When the alt-reich says that Islam and Muslims do not belong in the West, this is the mental picture I get

When the alt-reich says that Islam and Muslims do not belong in the West, this is the mental picture I get.

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what funny is that their own god : Adolf Hitler , was actually in a close relationship with muslims.
how could they contradicted their own god? I don't understand..

Whats even funnier is that the US was strong allies with the Islamic world until 9/11, it's something both sides have forgotten.

New Reich.

then you're clearly a deluded piece of shit

Well it still is.

Fascinating. Does that mean you interpret the West as a fundamentally intolerant society?


Whats even funnier is that a a majority of Muslims in America voted for Bush in the 2000 election

The "refugees" will kill you and get away with it if you let them into your country, canuck

The Asians voted Republicans en masse too, the original Asian immigrants came to the US to escape communism, so naturally they see the GOP as an ally. Asian and Muslim migrants tend to be more conservative than Hispanics and blacks. Although they don't made up as large as a voting block compare to Hispanics and blacks, they still helped to propel the Republicans by election day. Asian and Muslim voters were some of the few reasons why the GOP don't need as high as white lead as they need now. Now GOP even even manage gave both of them away to Democrats.

there is literally nothing wrong with this picture

Strong allies? What? You don't overthrow the governments (some democratically elected) of your allies the U.S. has done in Yemen, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. There's also the whole Israel thing which amounts to little more than a U.S. colony. The U.S. has had an imperial relationship with the middle east and still does.

Stop talking to yourself bitchnigga.

Well leaf, this is what I KNOW about Cucknadians

Terrible bait, btw

Enjoy getting cucked with Trudeau

Not this again

Not exactly. Adolf Hitler liked Islam, but he didn't care for Arabs. He said Arabs were "half apes that ought to be whipped" and believed if the Umayyads had won the Battle of Tours, Europeans would've eventually driven out their inferior Arab brethren, much as they did in Spain and the Balkans. In fact, the Arabic translation of Mein Kampf omits a passage in which Hitler lists Arabs as part of the Untermensch category.
Hitler's relationship with the Arab World was purely opportunistic. He wanted to tie down Allied Forces in North Africa and the Middle East, and providing the Golden Square (an Iraqi nationalist group that took power in 1941) with military aid was an easy way to do it. Hitler had no real interest in Arab independence: the fact he planned on handing over the Middle East and North Africa to Benito Mussolini (who already controlled Libya) and Francisco Franco (who controlled chunks of Morocco and the Sahel) speaks volumes.

Why aren't canadian proxies banned?

>Leaf thread

Guys how do we deal with the leaf problem?

More than half of them are CTR shills

Look at Europe and middle east. People get killed for leaving Islam and being gay. People get killed in the US by a Muslim for being gay and attacked for drawing Muhammad. Islam is truly an ideology incompatible with western, secular values.

As for Hitler, isn't that proof Islam is bad?

Hitler also hated Slavic people but now Neo-Nazis kiss Putin's bootprints.

>A fucking leaf

cmon guys.

Were are the other wives?

You don't understand because the word "nazi" is a misnomer in this sense. The alt right is anything but antisemitic. Antisemitism is what made nazis and arabs buddies.

You don't understand because the word "nazi" is a misnomer in this sense. The alt right is anything but antisemitic. Antisemitism is what made nazis and arabs buddies.

tfw the Alt Right apparently aren't fascists

As they demonstrate, you can be fascist without being antisemitic, but nice try.

The only guy who was that was Mussolini (his friendship with Jewish fascist Ovazza) and he caved to Hitler.
Every other fascist from Chile to Assad was vehemently anti-Semitic.

I know, it says so in the comment, but that still doesn't make what it says accurate

Did you froget about IDs shill?

You corrected a bundle of code, well done.

when they get mad at a bot is when you know the post hit a nerve.

Looks good to me. I don't see the problem here senpai.

Automod is so much more than that,You cuck!

You little son of a bitch. Don't summon me in my sleep.

>Forgetting about IDs

I didn't say it wasn't a bundle of code that I love more than anyone else in my life!

What's with all the shit talk about (((Jews))) in the alt right subs then?

>Adolf Hitler a man who believes in ethno states would let Muslims flood his country
Admiration doesn't mean giving your home to them

They LOVE the (((jews)))!

r u 4 srs??

Yeah, they're not anti-Semitic at all, it's not like they use (((these))) or anything...

Wait, do you not remember the time that Jewish guy was like I'M WITH THE ALT RIGHT YO and in the comments section they said GTFO WE DON'T WANT JEWS HERE??

You mean the British Empire in the case of Iraq, French proliferation of thought in the case of Syria led by Catholic priests after the French Invasion of Syria PLUS worry and paranoia on Israel, and failure to get proper ground in North Africa in places like Morocco (whose Sultan rebuffed Hitler's plea of giving up the Moroccan Jews).

>The alt-right is anything but antisemitic
You are aware that the triple parentheses is largely spread by the alt-right? And that many members of the alt-right have claimed that Muslim immigration is a conscious effort by Jewish globalists to destroy the white race?

>CTR still forgetting IDs exist

I applied to the Armed Forces so I could hopefully one day drop my boots in the middle east and carve out a section of their own countries for these refugees to live in. I don't think many westerners are above helping people internationally when they really need it and it isn't to the detriment of our countries.

Unfortunately, my credit blocked me even though I passed everything else. The Liberals decided to reduce our offensive measures and instead brought the refugees here to Canada, which they hate because it is cold and rainy.

Can't fix stupid.

>Not recognizing an obvious troll


thats the point achmed


Cool taqiyya you piece of shit.


>It always depicts a family

>Not all the muslims are adult men
Please fix your image Leaf

>Whats even funnier is that the US was strong allies with the Islamic world until 9/11

What are you talking about? 9/11 happened mainly because a million people either was bombed to death or starved to death by American efforts in the muslim world during the 90s.

9/11 happened directly as a consequence of American hatred and as revenge for the murders.