Fresh from the timeline.
I haven't noticed anything where I'm at, I think he's crazy
Fresh from the timeline.
I haven't noticed anything where I'm at, I think he's crazy
Other urls found in this thread:
totally legit. they're planning
My computer speakers once started to speak arabic even when they were switched off. Spooked me.
The exact same thing happened at a friends house shortly after.
I have no idea what he's saying, but I'll bump this curiously.
i thought they only comunicated through explosions
This was a solution for the ICAAN internet shit,
A guy was saying we could make a new internet with radio signals.
The mudslimes might have already done this.
Think of it, they form a new communication method that isn't on the actual internet.
They could co-ordinate undetected with this method if it's real.
those motherfuckers are dead serious about this taking over of europe it seems.
Or garry is full of shit
He's talking about off-grid communication by Arabics using direct communcations using frequencies and transmitters. No internet or provider needed.
you know normal FM radio right? That's broadcast between 88 and 108Mhz
VHF/UHF above that and SW/LW is short/longwave, that's around 1.6Mhz.
The lower the frequency, the bigger the range, but needs much larger antenna's but you can put a lot more power in them
They have wanted to pull of a large scale multiple location attack for maximum effectiveness, we need to look into this more, and find out if we can listen in on their planning ( if this is what they are doing)
We could be the heroes of the world!
Can you hide the antenna in the top of a mosque dome?
No bumps? This is super interesting.
Pic related is a double antenna array for the FM band at 88-108. The sideway T's are the actual antenna's m with the top flat part of the T being the actual radiating part. Each antenna from this double array is 1.5 meters, to give you an perspective. Range is maximum 40km
But your local FCC hunts these down. CB is the same what truckers use, you sometimes see them at homes. Just google them.
Number station enthousiasts would've picked them up much quicker
But to listen from your computer: Have fun!
>new communication method
>using an already established communication method
How would you transmit packets over radio?
>I have no clue what the words I said mean: the kikebook post
Not that ham radio networks don't exist though.
A computer and a soundcard
15th anniversary of The Happening of the century is only days away.
Meh he might kniw his stuff, since he got his callsign, think he's just crazy. Or thinking russisn is arabic.
Lots of russian hams
Bump, also op ask him what station he is talking about by messaging him, if anyone speaks Arabic we can get some insight, also this reminds me of that one Report of (((Russians))) screwing around with that Swedish radio pole. Could line up with that
That means theyre transmitting from somewhere nearby. Look for any large antennas nearby, but it's easy enough to conceal them in the attic of a building.
No idea senpai
To listen to 0-30mhz long and shortwave from home for free. They got some antenna problems but when it's fixed it'll be much more sensitive and better receiving.
This may be of use come October
>Sup Forums finds ISIS secret communications network
>finds out about massive terrorist attacks
>media and CTR crow about how racist Sup Forums is for thinking it's suspicious just because it's in Arabic
>the attacks happen, hundreds, possibly thousands killed
>media and Obama Justice Dept. claim Islam was not the cause, says they were "lone wolves" motivated by fighting racism or some BS
>media runs stories about how Trump is somehow not doing the right thing in response to the crisis
>CTR comes to Sup Forums to post generic "btfo" threads
I say fuck doing anything.
Yea they'd just blame the alt-right for the attacks.
How the fuck can we not listen in on these fuckers ?
We listen in on the military but not some towelheads wtf
this, I used to live by a spanish radio station and if I didn't turn my speakers off it would pick up the signal and I'd hear it.
It's gonna be tough to from this side of the pond, unless they're transmitting with some serious power or you have some a good antenna setup, conditions are shit for hf right now. Monitoring those web sdr sites is and logging is your best bet.
We can, we just haven't identified their frequency. Once we do that and capture the transmissions we'll see if it is encrypted packet data or files or start or something
Also, the antenna array they're using doesn't necessarily look like that. Could look as simple as a wire running horizontally on top of a building, or yea, a mosque.
get some.packet radio equipment
Kek, roasted
What type you recommend? Running a janky sdr setup into my pc currently. Decoding psk31 among a few others but not very well.
You know more than me. I am just now looking into this . I would actually like it if you expanded a little more on your setup
So nobody find anything? Must know what the muds are planning.
bumping for extreme concern/interest.
It's an rtlsdr ran through an upconverter for the longer bands. Not at my comp, but I think the decoding software I've had the best luck with is fldigi. I'm on top of a hill with a decent antenna and I rx stuff from all over.
Bumping for keks
If any Dutch anons can post some frequencies to monitor, I'll try recording some stuff off the websdr.
We really need to overhaul our education system. Bring back grammar schools, for one.
Did you go to one? I've always been interested in that way of education. All the shitheads are thrown in one room to sort it out here, a few duck out to catholic school, but I can't say they end up any better.
Nah, I wasn't alive then.
fuck thats a nice piece of kit.
Idk, ask your cell phone
I suggest pig squeals on all frequencies.
Might have a limited area but if it slows them down, its worth it.
Other than that, the other way would be an interruption of power.
Educate me, I assume that would be a smoking hot amp. Up around 800mhz.
Well if you already know how to play the worlds loudest orgasm on the wave
*farting noise. I'm just bored and hoping the euros can give me something to look for that are most likely imam chants.
Hmmm you could ask Sup Forums or /k/ how this wave thing works
As a muslim, if this is real it terrifies me...
I'll just be a double agent if this hits Australia, I love pies and durries too much to let these parasites take over this beaut cuntry
I spend most of this time on /k/, and I know quite a bit about waves.
These are strange times friend. I believe all have the liberty to practice their religion, but none have the right to impress it upon others.