Why was it that in Tropic Thunder Robert Downey Jr. went full black face and no one gave a fuck? Don't get me wrong, I loved his character thought and the whole shtick was genius, but don't most people get up in arms over that kind of shit? Was it because he did such a fine job portaying his character (he was nominated for nsst supporting actor that year) that people just looked past it? Or could it have been so comically genius that it appealed to all ehtnicities and races? How bout it Sup Forums
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The world was different back then user. You're forgetting that the climax of the movie, one of the biggest laughs, is a character portraying a retarded character so well he actually becomes retarded. Laughing at retards is definitely "ableism" in newspeak.
pretty sure a few people were up in arms in that when the movie came out lmgtfy.com
Tropic Thunder is hugely underrated in this regard. They mock so many stereotypes and get away with it, it is something to be admired.
But you're right, maybe if it was made today it would be met with backlash.
there were definitely some people upset but I don't think it was anywhere near as bad as it would be today
he mostly just did such a good job at his character that no one really cared
Cruise's Jewish movie producer was gold
I recall people cared more about the "full retard" comment back then
I just watched some old Alien Abduction made-for-TV movie from the 1970's, and the couple is black and white. And they frequently bring up that they are black and white and all the difficulties and prejudice they experience.
But you don't see that anymore. Now everyone is "the same" and Sue Summer's brother is just unquestionably black.
There were people pissed, but the Social Justice Jew wasn't at full power at that time. Now that they're Social Justice Jew 2 things are dangerous.
Plus, they had an actual black character in the movie point out that it was actually Tony Stark in makeup, which made it comically ironic racism.
He was just a dude playing a dude disguised as another a dude. No big deal
iirc that was part of the joke of the movie... Because it was a movie of a movie where a white actor played a black guy.
But no way they could get away with it today.
>ftfy Ausbro
Because it isn't blackface, and they snuck it in right before we went full tilt SJW.
>also RDJ can get away with just about anything as far as liberals are concerned
Was that the (something) county incident? Christmas time, found footage film?
>Why was it that in Tropic Thunder Robert Downey Jr. went full black face and no one gave a fuck?
This was like right before SJW-ism was invented, so nobody really noticed nor cared.
Pretty sure that was the entire joke, m8. Self-awareness gets you a long way.
people were pretty upset with simple jack and i think thats about it
Because it wasn't just blackface, they straight up transformed him into an african
>TFW Tropic Thunder got away with mocking the KANGZ/Yakub bullcrap
>TFW it was secretly redpilled
Because most SJWs were children when this movie came out. They had yet to be brainwashed into the dyed hair shock troops that we know today.
It's because it came out in 2008. 2007 - 2010 was the transition period to the new internet.
In 2007 we got:
>First iphone
And in 2006:
>Google purchased Youtube
>Facebook open to everyone 16+
So it was during this period that the foundation of the new normie easy peezy internet was established, and once the infrastructure was there, it was only a matter of time until the SJWs became prevalent. But that took time.
Films like this, and Team America, they managed to be released when SJWs hadn't found their voices and platform yet, it would never get away with it today. But fortunately it was released just in time.
It's sad that ridiculous and brilliant films like this will not be possible in the new world.
SJW and social media takeover couple that with averyone needing a fucking crusade when we live in a society with ample opportunity for anyone willing.
I'm curious now That Gene Wilder is dead and Blazing Saddles gets rereleased how bad they are going to wreck that gem. And if they don't fuck with it what is response from all these faggots that haven't seen it. Pic related ...this seen
its funny you Goddamn faggot
Tom Cruise playing the vicious, cold hearted, money loving jew producer was the best.
>tactical grape soda
1. It was before SJWs really went mainstream. There was some crying in their neck of the woods back then, but they really weren't enough and hadn't infested the media strongly enough to show up on anyone's radar.
2. It's Robert Downey Jr. and the SJWs are mostly women and fags. They shut their mouth when their pussies start gushing.
RDJ wasn't playing a black character though.
He was just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
Lol were still doin the shit
He's a white guy playing a white actor playing a black guy. He even got nominated for an oscar
RDJ was playing an Australian.
They would have had to get mad at his Australian character for pretending to be a black vietnam soldier.
The SJW movement was still gestating in 2008
RDJ is a Republican. I'm surprised he can get away with anything.
RDJ is sufficiently degenerate to be Jew approved.
RDJ isn't doing black face, hes playing a guy who's doing blackface, big difference
>That bathtub baptism scene.
To be fair we can get away with it in Australia outside some outspoken leftists.
Everyone hates abos equally, and finds it all in good humor. And they make up only about 2% of the actual population.
It's because it was meta
He wasn't a white guy in black face he was playing a white guy in blacl face.
So he was only in black face in as parody in an ironic way.
It's okay I wouldn't expect the average sister fucking redneck right wing retard that posts on Sup Forums to understand something this nuanced.
Baby brainz detected
Yes I'm sure the progressives would catch the nuance
They did though. People need to understand that the opinions coming from the people and the opinions coming from the media class of people are two separate things.
A bunch of different journalists tried to shit all over the "oy vey terrible racist blackface" but people liked the movie, they liked the actor and didn't see it as offensive so the story never caught on.
People find stuff offensive that they're told to find offensive, stuff that is popular to find offensive, people's opinions of what is offensive or not is completely dependent upon what other's find offensive.
Lol I fucking loved that movie.
I might spark up a joint and watch it tonight.
>Take a big step back, and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE
no one cared 8 years ago. he even got an oscar nom i believe. great movie
This, every day the (((media))) tries to shill many things into trends, most never catch on and are dropped quickly. But when they succeed they ride it into the ground.
>Tropic Thunder was almost a decade ago
I didn't know it was a white guy in black face, much less that it was RDj until someone told me.
You're welcome sir. Just watched it recently. It stands the test of time, still fucking hilarious.
Oh australia you so crazy
I hope you get beat up by Protestants
You obviously haven't watched the whole movie then because he plays an Australian in the movie who is then playing the black dude as a role in the fake movie.
Shit I remember a bunch of indian doctors doing a blackface skit on hey hey it's saturday and Jeff Goldblum was the celebrity judge and he got all pissed off about how racist it was.
>for some, it may be the one of the few real rights they have
Does anybody do blackface better than Korea?
His character in the film is white.
Now go back and watch Major Payne and imagine the SJW nightmare that would never end if they even talked about that movie at a Jew producer board meeting.
Making fun of ugly kids.
Making fun of deaf kids.
Making fun of fat kids.
Making fun of kids with glasses.
Making fun of blind kids.
Putting them in dresses.
Shooting guns in school.
Seriously every time I watch it I'm amazed it's not been denounced daily as wrongthink.
The SJW shit had only began in 2007. It hadn't really began affecting most things til 2009. Now it's FULL RETARD mode.
He "got away" with it because it was setup as satire as part of the plot point from the beginning. It was controversial when it was in theaters though but it just added to people wanting to see it. It actually didn't do well on release. It's one of those things that was more appreciated after the fact on home video. One of my favorite movies though.
Rdj plays a white actor playing a black man, its poking fun at how black people domt get any good roles.
Most blacks understand the irony why cant you?
Plus he did sich a great job no one cares if its offensive, rdj is a national treasure.
Tropic Thunder isn't even old, it's scary to see how far the cultural marxists have progressed their agenda in such a short amount of time.
Underrated movie. One of and maybe the last great comedies of film.
There were lots of people whining about it at the time. The controversy behind it was part of what sold the movie.
Probably because it doesn't really look like black face. Blackface is when a person (usually not black) paints their face as a cartoonish caricature of black people and then behave as a cartoonish caricature of black people.
RDJ isn't playing some kind of steryotype to mock black people, and the makeup is so well done that at a glance you really can't tell that he's white. I'm pretty sure some pearlclutching faggots complained but overall the movie was received well.
Generally I think of blackface as a performance deliberately done to poke fun at black people in a mean spirited way, which is just fine because every ethnic group in this country has been the butt of some unflattering steryotype.
>Why was it that in Tropic Thunder Robert Downey Jr. went full black face and no one gave a fuck?
because he was making fun of method actors, not black people.
>Why was it that in Tropic Thunder Robert Downey Jr. went full black face and no one gave a fuck?
Because he was the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude
Tom Cruise played one of the single most compellingly real and hilarious roles I have ever seen. I don't know how ((they)) let it happen.
Fuck I'm old
blacklash :{)
Because Robert Downey Junior pretending to be a white dude pretending to be a black dude is still the best black actor alive.
Les Grossman probably got a pass because he was such a badass. It was an interesting look into what it must be like to be a high level Jew. The power he exuded was terrifying.
Then you realize that that character is the sort of person Sup Forums has been waging war against for this entire election cycle. Holy shit dude.
I was 18 when it came out. I've literally witnessed the death of the old world, and the birth of this disgusting new world within a relatively short span of my life.
The funny thing is all my friends my age are what I'd consider "normies", i.e. professionals and university lecturers, yet they all use words like retard and faggot in everyday speech.
We all constantly laugh at the bell-end millennials and how fucked they are all gonna be in the real world.
>Tropic Thunder is 8 years old
>People who saw it at 13 can legally drink now
I'm one of them, that being said,
>See it as a young teen
>Gears in my head start fucking turning
>Start thinking of all the benefits I'd get if I was black, they were clear as day to me as a kid
>Say whatever the fuck I want, get job over white people because of my skin color, free money etc.
>Outright tell neighborhood kids I'm gonna dye my skin black like RDJ in order to get better rights
>Parents find out
>mfw Tropic Thunder aided in the red pill
Oh, and before some fuckhead thinks I wanted to be a shitskin,
it was more about how much better I'd have it and be treated if I was one that RDJ in Tropic Thunder made teen me realize.