Why do San Francisco residents put up with this shit?
Why do San Francisco residents put up with this shit?
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leftists get crazy attached to their meme cities
and sf is packed full of cashed-up lefties
(also, there's all kinds of "no more building" regulations locking down supply so crazy demand drives prices skyward)
Eventually it'll be too expensive for any blue collar worker to live within working distance of SF. Then they won't have anyone to the bullshit work that makes everyday life go around. Then that place will sink into the abyss where it belongs.
>cashed-up lefties
rich commie...
sounds like oxymorone
yeah but it's really easy with any shit degree to make over 100k in SF
SF is the purest example of people doing dumb shit with other people's money.
When the venture capitalists pull the plug on all of the stupid crap being developed in ruby and offshore that shit to some poo in loo, SF will be fucking decimated.
Not really, it's the most common thing in the world. Anybody with a lot of life experience or who is in any way "self made" is a bit too pragmatic to fall for the idealistic memes leftism relies upon.
I can't wait. I hate SF more than any other city.
Daily reminder that Chinks are born nation wreckers.
because people will pay those prices, muh free market
It's been too expensive for blue collar workers for years now. They'll be completely replaced by robots soon enough.
Don't worry. The state will tax all the working class in other cities to subsidize illegal immigrant section 8 housing :^)
Meme regulations put in place by meme urban planners are raising prices because SF doesn't want to build skyscrapers or apartment blocks like a normal fucking city.
Christ people think chinese tat can replace the character stripped out of a 1909 home. It looks like it was built yesterday
Because silicon valley emigrates are paying top dollar to own them.
so you want to say that pragmatic self made people don't splurge money on some luxury shit? only leftists doing so?
gotta tell one of my clients that their cuban republican lifestyle with 4mln mansion and summer house are signs of being commie leftists
Your average google/facebook princeling unironically believes that those kinds of jobs will be automated in the next 10 years anyways. Then again they also believe that soylent is the only food that you need and that paying $5 for a slice of toast is a good deal. God I fucking hate that city.
>1909 home
Oi mate
Old homes are pain in the butt
also your london real estate market (at least before brexshit) was pretty ridiculous if not worse than SF
>it would cost less money to build, maintain and power robots than to hire spics, the uneducated, and other undesirables at or close to minimum wage to do grunt work
Don't be too mean to the kid. These tech types aren't smart like their silicon valley cousins. They are just lucky and are willing to live out of their cars in order to say that they work for Google/facebook/etc.
you're forgetting about all the gibs and free housing those fuckups will also require
Laugh all you want, Paco, but cleaning toilets isn't exactly rocket science. You're replaceable.
we wuz 3d prnting homes n sheit
It's happening in all the left coast left wing shitties. Portland, OR was even retarded enough to limit the urban growth boundary. Then when the infilling started everyone started crying about the cookie cutter looks. Then they turn around and cry about housing availability. All while creating a safe space for the homeless. I can't wait for the housing bubble to pop so I can watch my city burn.
>These tech types aren't smart like their silicon valley cousins. They are just lucky and are willing to live out of their cars in order to say that they work for Google/facebook/etc.
What? Google and Facebook are headquartered in Silicon Valley. SV and SF are only like 30 miles apart.
Meh when I lived down there I always thought they seemed different. Maybe that's just my imagination though. They were just so fucking young and hipster-ish compared to all the engineers I had become used to seeing.
Demolish all these houses and build skyscrapers.
Because they're idiots.
Who's going to pay for all that? Land owners have rights you know.
There aren't new homes that are built to last longer than ones that have already stood for a century, not even in that price bracket.
and not a lot is a pain in your butt when you've got 2.9million to spend desu
They don't; they just move to Colorado.
A blue collar worker will drive an extra hour for $300.
Ah yes the litteral Copenhagen of the west coast
they dont.
most of the people who grew up in the city have left the area due to the insane prices.
you can blame Chin, Pahjeet, Ackmed, and trust fund hipsters for those prices.
they're still waiting for the invisible hand™ of the free market™ to fix it
$2.5 million for a piece of shit house? don't ever question the absurdities of capitalism goyim, by the way my cousin Morty shekelstein will get you a real bargain on a loan
Not to defend the "free market" meme or anything, but in an actually free market SF would be filled with fucking high rises and property values would probably be suffering as a result.
it's a fancy house bro. did you think it'd be a bargain?
Same is happening in my town of Charleston, SC. We have stupid height restrictions and nanny state historic regulations that give a board of un-elected architects the ability to cancel a developers project based on whether or not they feel the building "fits in with the surrounding urban milieu."
If you ever manage to become a homeowner you will understand why that shit is important. I wouldn't want some jewish slumlord to be able to build a fucking megacity for a bunch of poor shits near my home.
I understand to an extent but some of these projects look really good but they are sent back to the design room because "they don't add anything to the neighborhood." These are empty, former parking lots in ghetto neighborhoods that would be beneficial to the surrounding community.
Muh diversity
Can buy a huge lot and 6 homes to rent for 156,000usd here
well said user..
I was talking to my father awhile back and somehow the topic of san fran came up and we discussed the real estate prices. Just for shits, I asked him if he ever thought about moving there..
His reply...
Hell no..
Not in the fag capital of the world...
>Bay Area user
It's all the FoBs coming over with 120k jobs, 8 of them go in together for a house, and sleep 4 to a room.
Seriouly, it's getting fucking ridiculous. My rent in the south bay for my one bedroom apartment will $2900 next year, and they are trying to get me to leave because they could charge the next tenant $3500 or more.
Thinking about moving to Oregon. I could afford a 10 bedroom mansion 2 hours south of Portland for less then a million...
Also this.
It wouldn't be too bad because you can't raise rent in SF, but landowners are getting around this buy selling to not rent. So teachers and minimum wage workers that have been paying $700 a month can't find a new place to live.
It's gotten so bad the city is giving increased wages and stipends to teachers so they will make the trip from 2-3 hours away to teach in SF.
The bubble will pop, and it will be glorious.
>complaining about gentrification in 2016
This pretty much.
All the fags move to Seattle and texas.
this is why I moved away.
How the fuck can a city like that sustain itself for much longer?
Wouldn't blue collared/Government workers move away due to the pricey real estate and completely fuck the city?
ah yes this property, the only nigger free block in a US metropolis. quite a marvel
Pretty much this. City zoning laws keep people from building high rise apartments to keep values up.
This is pretty much how much your typical house in California goes for. You can thank the Chinese for that and it's only going to spread to the east coast after a matter of time.
Most people there live like shit.
Second this.
Trash and human shit is all over those streets. Someone should Taxi Driver that place and flush all the trash down the drain.
No, you fucking mong. Your client probably doesn't think buying some $3m cuckshed in San Francisco is "splurging".
The housing market has already crashed before I don't know how much harder this has to go down the shitter before out starts affecting the people who give a fuck.
There's a goddamn palatial estate just down the road from my house that's just a touch under 10,000 square feet and comes with 3 pools and 20 acres of land.
It's a fucking compound and it's only $1.3 million.
Based Texas.
SF is heavily dependent on the tech industry so there needs to be another dot com crash for it to take a huge blow
What are the property taxes like?
>yes goy it's the chinks who are the problem and not banks trust me
Chinese lived in bay area especially in east bay since forever.
you could by this house 5 years ago for one million less
>pic related cupertino, was always mostly chinese
It's Texas, so all of the taxes are pretty low
t. Bayarea homeowner, I love my house going up 100k a year but when it bursts it will be terrible
The main problem is I live in an area where they build subsidized nigger nests to house oakland scum. If it was illegal slave labor for mountain view millionaires it wouldn't be so bad but these are Irredeemably worthless niggers who do nothing but lower property values
This one sold for $350k.
No, it will just cost $5,000 to fix a toilet
holy shit, did someone buy that for the land or did they actually buy that with the intention of living in it?
Probably a house flipper who can do the renovations real low cheap and then sell it for 1.5m
And now they're moving up to portland/eugene, here in oregon