ITT: actor/actress's lowest point

>ITT: actor/actress's lowest point

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but that was his peak user

Gary Coleman got a pretty raw deal.

Just watched the Godfather
This is embarassing




Can someone dunkacino pill me on why he agreed to this?

He was attracted to Jill

You can't just say no to Adam Sandberg

Wrong movie

Marlon Brando did a comedy movie called the score where he basically lampoons his Don Vito character

I mean the freshman, the score is a serious one

De Niro sex scene

You can't compare this to the crime against humanity in OPs Pic.

I've never seen this, but I just watched Danny Collins and I can't imagine any other movie being Pacino's low point.

what's the problem? donuts taste pretty good


Watch it. It's his new low

I fapped to this.



I donut see a problem here. The hole post is a sham.

>taking advantage of a senile old man

>It's not Al anymore, it's Dunk

No, it would be Dunk Pacino. 1/10 try harder Adam Sandler

Phil Hartman in Six Feet Under.

>not terminator salvation


Adam Sandler in every Adam Sandler movie.

>burying them together when she was a junky nutjob who killed him