If they so dumb, how they became No.1 superpower?

If they so dumb, how they became No.1 superpower?

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accident of history, hubris of empires,
WW1 and WW2 /thread

If capeshit is so shit, how they became No.1 in box office?

Unironically genocide, slavery, killing one's own kinsmen and brainwashing the survivors into mindless puppets.

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how do that if dum dum?

Extremely good conditions. It was essentially impossible for them to fail once Britain set them up, they achieved absolutely nothing impressive by themselves.

H1B visa

Even henry kissinger was an immigrant kek

they weren't always like this, it's just that their elites started screwing their own country with hyperconsumerism, propaganda and mass media. The result is idiocracy.

pussying out during WW2, which meant they had a huge head start over the rest of the world when it ended

Stupid goy we are just fat stupid innocent people. Nothing to worry about.

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Do you mean WW1? We didn't nuke Canada on accident did we?

Murica's greatest achievement was defeating Japan at Midway, but that only happened because Japan was too loused to come up with a decent encryption system

And it payed off

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There are many, many reasons why the USA is a superpower, but to cut it short the USA has the greatest geopolitical placement in the world. None of their neighbours pose any threat or competition whatsoever, and they have some of the richest land on the planet. By 1900 they already dwarfed every European empire/nation except the British. After the world wars they had no competition whatsoever, not even the USSR was a real challenger, the only thing they had going for them was nukes. America becoming a superpower was destiny.

That isn't the only reason, just the main one. Diversity is also a strength of America's, but not in the way most people think. It switches focus from class to race, which is good for the people in charge of things. If everybody is obsessed with a few dead blacks as a result of brutality by white police officers, then nobody will pay attention to the poverty of Appalachia, most inner cities and the rural South. Nobody will notice the billions being made by businessmen while underclass Americans live like feral animals. Not to mention the "proper" advantages of diversity like cheap labour, innovation and increased birthrate that immigrants bring.

By the way, Americans aren't stupid, they just tend to be ignorant of other countries and current affairs, a mindset the Deep State promote to keep their people content and obedient. But I have said too much and any more (speculation) will make you think I am insane.

You live in cunt created by murica. Without them, Japan would be like 80s 90s China.

USSR and USA were often closer in power than you say

Pretty much this. We got where we are because everyone else fucked up so monumentally.

> Not to mention the "proper" advantages of diversity like cheap labour, innovation and increased birthrate that immigrants bring
None of those are actual advantages of diversity since they are net negatives and a burden on the state. America succeeds in spite of diversity and was at its most prosperous before it. Europe is learning this lesson very quickly with the migrant crises. Also, the class differences ARE the race differences mostly: rural South is black and mexican, inner cities are black. Only the rust belt, which is still very diverse ethnically btw, has a large white contingency leftover from the recent industry collapse there.

They (the elite of America) are not dumb. They are super smart. The academics, the politicians etc. They are extremely good at manipulating people. The people of America are fucking stupid though.

They weren't. Between 1945 well into the 1950s, if the Americans wanted to they could have wiped the Soviets off the face of the Earth. They honestly should have.

Yeah this.
America is very polarizing. They probably have 5x more geniuses than other countries but also 5x the retards

they bombed european cities in the right moment, and then lent them credits
they also commited other crimes against other nations, but the former was the most important

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they absolutely were, especially during the seventies, look up 'hollow army'