Hideo Kojima's new metal gear title challenges Gender stereotypes by doctors who try to force their binary view of...

Hideo Kojima's new metal gear title challenges Gender stereotypes by doctors who try to force their binary view of gender on the world says competitive girl gamer Anita Sarkeesian.

Has gaming gone too far showing that men can give birth?

Fucking kill me.

wtf i hate gender norms now!

I would like to remind everyone that Hideo is the guy responsible for all the tits and ass shots that triggered SJWs in the latest Metal Gear game. He is a Jap, don't expect progressive bullshit from him. He is doing shit for the shock value.

well the problem is he works at Sony now so Hideo is under new marching orders. Keep in mind Sony is the same studio that put out the all female ghostbusters and that the President of Sony US says real gamers want games that challenge their ideas promoting diversity and equality.

Based Kojima

I actually wouldn't put it past Kojima to make a game that's actually all about gender roles.

You cant put Kojimbo under any orders he either does what he wants or doesnt work for you, he stayed with konami that long only ro release the last Metal Gear

Settle down, yo, you're obsessing too much on this kind of thing. HK has always made weird shit.

I believe Sony only publishes the product, but the development is done entirely by his new studio. So it will be mostly his own brainchild. This is why he left Konami, he has issues with listening to orders.

>You cant put Kojimbo under any orders he either does what he wants or doesnt work for you
meh keep min mind under caveats like promoting a positive social message SOny probably said Kojima could spend as much as he wanted and do what he wanted as long as he played ball and Koji always wanted to work for a movie studio more than a gaming company explaining why he is now walking the SJW line.

the scar is from his naval being removed, not giving birth
Kojimjam specifically stated that the game is about connections, and that there's a reason everything had an umbilical cord in the trailer
I think Norman's character has been "cut off" somehow (represented by his navel being gone), and getting "reconnected" is a big theme in the game

knowing him though if they force it on him he'll do his best to subtly satirize it
IMO he's got some artist left in him, he hasn't completely succumbed to kikery

also didn't he say that Sony is giving them a ton of freedom to do whatever the fuck they want?

>libtards can't into imagery and iconism
He's giving birth to himself

He had no issues with orders. He spent too much on budget which somewhat later turned Konami into like Sega or Snk(soon capcom) smaller.

Anyway Sony has more money than Konami.

>the scar is from his naval being removed, not giving birth
it was discussed in the previous thread that due to the male anatomy the womb would be in a different spot hence the location of the c-section scar.

>IMO he's got some artist left in him, he hasn't completely succumbed to kikery
Im not sure Hideo is like an artist more than giving direction? He didnt design any of the MGS characters or the look of anything, he more approved it to make sure it had the right direction far as I know?

>Anyway Sony has more money than Konami.

How long until Koji bankrupts Sony like he almost left Konami?

>discussed in a previous thread
so more pure speculation from tumblrinas that runs contrary to what the creator has stated

With Sonys own woes, maybe soon. I would expect them to sell off the PS brand.

>competitive girl gamer
Yeah, nah. She's just a cunt who cries about how sexist games are.

>With Sonys own woes, maybe soon. I would expect them to sell off the PS brand.

Did you hear about how recently they sold off their software like sony vegas and other interests? In america they closed most if not all of the Sony stores because they couldnt afford to keep them open.

i would pay good money to have been in the room when Kojima pitched this idea to Sony

>i would pay good money to have been in the room when Kojima pitched this idea to Sony
Im still wondering what he said to norman Reedus to act out the scene.

my impression was that he was some kind of science experiment by those things floating in the sky at the end. if he did give birth to that baby, it was because those wanted to see what would happen

i don't think they would do that. it's their only money maker anymore. if anything they would downsize until Sony is just PS, nothing else

Yeah that and Sony xperia woes and many others. Their own movie divison had to make a deal with Disney to keep spiderman happening.

Their Console Market is doing so well in Japan, Ps4 sales is very slow.

i honestly think he just made some random shit up, just so Sony could show Kojima at E3

From what insiders are saying, Sony is looking to make a big push into the handheld market putting much of their remaining resources into the Vita as a consumer device for everyday people they could take anywhere.

Vita is the red headed step child of the PS brand

They have to pay off debt, so selling will do. They been in the red for a long while and it's killing them.

Mostly Japanese companies shrink or disband. They could just become a game developer.

Just like that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

I think hes trying to show a biblical armageddon. The bible mentions things like man giving birth and the seas turning red (dead fish)

forbes says the vita is the most successful gaming product Sony has. compared to the cost of development of their consoles with the tiny profit if any from an ever shrinking platform its no wonder their going vita.

Sony has said they plan to unveil a subscription service in Japan for the Vita. Users who buy into the platform will be able to watch any show from TV that is free on the handheld device through the subscription instead of watching them at home.

Nobody can beat the 3ds in Japan or the Portable market.

Rumours state that Nintendo is going to merge the console and Portables together and have lots of third party support unlike the Wii U did.

That will kill the Sony brand even more.

>Rumours state that Nintendo is going to merge the console and Portables together
that sounds horrible user! or maybe genius since developers will be able to afford to make good games without wasting half the budget on some new engine noone knows how to use?

yeah, isn't the NX supposed to be a sort of Wii U/DS crossbreed
it'll be interesting to see how it works and how successful it is

Hideo Kojima has lost the plot. When you read about his perfectionism on MGS V, wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on chasing down just the right original orchestral composition, instead of giving the game a plot, or fun lasting gameplay. He's too up his own ass.

>Getting excited for a game that won't be out for at least two years.

>wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on chasing down just the right original orchestral composition
Never even noticed it in game.
Also keep in mind he sent a team to africa and afganistan to bring back small rocks to photograph and laser scan for use in the game to make it authentic. ITS A FUCKING ROCK!

Yeah, it would be cheaper and less gaps in release schedule.

I'm thinking it's going to be like the Ipad or other tablets (theyr outselling pcs now) but it connects to the tv if you want it too. Might even use carts as it rumoured to be using.

didnt the last MGS take 5 years due to how he spent years making the helicopter interior?

>people actually thought kojima was a good writer

>Yeah, it would be cheaper and less gaps in release schedule.
Im okay with this, nintendo does well due to this and would love to see it done more widely. only thing that always puts me off buying one is how overly child friendly the platform is with censorship and all that because western kids are dumb.

Sony literally will do anything to make a dollar. They don't actually care about pushing platforms unless they think it will make money. They've learned what will and what won't.

>>people actually thought kojima was a good writer
Salon did call Hideo Kojima a brilliant luminary in the literary world due to his contributions in promoting gender equality.

It was announced in 2010 or 2011. But MGS V was split into two games that came out in two separate years. I don't expect Stranding out until 2019. They also released so many trailers that almost the whole plot was spoiled.

Does the word "gender" even have a purpose anymore?

>They don't actually care about pushing platforms unless they think it will make money
I dont get this statement since if Sony wanted to make money whats with fembusters? what is with this weird male birth thing again for SJW's.... seems like they dont want money since they keep losing it by the billions.

Also, I bought Sony shares 7 years ago when it dropped from 35 to 26 dollars a share. In 2013 it dropped to 11 a share. Over the past 3 years they've been making bank and are back up to where they were before they dropped. I sold at 30, but they're at ~35 now. I doubt investors are worried about them and they aren't going anywhere

>They also released so many trailers that almost the whole plot was spoiled.
I just played MGSV... what effen plot? it makes no sense it seems more like its made bya child with a bunch of ideas but nothing connecting them at all.

You forget they published PIXELS a year before ghostbusters which was full of LE EBIN MISOGYNIST VIDEO GAME TROPE AND WOMEN HATING ADAM SANDLER + FRIENDS.

They have no political bias, they're just tossing their hats into all rings to see what works best. They already said they wouldn't do a ghostbusters sequel because it didn't make enough money. Sony doesn't give a shit.


>They already said they wouldn't do a ghostbusters sequel because it didn't make enough money. Sony doesn't give a
You mean a direct sequel right? sony seriously effed up burning Reitman causing many directors and writers to take notice. So far their still moving forward with Reitman to keep on good terms in Hollywood with the future ghostbusters animated show about hmmm i think its 20 or 50 years in the future with flying cars and stuff. that is what reitman wanted in the original but you know those budgets :P no cgi back then.

Nobody would've cared about this 10 years ago. But with the normie invasion games became a political mirror for most of you guys here.

I just want some good games with interesting story and innovative elements


>I just want some good games with interesting story and innovative elements
There is Mafia 3 a game about the Italian mafia where you play as an african american orphan who kills white people.

I love seeing these threads. Kojima is a literal genius. Anybody that played and understood MGS2 knows that. He is going to appeal to the SJWs in the pre-release trailers and absolutely redpill them in the game. I can't wait honestly.

That describes the whole series. MGS 4 had every 'cool' thing Kojima could think of. Clones, nanomachines, ghosts, brainwashing, cyborgs, giant robots, tentacle monsters, government conspiracy. Making a coherent plot is the last thing he's worried about

Kojima said this game was going to be like the division fuck him this will suck.

>He is going to appeal to the SJWs in the pre-release trailers and absolutely redpill them in the game.
not doubting you but like in what world could he write a cohesive story anyone but us autists could follow and understand?

hideo kojima being hideo kojima
he and few others are resurrecting the game industry in japan

I actually like the kid-friendliness of Nintendo consoles, it's a refreshing break from all the degeneracy you get in most games today
sometimes I just want to sit back and play something completely innocent and free of bullshit social commentary like Super Mario or Zelda

Seriously and I do mean seriously, it would be badass if snake went intergalactic with some kind of alien UFO stealth game.

>sometimes I just want to sit back and play something completely innocent and free of bullshit social commentary
Epic point, the best part of gaming is playing the game. Saints row did a great job at being a game but that isnt on nintendo right? or ya know just brain dead killing action super fun like the old nintendo had with contra and all that, there doesnt seem to be anything like that anymore on their consoles? think or have they said anything about being more inclusive to a bigger audience?

kazuo hirai is the cheif reason of their profits are up.

All their other divisions are declining.

Sorry Anita but this is definetely not a C-section scar.

Kojimas baby was aborted

He has to reconnect to his baby

his baby is silent hills

Next game is going to be horror.

>All their other divisions are declining.
or non existent since they just sold off their software stuff. what is left sony actually owns? THEY ONLY MADE ONE SUMMER MOVIE AND IT FLOPPED WITH OVER 200 million in losses and a billion dollar loss to the company through the damage to one of the only IP's they owned that generated revenue.

>game trailer
>strange dream sequence
>taking it as "man literally gives actual birth to child"

Goddamn, people are fucking dumb.

SJW shit just isn't profitable.

Pixels tanked, and then some retard decided girlifying ghostbusters and trying to virtue signal blackmail people into seeing it would work.

Paul Fieg will be gassed and Sony Pictures will be bought for pennies on the dollar by a white nationalist businessman 15 years from now.

another slide thread
sage and hide

He has his own niche of fans worldwide that'll buy his shit even if the whole thing was a snuff film. I don't think he has to worry much about pandering to a wider audience. This seems to me more like a political stunt than pandering to the trend but I guess we'll see.

>Paul Fieg will be gassed and Sony Pictures will be bought for pennies on the dollar by a white nationalist businessman 15 years from now.
thats pretty generous user, I was thinking more like a year or so. When bubbles like that burst in business they burst big never going out with a whimper. That whole bigger they are bigger they fall kind of thing since they collapse from the inside unable to financially feed their own behemoth of a corprotocracy.

Yeah, they sold Magix off didn't they? Only thing that is profitable is their American and European gaming division and their respective consoles in those regions.

Their Japan Divison only sold around 3 million units so far and it's verry slow.

Most prefer the 3ds in Japan because it's portable just like most smartphones and tablets.

It's some what like when Americans got sick of Arcades. A historical footnote in culture.

Ghostbusters lost $70 million in theaters but they'll be able to recoup $20 million through home video and licensing deals. It's not like they're going bankrupt. It's a bigger blow to their pride than their wallet.

>Yeah, they sold Magix off didn't they?
close enough, Magix is the company that bought the sony software stuff like Vegas etc...

>It's some what like when Americans got sick of Arcades. A historical footnote in culture.
I think in America or at least in my state in Montana all arcades were banned due to sex offenders who could prey on children in an arcade.

At least we'll always have Metal Gear 2 and Policenauts.

What the fuck, Kojima. Why is that douchebag from The Walking Dead in my Metal Gear games now?

Seriously, I fucking quit. MGS is turning SJW.

>Ghostbusters lost $70 million in theaters but they'll be able to recoup $20 million through home video and licensing deals.
I wouldnt hold my breath on them making over 100 million in home sales and licensing, that just isnt gonna happen user... and doesnt make up for the long term damage to the IP itself where ghostbusters is now not seen as cool anymore, no more converse contract all gone because no sales.

you mean lethal weapon the game?

Lethal Weapon that tastes like Gundam. Also honk honk.

it is an awesome mix, if konami was smart they would smash those to PC and modern platform... never met anyone who hated those games, how weird konami is to turn down all that money.

I guess, but there was a massive disinterest in the late 90's that carried on to today which ended them mostly everywhere in the western world.

I don't see any in Canada unless it's very rare. My citie used to have many and now they're gone due to lack of profits and maybe the rise of secularism.

Motherfucker predicted the rise of censorship via political correctness in MGS 2 as well as online communities insulated from the truth while letting only a little trickle through.

A script written by the 90s. Motherfucker deserves the title.