Can Euroshits trully appreciate what the United States is? It's a country with over three hundred million people and thousands of miles of unending, empty forests, plains, mountains and deserts. It is impossible to stress how there are parts of the United States where there is just nothing for hundred of miles. You can't expect us to give a shit about you in a country like this.
Can Euroshits trully appreciate what the United States is...
>Picture of nigger and mudshit migrants in Eurabia
Nice try boghopper
Remind me which Founding Father wrote those words in which foundational document?
A jew dyke communist wrote that
The jews will corral you and hunt you to extinction with niggers and mexicans. We are canaries in the coalmine, that's why you should give a shit about us.
It doesn't matter how big the US is, you won't be able to outrun section 8 forever. They won't let you.
>It doesn't matter how big the US is, you won't be able to outrun section 8 forever. They won't let you.
Thanks for proving my point.
I love talking to Britbongs and Europeans. Literally no matter what they say, no matter how smart they say it, will ever make me give a shit about their opinion. It's so fucking hilarious
Europe is greater in landmass and population.
Plus it has culture and history.
Not surprising.
Yours became the first cucked country
We're talking about the EU and the cucks like you who live in it.
What is it like having the second largest population of negroids outside of Africa?
40 million and counting.
Only brasil beats you, by 10 million.
Yes brasil. The smelliest place on earth.
I just disproved your thread in one sentence dude.
Try again, start a new thread.
>I just disproved your thread
Looks to me like you're a little butthurt and replying to everything.
>american arguments
Can you truly appreciate that you're a mongrelized version of us? You're nothing special. Your ancestors were too weak/ retarded to stay in their own countries. Now you're just mongrelniggers and soon you will be nigger house is older than your shit country. Hang yourself.
Yes, keep thinking immigration in the US is the same as Mother Merkel importing Muslim men into your country.
At least we dont have 50 million niggers lol
>nearly a hundred years ago, Irish were begging to be let into the US despite the fact that no one wanted them here
>boghopper is now talking shit about how great it is to be a Euroshit
no it is full
no one would like it here
everyone is really angry and violent and we will likely shoot you
She should have been hanged at that very moment.
Fucking marxist fart-stench hag.
And more and more Mudslimes and niggers are pouring in to your country to rape your women with impunity.
Why do you fucks argue against each other instead of being comrades against globalism?
The people who left and never came back are subhumans. Moving to America is literally throwing your culture and heritage in a bin. It's disgusting.
Because America is globalism.
I rather take 2 million syrians that fled from war than 50 million niggers from the jungle.
Can Amerishits truly appreciate what the Russian Federation is? It's a country with over one hundred and forty million people and thousands of kilometers of unending, empty boreal forests, steppes, mountains and arctic tundra. It is impossible to stress how there are parts of the Russian Federation where there is just nothing for thousands of kilometers. You can't expect us to give a shit about you in a country like this.
Yeah at least we took ours in like real white men
They did it anyways, because Ireland was, and continues to be a shithole.
What happened to you Russia, you used to be cool
>throwing in with EU cucks
Well now i've seen it all.
It is currently one of the richest and most educated countries in Europe and it was a complete shithole 30 years ago.
It is far better than America will ever be.
He means, that we're the one's who brought them here to do work and make the country grow.
Germany and the EU however basically spread their asses open and said "come on in"
If it's so shit stop placing your companies here :^)
fucking kek
Relax, I am merely fucking with you, OP is too pastable to pass.
Well, in our case the majority of our land isn't a complete wastelend
You definitely don't have 250,000 white people either lmao
>if it's so shit stop placing your companies here
It's not our fault that Obama insists on having the coorporate tax set to fucking 999% (50% or so)
The taxes on the rich here are irrationally large. Ireland has some nice tax levels, probably the best in the western world; Thus, they have moved there, and made it richer. Of course, on a completely unrelated note, people will ignore this and just say that it's all because of socialism or something retarded.
*250,000,000 white people
fucking forgot that extra set of zero's
You had one job, user
Sorry m80, it was a long day at work