
Will you join me and pass on your organs after you die?

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not unless I'm getting paid in this life tbqh

i set mine on fire cuz we're all on the list and you have to "opt out" of donating

> donating your organs

Yeah nah, that's basically all that keeps the fucking old cronies like rockefeller alive. They can get fucked.

Nah m8, I don't want to hurt the economy. Organs are a good market and If I start donating when I croak the hobo won't get his months food check.

I'll just wait until my gov't tells me that my organs belong to the state so some rich old guy will get his sixth heart transplant.

I dont like the idea of my dead body being skinned and then used as band aid for burning victims. Though my kidneys maybe but i think that donors die faster if you know what i mean. They pull the plug to get your organs nice and fresh. We had so many scams here in Germany that you can almost be sure that the person gets your organ who bribed the doctor the most. And then we have obese people and smokers etc who doesnt deserve another organ to destroy. IDK if I could choose whom I can give it to I would donate but it is a very shady procedure imho.

My remains are to be absorbed back into the Earth, fuck everyone else.

No one deserves my organs.

When I die, I'm taking all my bits and pieces with me.

Fucking even thinking about this shit makes me feel ill

Organ donors can be fucked if a decision is made between saving the person and preserving their organs.

No. I want to be able to kill people after I am dead, NOT help them live. If they had been intended to live, they would have been born with proper wiring. They will be burdens on the rest of us for all their lives, and their genetics will produce defective children for our children to support. Fuck them.

I donated my organ to your mum last night m8

I won't die so i need all mine thanks anywyas

this thread is going to summon some albanians i just know it

Already got one of those cards

Blows my mind that there are people out there that don't donate.

You're dead dude, the fuck you need your organs for?

No one will due to the fact that you can legally retract the contract

hell no
>You're dead dude, the fuck you need your organs for?
they are mine and nobody else can have them. the bodysnatching ghouls can go gut somebody else, fuck the living.

No, might go to a non white.

>You're dead dude, the fuck you need your organs for?

kek, so you're entitled to other people organs now? Fucking child.

I have kidney disease so I can't

I want to die though defenestration when i'm old

I'm going to have my organs exploded by nuclear weapon in my own sovereign condo backyard in strict adherence to the NAP, the second after I die.

A corpse isn't a person yuh goober.

I removed organ donor from my drivers license last time I renewed it

you should all do this, just in case i want a new organ, you goys

Why the fuck is that a word

No, which is why it's opt-in (at least in the States). There's no reason for you to donate them to the worms instead of people, even if it's you're right to do so.

can i have your dead granny then?