so hard, he litterally talks about the swedish sports teams with the audience as if they were his bros, i want to be his bro).

To be honest, I think I became red pilled during my early years when I shitposted on places and was just a contrarian on a lot of shit just for lulz.

After a while I started to realize I out argue a lot of blue pillers even though I half heartedly believed in the shit I was spewing and it was then I realized what I was saying actually made sense.

I sort of red pilled myself.

Yeah its normal for people who aren't all too educated into the subject especially kids.

I'm questioning my views all the time: as for white solidarity world wide and ensuring the mere survival and future of the European peoples I have not a shred of doubt. Especially, if our primary opponents are like this:

More often than not good and evil are blurry. Noone sees himself as the bad guy, but this fight is easy to see clear.