Was it autism?

No, seriously was it? He legit believed Strange's name was "Mr.Doctor"

I can't believe they wasted Mads on someone other than Doom.

I'm really starting to suspect these scripts are made by the committee and stitched together based on what worked with focus groups.

Stuff like Whedon's Avengers and Russo's Cap movies you can tell some heart went into. Movies like Strange and Ant Man play the Marvel formula straight unironically. The MCU has a fucking reputation for weak villains and it's like they get worse with every movie. What they did with Mads is unacceptable. What is going on over there?

Just MCU writing.

It's Strange, but considering he trained in a magic school, is it really that out there?

It was a joke ,son! a knee slapper!

..or he was just being a smartass,would you take the time to learn the proper name of one more dead guy in the way of your plot for global domination?

Give the guy a break his wife and unborn child died and he's probably a retard.

Dark Magic rots your brain.

do you have autism, do you not understand what a joke is

Mr. Doctor I'm CIA

Honestly he did the best he could with a really terribly written role. I was at least interested.

Whedon's Avengers is committee as hell.

That being said, I'm pretty sure the execs and Feige stress that each movie be a character piece for the main character and everything else be a basic and unobtrusive tool to play into the piece. The villains are basic because they don't want villains to outshine the hero. They don't want the story to outshine the hero.

>I can't believe they wasted Mads on someone other than Doom.

They don't have the rights to Doom.

And they never will.

>director made one of the few truly scary horror movies in the last 5 years.
>ends up getting "fixed" by Rick & Morty writer
>Surprise...! It sucks.

>>director made one of the few truly scary horror movies in the last 5 years.
What did he do.

I'm sorry, but how was this a weak villain?

He was trained by a woman who's only name/title was "The Ancient One" alongside a guy named Mordo and his own name is Kaicelius

some guy whose last nae is doctor (which is an actual last name for some people) is hardly the most unbelievable thing ever.

>one of the few truly scary horror movies in the last 5 years
The standards for "scary" are at an all-time low, I see.

Tell me about the dark one!
Why does he conquer realities!?

Every one cast as a villain in the MCU should automatically be assumed to be 'wasted'.

He was mocking him, just like how we call you, the OP, a faggot.

. :)

I'd prefer him as Norman.
He can be creepy enough to pull it off.

This. Compare it to Nolan bats where the villains were infinitely more interesting.

Considering the "horror genre" is now "sequeltown" yeah it is.

>Stuff like Whedon's Avengers and Russo's Cap movies you can tell some heart went into.

I don't know, the Russo brothers are such shit directors when it comes to visuals and that shaky cam shit not only is annoying, if anything is the sign of ''auto pilot directing''

Honestly, even the good ones like Iron Man, Ant-man, Cap 2 and 3 and specially Avengers feel like Hollywood films, not like personal projects with ''love''.

I will give you that with Cap 1 a little bit

But just take a look at what Raimi did with Spider-man and that's like a fucking indie movie

God, I hate modern horror so much.
I can only hope that maybe one day there'll be a modern horror movie I can enjoy.


It's honestly one of the better horror movies to come out in recent years. The home video scenes alone are pretty creepy.

Exorcism of Emily Rose (weak), and Sinister (excellent), and Doctor Strange though I think all these Marvel movies are made by the same guy and they just buy directors naming rights. There's no way someone who made a uniquely creepy set of films just churns out essentially Iron Man: Magic Edition

Which is a shame. I don't like either of those movies, but Mads is a good horror actor and if DS indeed tried to have more horror influences, it'd be pretty interesting to see how that would've played out.

Which is a shame because he was brought in specifically because sinister has its unique atomosphere and soundtrack and he was supposed to give strange a more horror-centric/mystic tone even brought his DoP and writer from Sinster with him. I called it though when it went through reshoots and they didn't announce Harmon wrote the reshoots until a month and like a half ago..

He got like 45 seconds to actually talk about his motivation and it was while he was chained up in a funny pose.

Don't bother, every single Marvel movie villain is "weak" because people need a generic criticism instead of thinking for themselves

For some reason having a super complex villain is seen as NECESSARY even though a movie can be absolutely amazing without a complex villain or much motivation at all

>The villains are basic because they don't want villains to outshine the hero.
I wish they'd understand that a provider of all the tension in the movie is not supposed to be forgettable and unthreatening. Boring villains are cancer that kills superhero stories.
>if you disagree with me, you're not thinking for yourselves
And here comes this asshole.

And what's bad about OURman? You don't have any proof his rewrites messed with the final product; or that the original was better. If it was the Feige wouldn't have went with him. Rick and Morty shows he can write some fucked up stuff. Sinister is just 2edgy kvltblkmetal worshipping jerk offing. Surprised Cradle of Filth didn't give it a soundtrack.

There's a difference between dark and edgy cartoon for late teens.

>Wasting Mads

Greatest sin this movie committed.


they cannot make an interesting or deep villain to save their lives

>Doing anything interesting beyond Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky


No man. If you want a good villain, they need to be fun, interesting, or both. Compare any MCU villain to the Raimi-Spidey villains, or the NolanBat villains, or hell even the Burton/ShumacherBat villains. Even the ones they aren't necessarily "deep" make up for it with personality, and charm.

The MCU villain's are just bland, one-note, and not particularly interesting in comparison.

Other than Loki and by a stretch Bucky they haven't had a strong villain in any of their movies.

Sandman and Venom were as boring as most MCU villains though.

>not liking Green Butchers


Conjuring and its sequel are both good

You act like Raimi wanted to use them in the first place. Avis practically wrote the script in.

I absolutely do not understand why people like this movie so much

I mean it had one or two cool fight scenes but it is almost indistinguishable from every other marvel character intro film

Raimi very much wanted Sandman, but the studio kept pushing Venom on him.

I honestly know a doctor whose last name is Docktor so he's Dr. Docktor

>tfw his speech on the evilness of Time is literally how you feel every day

He did nothing wrong and was totally in the right.

I don't understand how anyone can watch MoS or BvS without wanting to puke their brains out or that there are people who actually think Gal Gadot is a good WW so I guess there's things we both don't understand

>the subtle crying

i felt it

where did this come from, I was hoping people would explain why they liked it not immediately hop into defensive shit

It was a joke, if it wasn't clear you're more dense than I am

the movie was good

If they ever get the rights back to doom I would love to see him channeling Hannibal in that role

I guess you and I have different ideas on what good is.

I was honestly distracted by his lips the entire movie it makes me want to kiss him.

A lot of loyalty for a hired zealot.

Yeah, that happens when most of the movie has to be an origin story, combined with introducing magic to the MCU. But his story was entirely believable. He lost someone, became obsessed with defeating death, then got pissed when he discovered the Ancient One's sort-of hypocrisy about the Dark Dimension. He didn't have a personal connection to Strange, he had no reason to even bother talking to him at all. But he was an excellent way to show how dangerous magic can be in the wrong hands and that the Ancient One isn't perfect.

But he was interesting. A man so driven by personal tragedy to defeat death that he abandons the life he knew to enter a world of magic that requires him to relearn everything about the world, only for him to discover this person he placed astronomical trust in had been lying to him and doing things he had been told were forbidden, so he barters with a god to pull the entire planet into another dimension because he thinks it will stop things getting older. That's not interesting to you?


Hugo Weaving didn't do a bad job as Red Skull.

>But just take a look at what Raimi did with Spider-man and that's like a fucking indie movie

You can't honestly believe this.

Even the Ancient One was scared of dying in the end.

Immortality is not a sin.

Just need a better method for that next time.

are you surprised? this is accounting not filmmaking

gotta hit that lovable middle ground for the masses to enjoy...

>hire amazing directors
>have them direct a movie in their style
>have them do mandatory reshoots to add in bants and ways to sell shit to kids
>extremely profit

Hey at least he didn't defeat anyone by the power of dance magic.

He was in the right but the way he went about it you'd end up living forever as a Mindless One.

His greatest failing was not RTFM

He wasn't selfish too. He could've probably learned the Ancient One's method for Immortality, but he wanted everyone in earth to be immortal.

I can't really see it.
Hannibal feels too detached to be anything like Doom.

>the Ancient One's sort-of hypocrisy about the Dark Dimension

If she had told them straight up, "I'm the sorcerer supreme, I'm the only one strong and wise enough to use dark dimension power. It's off limits to the rest of you," we'd probably be having a lot more dark wizards running around.

That's why I said sort-of.

Well Dormammu, that's why I've come to bargain.

It was objectively a better movie than Iron Man. Similar in theme and pacing, but anyone still putting Iron Man on a pedestal needs to take their head out of their ass.

more like le nothing happens man and people pretend that it's amazing for no reason man

Atleast there is a plausibility of his return

Also did they just turn Dormammu into Galactus + Shuma Gorath?

Worse they ruin interesting/deep villains with quirky slapstick and quips

It makes me sad. Fuck. What a waste.

You consider Iron Man to be worse than a 5/10?

>But just take a look at what Raimi did with Spider-man and that's like a fucking indie movie

>Boring villains are cancer that kills superhero stories.

Personally the reason Iike Batman Begins more than the other Nolan movies was because it's the only one that attempted to get me to care about Batman as a person. Caring about the protagonist is an order of magnitude more important than caring about the villain.

If Netflix shows are of any indication, "interesting/deep" in MCU means "make the main villain an autistic manchild", so maybe that's a good thing.
That's also why Cottonmouth is the best Netflix villain as he's easier to take seriously as a threat than S1 Kingpin or .

*or the purple faggot

Not really. Both should be equally important. That's a reason why almost no one gives a fuck about Batman Begins, yet everyone remembers TDK.
Harvey Dent was the main character, not Batman, by the way

Kingpin has so many guys under his control that he seems threatening. What kills it is when you try to imagine how a guy like that became so fucking powerful in the first place.

>That's a reason why almost no one gives a fuck about Batman Begins, yet everyone remembers TDK.

The reason being shit taste. If you think Marvel needs a Joker it's really a good thing you're not involved.

>Mom, look at me I'm a contrarian
Marvel needs a memorable, actually threatening villain. There's no point in caring about a hero if the force opposing them is shit.

>Marvel needs a memorable, actually threatening villain

the scene where not!Ra's goes into Bruce's house and burns it down had more impact than anything the edgy hobo could muster. Sorry you get your opinions from Hot Topic, but the Joker is not a good villain.

Autism doesn't make you an idiot. Only being OP can do that.


I do actually agree that Neeson was pretty damn good, though. I give you that one.

>the Russo brothers are such shit directors when it comes to visuals

People still talk about the fight scenes in TWS being a step above everything else.

The opening, the batroc duel, the elevator fight, the highway sequence, it's all gold.

Th final fight is a a bit lame by comparison but it's tied up by the emotional arc.


a proper response to YOU ONLY LIKE IT TO BE CONTRARIAN

No, he was just a cheeky kunt.

With emotional """"""""""""""""""""""""range"""""""""""""""""""""""" of Mads Mikkelsen you could never tell.

Not grandiose enough to be Doom.

Too creepy for Doom too.

C'mon mate, Strange is a pretty absurd surname too. We're just used to it.
I'd have just as hard a time buying that someone was actually called Dr. Strange as they were Mr. Doctor.

Why are MCU villains so forgettable?

>ut his story was entirely believable. He lost someone, became obsessed with defeating death, then got pissed when he discovered the Ancient One's sort-of hypocrisy about the Dark Dimension. He didn't have a personal connection to Strange, he had no reason to even bother talking to him at all. But he was an excellent way to show how dangerous magic can be in the wrong hands and that the Ancient One isn't perfect.

That's one thing I like about Phase 3 so far. The villains are people with normal feelings to an extreme, and the heroes aren't always spotless.

I enjoyed the movie and there was a lot I liked about it but it was just too Marvel

Suicide squad literally had two different versions competing before they were combined for the final shitfest.

The higher-ups were concerned that the darker direction the director was taking the movie wouldn't jive with audiences as well as the pop-y trailer did. So they hired the company who made the trailer, a company that just makes trailers for movies, to make a recut of the movie to push it in the "fun" direction that the executives said tested with audiences well.

He responded to it questioningly " Mr doctor?" and then Strange appeared to confirm it. It's not like Strange is a normal surname either. You're inability to comprehend these simple social cues leads me to suggest that it is in fact you who is the one displaying signs of autism.

I think the big difference between the MCU and DC is that while they both obviously have a lot of executive meddling, the executives at Marvel are shockingly good at it while the DC executives are as incompetent as one would expect.
Which is not to suggest that the MCU films might not be better if they had less meddling, but that they are unusually good considering how obvious the meddling is.