Continuation from >>>



Neglect begins where we set limits. A nigger is a nigger it's the only thing you have to know. From it's birth to it's death it's a nigger. There is no difference between a nigger born in the deepest part of an equatorial african forest and a nigger born in a hospital in United States : it's a nigger and there is nothing you can do about that.

"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."

Considering United States failed its chance 140 years ago to remain a white country with decent values, worthy anglo legacy, conserved traditions and niggers right at their place in cotton fields there is litteraly a one in three chance of wasting time when replying to burgerflag because it could be one of these descendants of primitive african tribal hordes who later became slaves in cotton fields.

Damn, kill those niggers

Nice one America. Keep not genociding the damn niggers

the fuck is an opp?

Just came from the other thread. Just kill them all. I used to be against the race war but niggers are the scum of ALL RACES. Execute them, cut their heads off like those mudslimes, burn them alive. Make them extinct.


Short for Opposition aka rival

W-why though? Wtf

Humans > Animals > Ebola >>>>>>>>>>> Niggers

For some reason this made me angrier than almost every other video. Poor cat. This makes me want to find them and torture both of those scum slowly.



but why?

wtf does finland have against blacks

KKK lynching resurgence when?

> I told him he was Homo Erectus
> Then he sent me this pic

This would be so hot if it was a white girl on her knees

It would be even better if it was Hillary Clinton.



That's why you don't date sluts easier to just let the retarded girls go make the white race breed even smarter people

And nothing of value was lost, coal burner turns into a coal bunker.

She's not white and her boyfriend was some nigger/spic thing


Sam, pls let me suck ur dick. Will pay for you to fly here first class even, or I'll come to you.

Just let me do this one thing,

This is a nigger hate thread, not a slut hating thread. Those dindus aren't in the wrong there.


There is a difference Thomas Sowell makes most people no matter color,age or race look like niggers

He truly is a smart man