WHITE NATIONALIST Movement grew on Twitter by 600% in 4 years

It's now official: There are more white nationalists and neo-Nazis on Twitter than members and advocates of ISIS.

The George Washington University's Program on Extremism conducted a study, comparing and analyzing the use, reach and scope of white nationalists, Nazi sympathizers and ISIS supporters on Twitter.

It revealed that the follower growth of "major white nationalist movement and organization accounts" grew by 600% from 3,542 in 2012 to 25,406 followers in 2016. The study also found white nationalists surpassing ISIS in metrics from tweets per day to follower growth.

The most common theme for white nationalists on Twitter is "white genocide," or the belief that white men are endangered by diversity, according to the report.

"Followers of white nationalists on Twitter were heavily invested in Donald Trump's presidential campaign," the report said. "White nationalist users referenced Trump more than almost any other topic, and Trump-related hashtags outperformed every white nationalist hashtag except for #WhiteGenocide within the sets of users examined."



I'm going to find her, and I'm going to marry her.

Keep in mind that these are the same people saying that anyone who identifies as alt-right is apparently a white supremacist.


>There are more white nationalists and neo-Nazis on Twitter than members and advocates of ISIS
How many of these are edgy teens tho?





your waifu is a slut. Source: dailymail

Christianity built Europe you disgusting nigger.

The vikings just got their faggot asses in gear.

Does Brazil have a Muslim problem? Or just for the lulz?


Correction, how many of these are even white nationalists? Going from your average modern definition, everyone who doesn't call for the open extermination of white people is a white nationalist/neo-nazi, while they probably only tracked accounts that explicitly mention support for ISIS.

>What's the matter, goy? You don't want to be exterminated? OOOOOYYYY VEEEYYYYY ITS LIKE ANNUDDA SHOA

any white person that defends themselves is considered a white nationalist.

Not yet, but you enablers are making things difficult for the future of our children.

After Europe falls in 2030, their next target will be north america, and then south america. I don't want to bow to fucking Mecca.

I'd say a solid 95% of the oven lovers and white nationalists I know don't use the internet. I bought up the Jew to my uncles a month or so ago and they all had quite a bit to say. All we need now is a crisis and a leader.

Europe is 97% European. Western Europe is 92% European. They could pull USA level kikery and it would still take another century or two.

if you dont literally want the white race to go extinct and have formerly white countries become majority hispanic/muslim, the media considers you a "white nationalist".

Why is hispanic considered bad? Afaik hispanic facial features range from Bandeiras to Eglesias, some more brown than others. These genetics aren't dominant enough to extinguish a race.

dump the alt-right, get on the techno-nationalism train with elon and peter

white nationalist tend to be low iq, ugly, and would never be able to invent a civilization

when will we create a country like isis have?!

They've got a lot in common with niggers when it comes to clsoed gangs.

I went to a hispanic heavy school and we woke up with new graffiti on the building everyday before the principle got assaulted by them in the football field.

They're basically niggers with the capacity for good.

You sure you don't mean latinos? People confuse these two alot.
Spain has some darker areas due to Ottoman invasion, but still, niggers?

The mudslimes can start winning elections in some places if they are 20-25% of the population though.

Liberals own Twitter and they can hardly do anything about it.

We are ascendant

Hispanics is the blanket term, but if you called any of them Mexican half would rage at the other half, the domicans, spanish, mexicans, and every other latino-tier race that's there at the time will take great offense to it.

As I said, unlike niggers there are a lot more spanish men who are determined to be more than just their race and you'll find a lot more decent latinos than you'll ever find decent niggers, even if they're both niggers for the most part.

Cool, so I was probably a part of this study just by following Ram Z on Twitter.

We made it ma nigguz

Well it's pretty easy to do that when these people are also the ones who get to define what being "alt-right" means in the first place, and throw every single booygeyman into the movement, regardless of whether or not it even makes sense.

Oy vey

>Just Muslims
Why can't we get the niggers too, they rape and murder white people all the time
They are just as much of a threat to White people than the Muslims are


alt-right does = white nationalist though.

>implying spics aren't just as violent

desu i think that the way they did this study probably underestimates the amount of white nationalists there are on twitter. i imagine the people they checked for followers are the more "established" white nationalists like david duke rather than the alt-right, Sup Forums white nationalists.

I want the pope to go full deus vult. I'm a non practising catholic and that would be the only thing that would bring me back into the religion.

damn dat bitch really does know

the pope is a well-meaning socialiat cuck.

'course you're a heathen scumbag protestant piece of shit, so it doesn't matter. Probably a Presbyterian. in which case you should burn you piece of garbage.

I'm mexican and honestly I like the alt right for the sweet bantz and memes. Plus it's just so satisfying calling out white liberals on their shit.

Trust me bro America is going to crash and burn I'm moving to Greenland to save my ass.

>alt-right does = white nationalist though.

No it doesn't. It's a completely meaningless term to reference anyone who's not a leftist or a cuckservative.

I've seen people from Stormfront complaining about the "alt-right". Then you have literal leftists who supported Bernie Sanders and BLM like The Amazing Atheist being called "alt-right" because sometimes they make videos criticizing feminists. It's such a useless label, there's no reason to use it since it can be subverted or discredited to mean anything.

mfw 90 percent are trolls and ten percent are young retards who actually buy into all this horseshit. I've met these sad little pussies in real life. I helped create this ridiculous narrative for fun using the worst arguments imaginable, and now lil white faggots actually bought into it. The stupidity of humans never ceases to entertain.

Also even before it became completely meaningless, it wasn't purely about white nationalism, it was about alternative views on the Right like libertarianism, paleoconservatism, monarchism, etc.