Has R-Rated or 18+ animation ever been done as good as Sausage Party before? Doesn't matter if anime or elsewhere...

Has R-Rated or 18+ animation ever been done as good as Sausage Party before? Doesn't matter if anime or elsewhere, just anything in general.

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killbill vol 2

sausage party was shit

Hell and Back was alright. Movie itself wasn't amazing, but still enjoyable, and the stop-motion was excellent.

>Has R-Rated or 18+ animation ever been done as good as Sausage Party before?

Yes. Unless you conflate "18+ animation" with "tryhard comedy with lots of cussing and sex jokes" - and even then, the South Park movie has it beat - there's a ton of movies and shows that are so, so much better than Sausage Party.

Get some fucking standards, son.

What standards? How come even though I've tried dipping into animation people claim are "deep" its all pretentious boring ass garbage?

I only really find fun in humorous things like Sausage Party or Family Guy.

Fritz the Cat (1972)
Heavy Traffic (1973)
Fantastic Planet (1973)
Coonskin (1975)
American Pop (1981)
Team America: World Police (2004)
Waltz with Bashir (2008)
The Congress (2013)

lol Ralph Bakshi is probably too deep for you

>Family Guy

Well there's part of your fucking problem, dumbass. Like I said: Get some fucking standards, son.

>ctrl+f "heavy metal"
>0 results

Waltz with Bashir is some heavy shit

How much shit do you have in your eyes to think Sausage Party was good?

It's at least better than Kubo

Bakshi basically has adult animation cornered on all ends

Dante's Inferno (2007).

That's from volume 1 faggot.


But for non retarded anons browsing this thread, check out
Anything by René Laloux
Anything by Satoshi Kon
It's such a beautiful day
Grave of the Fireflies
A Waking life (does this count since it uses rotoscoping?)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, might post later if something comes to mind.


Yeah, Grave of the Fireflies was very depressing.
I was actually shocked that it was considered an All Ages movie in most of Asia.

And even then, it's not an 18+ or R rated animated movie, it's only PG-13 at most.

It was good, maybe it wasn't your style of comedy but for what it was, it was really creative, fun to look at, it moved pretty fast, it had a really good song and interesting ideas all around.

You can't say that this is some cheap cash in movie, you can tell the effort that was put into this.

And having that amound of offensive humor in an animated movie in 2016, the PC year? Cherry on the top, I don't know how you can't appreciate that

Miffed me, but not enough to rage.


Much much better in fact. I honestly think Sausage party may be the worst movie I've ever seen. It was in that horrible middle ground of not being shitty enough to be entertaining but not being good enough to be watchable. You can tell Seth wrote it high with his friends and for some reason nobody punched up the script. If you took half the swear words out of it you might have a halfway entertaining movie.

You're right, I misread the OP and thought he wanted adult oriented animation, but he specifically wants 18+ or R rated. So I guess that means he absolutely wants crude jokes and/or overt sexuality. My mistake.

I unironically enjoyed this up until Mila Kunis's character showed up. The Orpheus plot brought the whole movie to a grinding halt.

>It was good
But it wasn't.

>Sausage Party is bad
stop this shitty meme and stop pretending you care for canadian animators
the only reason Sup Forums doesn't like this movie is because it doesn't have enough waifubait

>defending dude weed lmao

>Sausage Party is better than Kubo
You are an idiot for believing that.

damn user you sure showed me

This right here.

Was South Park's movie rated R? Because that was pretty great.

I still think heavy traffic is one of the best adult animations ever made. Hard to imagine it was made in america sometimes.

Also He good lookin' but that was such a sordid mess that it's almost better to be completely forgotten.


These arguments are incredible.

So you're an idiot

Yeah, plus they made fun of native americans with that firewater joke. that shit is fucked up, dude

it was rated Y-7

they made fun of everyone, even jews. At least Firewater was a likable character

nah man, its fucked up, natives have a huge problem with alcohol in their community. fuck seth rogen!! i hope he never fucking gets work again

Exactly, this board won't know what has hit it when it wins the Oscar.

Are you 12? Sausage Party was shit.

> Hahaha! Swearing food stereotypes, forced atheist message, rape, orgies, torture porn. SO EDGY GUYZ.

Love how opinions that one disagrees with can be disregarded by saying it's a meme.

Also, liking Sausage Party is a meme.

Team America technically wasn't animation, they were filming puppets in live action.

the only good part was the douche, everyone else sucked.

In what country do you live in?

I think it was rated 6+ in Netherlands.

>forced atheist message
so you didn't even watch the movie

come on OP, try a little


Akira is rated R.

Akira is fucking garbage only notable for its animation and art.

[damage control intensifies]

>cartoon that's notable for its animation and art
>fucking garbage
Pick one.

remember people still watch cartoons for the stories they tell.

It's just kind of telling me something when usually asking someone about Akira in that regard they'll only spout "lel mindscrew."

I really hate that movie.

>How come even though I've tried dipping into animation people claim are "deep" its all pretentious boring ass garbage?
Maybe you're an ADHD idiot. Or maybe you not appreciating something doesn't make it bad.

The funny thing is that the makers actually think "Sausage Party" is going to jumpstart a new wave of R-rated animated films.

>in animation
And no, Pootopia will get it.

Isn't it the most succesful movie of that category at the box office?
It's still pretty niche-type numbers, but still.

Yes, there has been.

But that said, they did make the best Sup Forums movie villain of this year.

I'm serious.

Seconding this. He was legitimately unsettling. I think it's mostly because of the juice box scene but the douche was the one of the creepiest animated characters I'd seen in a while.

>That part where he's just fucking murdering the alcohol aisle to gain power

Shit was a solid B plot and kind of enjoyable in a horrifying sort of way.

>A Waking life (does this count since it uses rotoscoping?)
Of course. Why wouldn't it?

>this fucking thread

>tfw too intelligent for Sup Forums

Rotoscoping isn't real animation.

Is Motion Capture real animation?

It would actually appear so: "Sausage Party", despite only barely cracking the Top 100 Top Grossing Animated Films list (it's #92), it remains the top grossing R-rated animated film of all time. "South Park" doesn't hit the list until #134.

It's just "Waking Life". But I'd consider it animation, though at that crossroads between animation and live action that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" resides upon.

Maybe. Probably not. It's at least more real than rotoscoping.

Maybe you can help me smartanon, what the fuck was actually going on in The Congress?

Success doesn't equal quality, user. The Bayformers films should've taught you that.

Try Lascars OP.


I'm being completely serious here, his rivalry with Frank was more believable than the rivalries in Civil War and BvS.

Nobody implied it did, stop trying to sound smarter than you are and learn to follow a reply chain.

that wasn't a ''''rivalry''''' you dumbfuck, Douche was just out for revenge

I wanted El Superbeasto to be better than it was.

Yeah well, so what?

It honestly doesn't matter how you get to the gold, pal. All you have to do is beat the leprechauns and jews.


Question: Does anime count as real animation?

Obviously. Why wouldn't it?

Well, is it animated? Does anime exist?

If the answer to both of those questions is yes, then it's obvious, my friend.

of course not, anime isn't real

because there's nothing of value to come out of anime but when it comes to discussion of shit like this, people love to pick examples from there most

Like remember pic related? Even if it might not necessarily be 18+, people for a time praised it as some landmark in feats of animated visuals.

But it's so shit to me.

You're a fucking retard and I hope you kill yourself.

This is literally above everything else except Shakespeare.

>tfw I own it on Laserdisc

Yes, of course it does. Why wouldn't it count as animation?

>because there's nothing of value to come out of anime
What are you talking about?

>people for a time praised it as some landmark in feats of animated visuals.
I've never seen that happen. All the praise is related to its story. The visual style was not new for Shaft productions.

>thinking Sausage Party even has a chance of being nominated, much less winning

Zootopia's taking that shit, son. I'd bet my left nut on it.

because that shit belongs on Sup Forums
Just let this thread die if you can't come up with other western animated movies

>because that shit belongs on Sup Forums
How does that mean anime is not real animation?

>Just let this thread die if you can't come up with other western animated movies
OP said: "Doesn't matter if anime or elsewhere, just anything in general."

>because that shit belongs on Sup Forums

That doesn't make it "not animation", user.

well how much of a fucking retard do you even have to be to ask if anime is real animation? what else is it supposed to be??

>well how much of a fucking retard do you even have to be to ask if anime is real animation?


I was not the one who asked that.

yes why the fuck would you ask this? is the frame rate too low or what?

that was shit , i wanted to puke



Anime has been doing far better R rated stories for decades.

>"Maybe I shouldn't call them fucking idiots, even though they're all still fucking idiots"

Wow, so tolerant, absolutely beautiful :')

Same, it would have been better without the daddy issues

It'll either be Disney, Disney, or Disney, because "my kid seemed to like it, so I'll vote for that, but I didn't watch any of the movies myself. Animation is for kids."

Why? The plot's fine. A bit schlocky in terms of sci-fi but nothing inherently wrong with it. Suffers from being an adaption of a longer book but not fatally so.

Mistress Mary Quite Contrary

>"If the main character has that opinion it has to be the opinion of eveyone working on the movie!"
wow user, the movie about a walking dick joke was too much for you to comprehend

I love you, user. Excellent taste.