R.I.P. Sup Forums

R.I.P. Sup Forums

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I'm gay (for Trump).

>implying all minorities don't like trump
I'm one of those things and I went to his rally a few weeks ago

Why should anyone care about illegal immigrants' opinions? If anything, you should do the opposite of what they want.

But none of those groups opinions matter

>still referring to shallow identity politics
this is why trump will win and why muhammed ali was right

>oh look it's this CTR thread again

So they're admitting Hilary is bad

Well that's a start

minority opinions dont matter. and if they start to matter your country is fuuuuuucked


>the people who want to destroy me say something is bad
>I'm supposed to dislike that thing



>undocumented immigrants hate Trump

How can these people be so blind?

Hillary = evil
Trump = good


What the fuck is this supposed to prove?

>posting nigger tweets and writing "Sup Forums BTFO" is considered a quality thread

>ali was right

about what, user?

LGBTQ shouldn't be considered a political group anymore than people with foot fetishes or furries.
Undocumented immigrants can't even vote. And Muslims, women, and black people sure are known for being rational people who make good decisions aren't they?

>undocumented immigrants

How has this euphemism become the replacement for "fucking invaders"

that whitey is evil

wtf, i hate trump now

White dudes: idk who is worse kikes, ragheads, niggers, spics, or kikes?


LGBTANASDFAASEF should really just be T* at this point. LGB already got what we want, fuck those crazy assholes.

>she doesn't realize most voters are white

Ali was still a nigger, he hated whites.

>White Dudes:
I don't know what's worse: Niggers or Illegals?

>LGBTQ++ People:


>Illegal Immigrants:


Niggers, duh.

>White dudes:
*Supports all of society* I just... hate... niggers

Quit being baited. This is a slide thread GTFO shills

about people sticking with their own and how no woman on earth can relate to Ali more than a black american woman.

>the buzzards hang in the deserts, the eagles in the mountains, the seagulls on the beaches and pigeons on rooftops.

Kikes but they'll all burn equally well


>Undocumented immigrants

Like any of their opinions matter, user.

i would too if i was treated like a second class citizen by the lowest class of white people even though im a internationally famous boxer.

There was a time when a nigger actually served a purpose. Was.

Why does an illegal alien's opinion fucking matter in an election for a country they aren't a citizen of?

Man, it's scary how much power words can have. 20 years ago they were just called illegal aliens and both democrats and republicans were in agreement that we should deport them. Now that it's gone to illegal immigrants and now undocumented immigrants most Americans are perfectly fine with this law breaking, and if you argue against it, they just respond with "But we're a nation of immigrants!"


this is the correct answer.

none of them were relevant when our nation was formed. none of them would be relevant today without Jews giving them a voice

Trump supported gays before it was cool. In fact, Hillary supported DOMA back in the 90's.

But I guess that doesn't matter since democrats=eternal defenders of the disenfranchised. Fucking idiots.


Technically..... Yes



All of the above the 'white dudes' are the reason why the country is so shit right now.

gay here, Trump is literally the only pro gay candidate



>Muslims: It's Trump

Pretty sure Syria, Libya and Nasrallah would disagree seeing as how

1. Libya has been destroyed by Hillary and Obama and Gulf States with their armed and funded Jihadists.
2. Syria is currently trying to be destroyed by Hillary and Obama and Gulf States with their, armed and funded Jihadists
3. Hezbollah, and Russia are the only ones standing against the planned "New Middle East".

At the end of it, Liberals don't like Muslims, they like terrorists, and they show this by supporting a Terrorist Supporter. In their mind saying "We should ban Muslims until we can properly vet and make sure we know who is coming in" is worse than destabilizing and destroying Muslim countries by arming terrorists.

>I'll bully people, an action I say I condemn, because they think differently to me. I can't give any actual reasons why I hate Trump and in fact I actually agree with him when his policies are explained to me, but still fuck him!

These faggots are a fucking embarrassment. I wouldn't give the smallest shit about them opposing my view if they could actually explain why instead of just saying they're anti-establishment, while being on the same side as and doing the majority of the work of, the fucking establishment. How can you expect these retards to understand logic when they can't even understand common sense let alone hypocrisy?

Stay safe user

>Not The Problem : I don't know who is worse, Problem Solver or Problem Worsener
>The Problem : Problem Solver is.
>The Problem : Problem Solver is.
>The Problem : Problem Solver.
>The Problem : It's Problem Solver.

>LGBT people

Many (including myself (bi)) support Trump. Those that don't are cucked by Muslims.


Who cares?

>"undocumented immigrants"

They're opinion doesn't matter; if anything, their hatred of Trump should be seen as something positive.


Bitches ain't shit.


Who cares? They are incompatible with our society and should be physically removed.

>LGBTQ "people"
>Black "people"


Did someone say CTR?

>I'm vegan

ey b0ss!


But our founders only wanted white dudes to vote

undocumented immigrants have no opinion on our politics

> [current year]!
> self-interest is out
> identity politics is in

That's where you're wrong bucko.

>Tries to represent all LGBTQLGA people
>Tries to represent all black people
>Thinks criminals that are against their peace matter at all
>Tries to represent all Muslims
>Tries to represent all women
>And if you don't agree, you must have your head far up your ass

Damn, next time I hear an appeal to popularity fallacy, I'd better be down with it. Wouldn't want to be a bigot, would I?

Based game desu

Oxide Station and N. Gin Labs are objectively the best courses. Sewer Speedway is badass for riding on the walls though.

Also, Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS.


>Mentally ill
>Dumb niggers
>Illegals who have no say in what happens in our country
>Brainless baby factories
Anyone sane would pick opposite.


The irony is powerful here.

I didn't think it was possible to criticize white men and justify their position by your very post.

>implying they tried legally

Who cares
Who cares
Shouldn't be here
Shouldn't be here
Shouldn't be able to vote

What does Shillary even do for these groups other than pandering to them, telling them what they want to hear?
I really hate this divide and conquer thing the left does, look at how they exclusively talk about "White dudes".

Show tits or gtfo.

>illegal immigrants
>mentally ill faggots

Who cares?

This racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynist thinks that blacks, hispanics, gays, and women all act and think exactly the same.

>now that's what I call edgy

Muslim lesbians for trump

Isn't that more an argument against universal suffrage

women are not minorities

>"I'm not breaking the law, it's the state's fault for not documenting me"

Ok so they're racists that don't like white people. Was that supposed to be a good argument?

>undocumented immigtants: Trump

That's kind of the point.

White people don't ask that question because it isn't a question.

pack up, we're done here


>trump is nice to all those bit illegals and violent muzzles
But hillary is D and says the right lies

Have another (You).


Some nigger who would have his right to vote taken away because of his background is not voting Trump, in order to make his opinion matter, he projects his feeling upon other groups people do actually care about (though be it little in some cases).

Sup Forums BTFO.

What is popular vote

I'm gay. Hillary is.

> the most irrelevant groups dislike the same candidate




did they beat you up and throw you out? thats what the news says they do.

LGBT people--Trumps has been an advocate for his entire career. Hillary flip-flopped on a few years ago for political gain.

Black people--stastically insignificant turnout when the candidates aren't black. If theyre stupid enough to vote for the Democrats who've done literally NOTHING to improve their lives, whatever.

Undocumented immigrants--cannot vote and I don't give a fuck what fat welfare leeches think

Muslims--statistically insignificant

Women--vote emotionally and are dumb as fuck

Yeah... Pol BTFO alright... KYS

>mfw "I just... don't know" is code for "I actually want him to win but advocating for my ethnic interests is a nono so I'm just gonna be lukewarm af about it"

Don't you mean undisputed citizen?

Why do so called minorities feel like they're entitled to an opinion in white societies?

>Undocumented immigrants--cannot vote and I don't give a fuck what fat welfare leeches think
>cannot vote

Why do you think the dems are against voter ID laws?

>everyone other than white dudes

I love how the left believes that minorities aren't allowed to have opinions of their own. They are all monolithic voting blocs who all have the same beliefs, no matter what.

Surely a black person could never find Trump the lesser of two evils over Hillary.

>Undocumented immigrants

Alright, Gary. We get it. Relax.