We can all admit the kids are totally incompetent and unlikable, right? Maybe Ivanka's okay but jeez...

We can all admit the kids are totally incompetent and unlikable, right? Maybe Ivanka's okay but jeez. Why the fuck are the failsons taking up so much space in the campaign?

It's okay Hillary, maybe you can adopt sons. We all know by now you're infertile and Bill hasn't probably slept with you in decades.

ivanka is pretty based. the sons are pussies tho

its not entirely their fault. you cannot be normal growing up as a billionaire son

If they are incompetent what the fuck are you?

>well I'm not a Hillary supporter but we can all agree drumpf is a mesa right like wtf how can someone ever support him right

You guys only hate them because they are rich.
And if you think they were just spoiled kids, do everybody a favor and gas yourself.

If you think Trump can just give them some companies and they are automatically rich for the rest of their lives you are wrong in so many levels. Here is a secret; you actually need to be pretty skilled to maintain a company afloat. If they were just no more than a rich man's children, they would've broke in no time, so STFU and stop being jealous.

Um like fucking no faggot OP

If you're a millionaire and your kids don't turn out like raging dumbasses, chances are you've done a good job.

This election has made all the globalist puppets rear their ugly heads. There needs to be a list of traitor cuckservatives that we out after the emperor takes the throne.


Cmon man he shit posts on a taiwanese pedo imageboard.


Just admit you hate ppl superior to you

what r u going to do with that cash

Wtf do you do.?.

>Ivanka will be the first female US President

>Fucking why
This date format is literally JUST

Aww I missed it. Well, I like his kids. Donny Jr is pretty regular, Eric follows in dad's footsteps and ivanka is fucking drop dead gorgeous.

Chelsea Clinton on the other hand just works for the Clinton foundation, taking blood money and bribes. Also she has that scared mouse look.

you know thats based

fuck off pussy

>that pube next to the pen

I wanna fug Ivanka and to a lesser extent be friends with Don Jr!

Eric and Trump Jr aren't perticularly likable, but not perticularly offensive either. They both look like they were born with a silver spoon up their ass.

Ivanka has been notably likable for a long time now. I first heard about her years ago when Trump running for president was a meme in an anti wall street documentry made by one of the Johnson and Johnson heirs and she literally came off better than everybody else featured in the documentry and started saying how she was proud of her family.

I also found out she learned about her parents divorce from a newspaper, which is pretty brutal.

op is incompetent and unlikable

im pretty sure the consensus is that people like ivanka, and dont give a shit about the sons

i know that's certainly how i feel

I want to molest Barron desu.