Sweden Why

Why is Sweden so fucking disgusting?

Im almost fucking glad we're importing muslims because atleast they know how to treat faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.no/search?tbm=isch&q=limits to growth the 30 year update&oq=&gs_l=#imgrc=-vM5HWoQkHM4jM:

Woops sorry forgot video



People walking down a street triggers you? Seems ok to me...

Where's a Muslim trucker when you need one?

>Lets wait for the shitskins to do it
How about you drive a truck through the event and run over as many cunts as you want

>All the shitskins will respect you
>They will wilfully hand over their women in honour of their Swedish Hero


made me chuckle

>"almost glad" to import Muslims

story checks out

DO YOU OTHER GUYS REALIZE HOW FUCKED WE ARE AS A NATION? Even the extreme right people wants more Islam here

Vi är väldigt fuckade. Har tyvärr slutat bry mig om detta landet då ingen annan verka bry/älska det.

This. Hell I would take a C4 muslim, and Ak47 muslim

How funny would it be to run by and slap those topless bitches?


Do Swede girls like small, white peens?

is it true ?
vikings were gay and had dreadlocks ?

It say ''Vikings for diversity'' I hate when white guys use dreadlocks looks so fucking ugly on them like fucking cheetos as hair

your Jewish Frankenstein expirement of a country needs to flushed down the toilet.


wow, such a hard question

dont ask for something you're unwilling to receive op.

Made me sick

Id love time machine to exist just to throw that faggot amidst some real vikings and see what happens.


Based muslims will take care of your Christian sorry ass can't.
We Christians cannot fuck them up but godsend Muslim plague will.

I think you're right OP. I mean say what you will about the mudslimes at least they don't make any apology about a clearly deformed sexual orientation as "normal"

homosexuality is not normal and is a disorder of the normal operation of human anatomy. get over it.

weird how the boob girl at 2:09 decided to go with her tits out, but flips you off if you film it.

Sometimes I watch this video when I want to feel.

That is even sadder than watching our 1920-1930s Rio. Just kidding ours is the saddest.

>not available

>keep hearing about nordic beauties
>see vid
>best looking one is pic related at like 25secs

>checks wikipedia demographics of malmo
holy fuck lmao

Malmö is our Detroit

Jewmerican export "Culture". USA = Disease.

sorry lad. most you can hope for at this point is just a disastrous famine that only effects the bottom tiers of western/northern Europe.

Basically this.

gay people are like this everywhere, i have seriously started to think that %95 of them are just mentally ill
video related from a turkish gay parade in istanbul

>Jewmerican export "culture"
>Basically this
>certainly has nothing to do with the advancement of political progressivism after the end of the Cold War
>nope definitely exported "culture"
>because you're fucking retarded


American movies, internet culture, media, social media...
mate it all fucking spreads..
E:G: We've had those fucking nigger BLM fags here in Britain already.

In the name of Quorthon, what are you doing, Sweden?

>muhammed and his 12 brothers and there million children and wives not at pride

so this is where the white people go in Sweden?

honestly this is less degenerate than our fucking obscene gay mardi gras, still fucked though

yeah but that shit is because of political progressivism, "activist" culture and secular humanism. BLM would never even fucking exist if you Eurofags weren't too fucking scared of getting into political ideology again after the shitstorms of WW1&2

instead this lukewarm bullshit idea of inclusivism and secularism which is obviously fucking failing because you're on Sup Forums bitching about it

> i have seriously started to think that %95 of them are just mentally ill

Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by the World Health Organization until 1990.

Thanks to US degeneracy it is now tolerated...

Although a lot of people think they're degenrates...

That's the internet's fault?

wow how is that shit allowed in a an majority muslim country?

we know. we're kinda sorry, but not really.

Is that a catholic priest?

Looking forwards to der untergang; nature's cleansing. The degeneracy will have it's price.

fucktard, eurofags lead the charge on that. even liberal democrats like Gore and Kerry were against homosexual marriage because they knew they couldn't swing centrist voters if they said otherwise; that shit was only 10 years ago. you fags allowed legal partnerships as early as 2004 lmao

colors suggest a cardinal

source on this pls

damn sweden, you got some qts over there


honestly at least you still got some hot women

at pride parades in the US we got a bunch of fatties, natural conservatives, and niggers

Really makes you think.

We have alot of qts but most of them are huge sluts who wear very skimpy clothes. And they arnt that pretty under all that foundation..

was curious myself. reverse image search on google leads to donellameadows.org/archives/a-synopsis-limits-to-growth-the-30-year-update/
some sort of book

agh it's some secular humanist faggotry. got my hopes up that it was an academic prediction and that there would be national consolidation of wealth in America/Europe and we would let africa and asia starve

google.no/search?tbm=isch&q=limits to growth the 30 year update&oq=&gs_l=#imgrc=-vM5HWoQkHM4jM:


There are several things threatening our existence like never before.
Food and natural resource shortage.
Too easily available dangerous technology.
Economic collapse.
Nato wants war (atom).
Climate change.

I'm preparing accordingly. If it never happens, I'm not losing anything.

You think that's bad? You should see the Toronto pride parade. People walk around naked, from men, to women, to trannies. This is supposed to be illegal in Toronto but since it involved gays, they get special treatment on that day and all eyes of the law are turned away.

This year I walked through the are and saw a gay guy greet a tranny by grabbing his dick and shaking it. They then proceeded to play with each others cocks in the middle of the crowded road. Keep in mind, there's children walking around too. To their defence, who takes kids to Pride?

well if we manage to elect our "far right" parties and candidates that might just happen.

seriously though, what the fuck happened to sweden to become this fucked?

inb4 ((()))

this shit happens in every major US city too user

at least swedish liberal women are still fuckable, ours passed that point about 20 years ago

no wars and taking in the rest of scandinavias ()

> Went to buy stamp to send a male friend
> Got this
> Headsplode


There is still some good people left.

Look how the nigger shove his bicycle on the nationalists at the end

I can't imagine what it's like to live in that shithole

Your country used to be so good.


Just don't. I lived in Sweden almost 20 years ago and the girls were gorgeous. The hags in that video make me sad for Sweden. What happened to our women in the 80's and 90's has now happened to Europe.