Why are mexican so fucked in the head?

Why are mexican so fucked in the head?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Italian Renaissance

what head?

That's fucked

>posting the same pictures again and again

Agreed, definite lack of head.


Quality banter


That's just a typical day in Mexico. But it's usually only cartel members that end up like that.

Stop buying drugs pls
Or legalize them and make it a regulated market, whatever you want.

Watch this movie called Narco Cultura. Mexican corrido artists literally look at these gore pictures, laugh, and think, "oooo ese dis es so great for mi inspiracion compa." They then proceed to write a song glorifying the people who did this and the general working class morons of Mexico eat it up. [spoiler](I know they don't fucking work here) I'll admit though I listen to that kind of music to for spanish practice though[/spoiler]

just wait till the cartels establish themselves in the US, then you burgers will see how this looks from close. Vote Trump or else...

is he gonna be okay?

because they're the italians of the latin america world

The one you ate

Can someone translate what it says on the signs?

Why do people do this?


> People un-ironically believe this

Wow... they are no better than the niggers in South Africa

>that face skinning

Goddamn, that shit is gnarly.

I-is he gonna be okay?


>probably has a whole folder dedicated to gore to vicariously live through
You're no better. Just more of a pussy

>muh degeneracy


I'm pretty sure most are just warnings to rival cartel gangs. Although I don't speak fluent Spanish so I'm not sure if they all say that.


is he kill?

sending a message, the narcos style is blunt but effective.
Some of the signs say that they were snitches or collaborators to rival cartels, but one seems to be written by a vigilante group that kills kidnappers (2nd on the left column, the 3 heads on the white car)

Oh shit. They cut off his dick too, that's crazy ass shit right there. I'm not eating at taco bell no more.

>He don't have a Mexican gore folder

Oh come one ..

That's the only gore picture I have, but if you think it's degenerate, go spend a few hours on Sup Forums.

No spoilers on Sup Forums you crossboarding scum

They are Aztecs, Aztecs have always practiced blood arts and human sacrifice.

The Mexican reliigon is one of combining the worst parts of Roman Catholicism with native Aztec religions. They worship Santa Muerte, they make idols of drug lords, they practice blood magic and animal and human sacrificial rituals. So many of these Mexicans are so superstitious that they believe buying idols and pendants, lighting candles, and saying "la Madre" will protect them from divine punishment as well as legal punishment for their crimes.

Pic related: Here is where your taqueria meat comes from that fat Americans love so much.

Why don't you tell me Mexico Sr.???


Nah, he'll be ok.

i have to say, those people have inborn decorating talent.

those look like alebrijes. it's like pottery.

Cus I'm loco esse

wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow get these cartels and the muslims to fight each other

>crossboarding meme

Go back to avatarfagging on Sup Forums

What a waste of limes. Those could have fed Gwyneth for a week.

Mexicans are descendants of the Aztecs and the Conquistadors. That's a deadly combination.

I beat a pack of Beaners raped that after it's dead.

>But it's usually only cartel members that end up like that.

Not really. Its Central Americanos caught up in human trafficking on their way to the US.


>tfw I have no face

Fuck off. I'm not going to get bitched out on Sup Forums for informing the dumb weebs that niggers are subhuman but let such obvious faggotry happen on MY board.

>implying there are any non crossboarders on Sup Forums

user, I feel sorry for anyone here that doesn't visit other boards. Sup Forums is so unbelievable garbage right now that being here for longer than 30 minutes or so literally kills neurons. I pray to God that you crossboard. [spoiler](fuck you again)This shitstorm will hopefully blow over when the election's over anyway[/spoiler]

I don't think so, lad.


>implying Italy wasn't one of the most important nations to developed Europe

lmgtfy.com/?q=Italian Renaissance

>complaining about crossboarding
>you are a crossboarder

If you're on Sup Forums and you're NOT a crossboarder you're a newfag, because Sup Forums is relatively new.

Anyone else want to eat it? Looks like a decent roast

I'm triggered

>They are Aztecs

That's like saying Italians are Romans


Will Trump's presidency affect any of this or is it a lost cause

Because they changed religion but their ethic is still the ethic of the Aztec people, thus they need sacrifice and the more bloody it is the better.
The next step is to return to aztec paganism.


I already did...

Because they are insecure. Also they believe in the ritual rights of the ancient Aztecs, which many of whom are descendants of those sacrificial cultures. Central America is literally half sub-human

right? my mouth is watering. looks like a chopped up chorizo

Stop poking holes in my impenetrable logic!

>Sup Forums is so unbelievable garage right now

Wow you take that back our garage is fine thank you very much!

How can gringos even compete? You build that wall or itll be chao chao amigos.

I really do hope the latter happens. If not I'm moving to Amsterdam within a year or two. I love my country, but I'm sorry I'm not going to be told what I can and can't put in my body in 2016 if I'm a working contributer to society who pays taxes.

My doctor would just tell him to get some Afrin, and call him back if it doesn't get better.

>making fun of me for a typo I didn't make

This is some next-level shitposting.

Maybe as a prop on Deadspace.

You fucking record correcting shill

Gringos don't like to play with their food.

looks tasty senpai

I'm just taking the piss out of Sup Forums

fucking Sup Forumsonlyfags i swear


>implying i didn't make fun of you for the typo you didn't make just to draw attention to the typo that you did make

Did you even read The Art of the Deal? Last laugh is mine I suppose.

>its almost like half the population was decapited.

include me in the screencap

Nah you're just a loser, glad you'll be going

their ancestors already did that, it's on their blood.

Hey hey hey Sup Forumsonlyfags are retards, I agree, but don't make fun of them for it. Can you imagine how much worse Sup Forums would become if it became even more flooded by Sup Forumstards than it already is? Just let them be, we need to preserve a future for our home board, Sup Forums is fucked for the time being.

We breed like rabbits tho

Blame catholicism, I mean, I love being catholic but ... gee ...

but you did..?

>last laugh is yours

Wrong faggot I laughed while reading your post so technically my laugh came after yours.

>Sup Forumsonlyfags

That's nothing compared to what the Asians do behind closed doors.

Explain this to me Mexicans.
If you are a Mexican why would you make a cartel mad at you enough to cut your head off and put the remains in a fruit bowl?

When the conquistadors got here they were literally running their neighbors down to sacrifice them everyday to keep the Sun from going away.
Pulling their live beating hearts out to show them before they die.
MUH NOBLE SAVAGE Myth is just that a Myth. For the most part they were straight savages.
The only thing that makes the decent ones decent now is the large amounts of European DNA added to their gene pool.
Which more likely mass rapes our poor/ stupid women trying to gain favor by offering sexual favors in mass?
Note. Just look how whorish women are now, they have always been that way , we just hid it and ignored the lower classes.

they have no balls
those guys need to stand up on their own legs and and finish the cartels once and for all, with their own hands.

Most of them are cartel members result of battles between cartels.

Literally "I'm more violent than you, fear me and work for me".

You didn't even try to come up with anything bright, did you?

Christ, it must really suck living a sheltered life. How does it feel to know you'll die having wasted the one life you had and squandering your possibility to experience everything life has to offer?

>not being a hedonist

>every thing you just said

So much talk about taking care of ISIS when the real threat are the Mexicans in the south and and niggers everywhere else.

Include me in capscreen


Actually nice banter, lmao


The wall will cut down immensely on cartel drug trade. So yes.

Okay thanks that makes sense.
Another question:
Why is Mexico so bad at Halo?

Why attack American people??
The cartels are based on pure money, not in an Anti-US ideology as ISIL.

Cartels loves gringos m8

I don't know

Shitty Internet connection I guess, I'm not a gaymer.

ping is too damm high with low end computers i guess.
