Whites will brag about conquering the pre-Columbian civilizations of the new world with one breathe and bitch when it...

>whites will brag about conquering the pre-Columbian civilizations of the new world with one breathe and bitch when it happens to them in the next
Why are whites such hypocrites?

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Why is it that only whites seem to be able to into civilization? Africa sucks, Latin America sucks, most of Asia sucks. Why is it only whites who try and make things better for everyone?

In order for 1 in 3 Americans to be Latino with 132.8 million Latinos, the population overall would have to be the same. This info-graphic is retarded.

Enjoy your high unemployment rates in 2050.

asia sucks?

Nothing hypocritical about it, reality is not some childish game of "fairness".

latrineos are rock bottom and the nation will never be the same.

132 million by 2050? That sounds ridiculous clearly not accurate.

Yep, cause I'm sure those hardworking military aged male Syrian refugees who don't even have the gumption to defend their own neighborhood have a respectable work ethic.

>Breeding someone out of existence because of their infinite altruism and faith in you is "conquering" them

Why are shitskins so ungrateful?

why is it they assume the latino growth will be almost 40 percent when the total population of the us will only increase 25 percent? what makes them believe the latino group will increase almost 15% more than average? source pls

If whites were bragging about conquering the pre-Columbian civilizations of the new world, they WOULD NOT get conquered

They are being conquered because they feel GUILTY about it

asian countries are for the most part totalitarian shitholes

are you serious?

literally only japan is worth going to, and they're full of suicide, cuddle cafes, and their highschool girls regularly fuck old japanese men for purses or shoes

singapore puts people to death for smoking weed because chinks apparently arent human and cant be efficient without having no freedom, or something

because it already is so among newborns

I like fucking my girlfriend in the ass but I don't like getting fucked in the ass. Am I hypocrite?

so latinos have 38% more babies than any other race? lol now im really gonna need a source

You will beg, on your knees, for the white man to save you in 2050.

This ole swede sure hasent met many Mexicans. They can have multiple kids by a 18. Double reproductive rate as whites

anal is pretty gay bro

It's not my fault that every Pedro and Juanita are popping out 9 kids.

You bastards broke our shit and we have to start again.

Stop stealing our resources and killing our presidents and maybe it wouldn't suck.

But Amerindians built pyramids and shit. The meso-American also made big contributions to the global food supply and agriculture.

And they mostly came from Central Asia where the white man originated, too.

It's not as bad as getting invaded by sub-Saharan Africa. Latin America does have a lot of blacks, though.

Civilized Amerindians were ruled by Imperialist warlords of Central Asian descent... like the white man.

The Spanish simply continued that. The mix of the Latin and Amerindian blood retains that.

Hispanics work best under the firm leadership of a right wing authoritarian. It's in the blood... like with the Romans.

If you want the Americas to be great again you need leaders who enforce right wing, virtuous values and put people to work building crazy shit and find wars to fight.

Dude many Mexicans are catholic and don't believe in birth control and certainly not abortion.

Also many just get creampied constantly


almost every statement in this post is beyond bullshit

There is literally nothing wrong with being selfish

But according to officials of your country Mexicans are white.

Not Pedro and Juanita's fault that white boys can't compete. Admit it, you'd kill for our birthrate.

selective breeding has contributed to our success

>Africa sucks

hmm... what about the Moorish Empires, the Ancient Egyptians, Benin, Ethiopia, old Sudan and the list goes on and on

>Latin America

Lol look up the Mayans dumb-dumb

>most of Asia

you've probably never even left the US, pleb.

>implying you're not a bunch of self centered little shits

Just nuke the south fuck those inbreed fucker

haven't really, we barely have latinos here.. arabs are the mexicans of europe, only difference is some arabs actually have money

Whites are born hypocrites.

Hispanics reproduce like rabbits

>Bitch when it happens to them in the next

Except the outcome of conquest was vastly different.


>Hispanics populated North America pre-Columbia

kek oh yeah spics are stupid enough to believe that Native Americans were spics as well.

You were a remain voter weren't you.

> what about the Moorish Empires, the Ancient Egyptians, Benin, Ethiopia, old Sudan and the list goes on and on
> Lol look up the Mayans dumb-dumb

All those empires sucked

> but they built pyramids and shit for their kings

so what? The average Swiss man of 1520 had more rights and freedom than the average ethiopian could only dream of, and with the coming of the industrial revolution a giant gap in acquisitve power would develop

>And they came from Asia hurr durr

Yes, dumbo. There is more genetic diversity in the African continent alone than the REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED. So, yeah Europeans and Amerindians are related, but as related as Euros and East Asians etc

pitiful, Sven.

Comparing Mexicans to Muslims. I'd trade the shitskins with triple the amount of Pacos and Pedros in a fucking heartbeat.

In a lot of ways sure, but look at the cost. White birthrates around the world are pitifully low. You've built all this infrastructure, but for whom? You're not gonna be needing it, so why the hell wouldn't we take advantage? We'd be stupid not to.

All I see is White Whine.
You tiny dicked beta cucks lost the culture war.
Deal with it gringos.
Since I've moved here I've exclusively had white girlfriends.
I didn't plan it out that way, but it just happened to be so because I live in a predominately white area.
I never had plans to have kids with any of them but I have three children from three ex girlfriends because thats just how nature goes and I love each one of them.
Get mad all you want to.
You can't stop two people from loving each other, no matter what the race.
Its her choice, not yours you genetic dead ends.

White people conquered with civilization, culture, technology, and force. Same as the Romans.

The rats of the world "conquer" by seeping in, fucking, and spitting out children. Conquering implies that the status quo is replaced by something else, and in this case the third world rats are simply destroying, not replacing. They have no culture or civilization- only and instinctual urge to go where life is most comfortable. It's the difference between a successful species being selected for, and a cancer festering on the successful species. The third-world "conquerors" as you say are nothing more than a disease who are destroying the system they themselves are wishing to reap the benefits of.

you can have some if you want, we have plenty

They didn't really suck. They've left indelible marks on Western culture and religion. Take the Coptic Christians for example, who are closest in doctrine and practice to the early church. Also since when was " muh rights" a sign of advanced civilization?

This.If whites were trully the master race they wouldnt get wipped out due to low birthrates

> Also since when was " muh rights" a sign of advanced civilization?

That is bizarre coming from a Brit. I thought you guys were proud about the whole "Magna Carta" thing, even when you didn't have pyramids and shieeet

> White people conquered with civilization, culture, technology, and force.

In the case of the Americas, it was mostly disease tho. The same apply with the conquests of Islam, which main driving force was them spreading plagues with their armies

Keep it up, bro. Make sure they all know Spanish. Keeping our culture alive is the key to making sure what's happening to the whites today doesn't happen to us tomorrow.

Ancestors of Amerindians and Euros evolved on the Eurasian steppes hunting wooly mammoth and giant ice age beasts during the ice age.

The Eurasians should like form a brotherhood. The brotherhood of the Neanderthal bloods.

sub-Sahara Africans missed that boat.

Civilization, agriculture... share some shit in common ancestrally.

Time to for the Imperium of Man.

> mfw whites are so master-race that they realized the futility of existence

really makes you think...

>no culture or civilization

Have you seen the old churches of Cairo, or those of the Indian subcontinent? Or the golden sculptures of the Andes? Angkor Wat? Basically anywhere in Burma?

Consider the following.
>africa shows that places with high diversity will never cooperate
>despite africa being diverse, it has never selected for a leader strong enough to create a civilization of black, not Arabian, culture
The AmerIndians are the group most distant from Blacks as a whole, and clearly that's not a bad thing. They are most closely related to the northern Asians I believe. They're more like the whites than they are like the blacks, as the very least.

> Keeping our culture alive is the key to making sure what's happening to the whites today doesn't happen to us tomorrow.

How would that even happen again tho? Mass Chinese immigration?

And if you are talking from an ameridian POV, it ALREADY happened, in 1492

Top predator animals are slow to breed, have low numbers, and live a long time.

Killer whales... less numerous than seals, sea lions, fish. They also live a long time, have huge brains.

Are you implying American highschool school do not fuck older men for money

Literally everyone is Eurasian apart from Aborigines in Australia and some sub-Saharan Africans. Pff, like arable farming was a good thing. A world overpopulated by fat, stunted wheat addicts. Yeah, real nice

If the competition for the status "master race" can correctly be described as

>White cultures vs. the rest of the world

You have at that point essentially made the greatest argument for white dominance that I could possibly imagine.

We can probably jump to ad hominem attacks now and just call that "Brit" a paki considering his other posts.

There's no such thing as black culture or civilization, because Africa is more genetically and linguistically diverse than almost anywhere else. Both your alternatives I think are true though. Also many aspects of Arba culture as we understand it today borrowed from North African Berber, Nubian, Eritrean etc. traditions.

Nah, just whites against africans and mixed race people.The rest just basically sits on the fence

we will celebrate the inauguration of the Imperium of Man with maize, barley, and wheat beer.

>whites conquer the world because we're better
>a couple centuries later a parasitic element that wishes to enslave ALL of humanity buses you fuckers into our countries (playing on our kindness) to weaken us first since we're their biggest cockblock to world domination with the middle east and north east Asia next on the chopping block
Wew. Here's a hint: White people are actually the good guys, compared to what you fucked will get when we're gone

So the natives were so uncivilized that they had no biological ability to come in contact with other humans without being destroyed?

The Europeans could have easily been wiped out by Native diseases correct? But there really were none.

If the immune systems of the natives were so underdeveloped that mere contact with humans from other places would wipe them out, they were simply victims of selection.

The Indians would at somepoint encountered other peoples who were carrying diseases whether they were Europeans or not.

If the only productions of the "cultures" you speak of are essentially ancient, I think you are actually helping me prove my point.

What sucks most is that we literally did it/doing it to ourselves

And we could stop this at any fucking time
When whites whine we don't try to appeal to the so called "conquerers" but to other whites

Its maddening

Why, because it's impossible as a white person to see history objectively? You lot always go on about how lefties fail to see things objectively, think critically, understand and employ facts etc. but if anyone says anything that goes against the highly reductive narrative of "whites iz good we wiz philosophers and shiiiieeet. all other waces are stupid and dumb kek" can't be white.

Lol your just gonna make the country look like Mexico. Have fun I've given up, I'm moving to either Greenland or Iceland.

traces of ancient cultures always linger. Look at Middle Eastern Christians-- paragons of virtue, scholarliness and traditional values.

> they were simply victims of selection

No shit.

It was a matter of time before viruses BTFOed

So "conquering" is a crappy standard to judge the master race, as it is dependent on quasi-random events like indians being isolated from all medieval human diseases

If the standard for master race is "who creates the best societies", then non-whites vote with their legs and boats

You are not being very objective if you think mayans creating a pyramid before going extinct because of extremely bad agricultural practices is more relevant for the development of the modern world than the Manga Carta

But the natives obviously complained about us and fought back like we are now so we're not hypocrites?


Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race.

Hispanic can be a white spaniard, Colombian or Urugaian, a mexican mestizo, a full fledged nicaraguan amerindian, black Cuban, mulatto Dominican or Venezuelan zambo (mixed african and amerindian)

At least Mayans independently invented writing. Us Euros had to copy from the Middle East

it's neither, it's a cultural and linguistic identification

That is the thing: No one uses the Mayan writing nowadays

From a civilizational POV, they may as well never have existed

really makes you think

It's all pepper in the soup, friend. You may not know what type of pepper, or when it was added, or for what purpose, but you know that the soup is a little more peppery because of it

>what are the tartaria tablets

Whites were conquered by Jews, and the Jews are only using the whites themselves to conquer themselves. Essentially the only thing that could kill the Europeans was poisoning them into suiciding their own nations so others could move in and start their own shitholes there too.

and I forgot the rice.

The disease didn't hit the civilized mesoamericans that bad. They lived in congested cities.

Aztecs lived in a giant island on a giant swimming pool kept clean of mosquitoes by domesticated fish and salamanders.

- lived in water
- had to live near their own poop
- civilization
- ate fermented stuff
- crowded cities
- human sacrifices
- blood sports

They didn't die off.

Haha touché little Ameriblob, II'd never heard of them before!

>pre-Columbian civilizations

They didn't even invent the fucking wheel for fuck's sake.

ethnicity =cultural and linguistic blablabla

I'm a Spaniard and don't even share language with 99% of Hispanics, nor culture, but guess what, i'm ethnically a Hispanic.

Hispania literally means Iberian Peninsula, not necesarilly Spain, I was born here, so I have most right as anyone to be called that way. But, for most, Hispanic = average mexican mestizo. They can't go further than that, possible because of the misconception in the USA that Spanish people look racially like most mexicans, and whe anihilated the local population like they did.

Instead, Spain (mostly Castille but whatever) just stole gold and silver (later stolen by brittish pirates and mercenaries), brought diseases, Inquisition, brought some slaves (mostly the portuguese and dutch) and fucked dat sweet amerindian pussy.

That's why Hispanic/Latin America is ethnically diverse and USA was mostly european and negroid till 20 years ago.

The Aztecs were destroyed by superior civilizations just like they conquered inferior meso American civilizations before them.

They didn't conquer these people by slowly seeping in and destroying them like Cancer. They destroyed them by force and civilization.

And the Aztecs and Incas were in fact ravaged by disease, in the case of inland groups the diseases made contact before the Europeans actually did.

>Europeans cross oceans, build civilization in place of cannibals at stone-age level technology
>Hola ese, we jumped this border and got to stay as the serf underclass thanks to cucks

You never achieved shit without Europe showing you how Chicano

they managed without it. They figured out how to move big stones and cut these stones.

They figured out who to selectively breed shit and the like.

They didn't have large beasts of burden.

They could have used wheels but stopped using them for some reason. Who knows?

They had levers, I think. If you can think up a lever, you should be able to think up a wheel... right?

I've never seen anyone brag about that.

It wasn't technically stone age. They were beyond hunter-gatherer.

The sub-saharan Africans didn't have the technology, math, agricultural technology that Mesoamericans had.

they had...
- writing
- math
- schools
- farming
- could cut big stones and make shit
- could move large, heavy objects over harsh terrain.

Stone age means hunter-gatherer.

All other races are competing with whites on our terms. We built the field, developed the rules, and taught you backward fucks how to play the game. You didn't really do anything.

There is a difference between "conquering" and increasing the brown birthdate while you are competing in the system we created, and actually creating your own system that rivals our success on its own terms.

If the other peoples had any honor, they would reject westernization (like the Japanese *tried* to do) and beat us on their own terms. Simply competing with us in "our arena" is not conquering. It's nothing more than an honorless rabble of third world tribes and failed ancient civilizations being assimilated into our way of life and then fucking and giving birth at a higher rate.

They breed like rats and government only encourages it with the welfare

Stay salty burger
It doesnt matter how you fall, alls fair in lo e and war

Only when they're trying to inflate whites crime statistics.

>Russia White

Wew lad

they weren't destroyed. The Spanish conquered the Aztecs and Incas like the Romans conquered Carthage.

They got absorbed into the Spanish Empire and Hispanicized.

- they were spooked by their human sacrifices. Reminded them of Moloch worshippers.
- they had a ritual similar to communion where they ate sweetened puffed Amaranth with human blood that reminded them of communion. Reminded them of dunking bread in wine.

No matter how many Indians died to some diseases, some Spaniards got sick, too. Indian population rebounded and exploded. Lots of them ended up mixing with Europeans.

Spanish and Mesoamericans just sort smushed into each other.

No. Stone-age means they used stone tools instead of copper, bronze or iron. Hence the "Bronze Age". Metalworking was never utilized at a meaningful level in the new world.

It's pretty simple. Like either you're being facetious or your stupid kind of simple.

If you hit a home run, you brag. If someone hits a home run on you, you grumble.

Where's the hypocrisy?

Also whites only "brag" about conquering anything on Pol and only in response to the baseless bragging of other races and their meager accomplishments. Most white people everywhere are happy to pretend whites have never done anything good in all of history.lesson so that Paco and Tyrone can have a little self esteem.

>Mexicans aren't white

Spanish mesoamericanized the global diet.

Thai, Indians. Turks eat peppers because they got Amerindianed by Spaniards.

Europe and America smashed together. Europe drove a truck into the mesoamerican van and splattered European and American bits all over the world.

It's not so much about the materials used to make tools, but what the technology is all about.

Primitive and stone age = hunter gatherer tribal.

Civilized Mesoamericans were far beyond that point.

It's like mesoamericans got stuck in biotech with small fauna and plants. They played with living things too much.

Why the fuck do you need nine kids if one is a deadbeat and the other works at a fast food joint?