Why shouldn't felons be allowed to vote after they have served their time?
Why shouldn't felons be allowed to vote after they have served their time?
You guys really don't let felons vote?
It depends on the state, but many do not. In maine and vermont they can vote even while incarcerated
Have you ever known a felon?
The types of people who commit felony level crimes are normally idiots and/or have extremely skewed ideas of how the world should work.
(I've known good people who are felons too. But the average is a shithead.)
It is absolutely in our best interests that felons cannot vote.
Who is "our"? Felons are a part of society as well. Plenty of people who aren't felons are idiots and you can find plenty of people who have extremely skewed ideas of how the world should work right here on Sup Forums.
Get caught with 22 grams of pot in Florida, you can be a felon. It doesn't take much for felonies.
Same reason we dont let them own firearms. The typical American voter is a 39 year old liberal soccer mom who has panic attacks about the thought of reality kicking her face in. Nonviolent felons should be allowed to fully reintegrate into society after they have served their time.
>Who is "our"?
Well adjusted people who have conventional views on drugs and law and justice. Criminals often have a distorted view that they are they just ones and that law enforcement is the bad guys, and they will vote for anti-cop politicians
>Get caught with 22 grams of pot in Florida, you can be a felon.
I don't want people who sell pot voting. They are idiots. Usually liberals or blacks.
I think they should be allowed to own firearms as well. If they commit another crime while using a firearm, then the point of making them illegal is completely lost.
If they never commit a crime using a firearm then the point of disallowing them from owning one is lost as well. It's a feel-good gun control measure that erodes the rights of citizens.
>Well adjusted people who have conventional views on drugs and law and justice. Criminals often have a distorted view that they are they just ones and that law enforcement is the bad guys, and they will vote for anti-cop politicians
"people who disagree with me shouldn't be allowed to vote"
Interesting argument, friend. That defeats the point of voting, doesn't it?
>I don't want people who sell pot voting.
That's for possession, not selling.
So basically you'd prefer that everyone who disagrees with you and that you personally don't like not have the right to vote?
>"people who disagree with me shouldn't be allowed to vote"
Your fucking right they shouldn't. We should raise the age of voting to 25 and implement an IQ test in order to vote.
The liberals keep getting in because of mentally deficient niggers and burnt out college morons who think they are "fighting the power".
>That's for possession, not selling.
>possessing 22 grams of pot for personal use
The reason it's a felony is because the government assumes you are selling when you have that much.
You commit a felony, you lose some of your basic rights. You're a criminal, why should anyone give a fuck about what you have to say?
>shit judgment to commit the crimes our society has deemed the worst
We should put them in camps permanently, but if we're going to let them out they just want "muh gibs" since nobody would hire a loser, so they will always vote liberal, as most people with shitty judgment do.
Because maybe some crimes shouldn't even be crimes in the first place.
Every politician is running to change the current, conventional laws, right? Even conservatives are trying to change our conventional laws that are currently on the books. If you truly believe that only people who believe in convention should vote then we shouldn't be voting in anyone who would change any of the current laws.
Rights should be inalienable.
What did you have in mind?
>Rights should be inalienable.
The whole rights movement is what caused the death of the white race
Women's RIGHTS
black RIGHTS
Fuck your rights and fuck your fag defending, anti Christian constitution
Then we can fix those laws in the legal system.
>Rights should be inalienable
Oh okay, I guess you can't even imprison someone for committing a crime then because their right to life and liberty is inalienable.
White nations are so great because we have a constitution that guarantees human rights. If we didn't we'd be no different than any other brown shit hole.
It's fuckwits like you that advocate taking everyone's rights away because you think it's going to be your group that gets in power. "Useful idiots" as based KGB agent said. That said, fuck women's rights, black rights, and gay rights. Just have human rights and quit fucking around with trying to appease everyone.
Being imprisoned takes away neither of those rights. Liberty refers largely to self-determination and capital punishment is a violation of that right but is not inherent to imprisonment.
We can and our system allows it through representation; our right to vote. Depriving people of the right to vote makes for an ineffectual legal system that does not represent our population.
These people either killed, raped, or stole. Do you really think they have the best moral judgement in electing a good leader?
You can't self-determine anything on the warden's prison schedule.
Felons have their rights taken away all the time and it's not unconstitutional. If you violate the law you should be prepared to face the punishment should you be caught. Whether that punishment is probation, incarceration, death, temporary revocation of voting rights, or permanent revocation of voting rights.
I'm also tired of hearing the "debt to society" argument. "Oh he's paid his debt to society, let's restore his voting rights." That's not how it works. In Florida your sentence is "five years in prison and life without voting rights." Your debt to society is repaid when you die without having voted, not just because your prison term is over. Your time in prison is only part of your punishment.
Because they clearly suck at making choices that don't fuck over themselves and the people around them
>break the law
>lose some of your rights
I see no problem with this
Alright. How about we don't let racists vote? They don't have good moral judgement, obviously. What about people who vote in their own self-interests no matter how detrimental it would be to their community? They shouldn't be able to vote, either.
Sorry, democracy doesn't work that way bud. Even if you don't agree with someone morally they still should have the right to vote. Not to mention the fact that not all laws are based on morality.
>You can't self-determine anything on the warden's prison schedule.
You can re-frame that argument as something equally stupid like: "You can't self-determine anything without the ability to leave the earth."
Sure, you should be able to face the punishment should you be caught. And they do face that punishment by not voting. I'm arguing that they should be able to vote.
Not how democracy works.
What constitutes a vote exempting felony over there? Wikipedia lists tax evasion, mail fraud, even copyright infringement and "threatening" government officials as felonies.
If you run a sweep of copyrighted movies and offensive facebook posts in red leaning states, won't you have won the election?
>I'm arguing that they should be able to vote.
All right. Then you're arguing for more lenient sentencing for criminals. Which is fine, just want to clarify that the answer to your original question of "why shouldn't felons be allowed to vote after they have served their time" is that they have only served their prison time, their life without voting time is still in effect.
>You can re-frame that argument as something equally stupid like: "You can't self-determine anything without the ability to leave the earth."
I tried to ignore this, but I can't. It's a ridiculous false analogy. Nobody is stopping you from leaving Earth even if you don't have the capability to do so yourself. On the other hand, when you're imprisoned you are actively being stopped from leaving. Your ability to self-determine your future has been severely restricted as punishment.
>maine and vermont
White privilege.
They'll vote for stupid shit
No shit faggot. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a constitutional republic. And when you prove yourself incapable of making choices that don't fuck up lives, you forfeit some of your rights in return. Fairness > equality.
They get to vote from in jail here. When we imprison a man, we take as few of his rights away as possible.
We're talking about voting here, not the form of our government. We still use the democratic process to elect our officials.
How does, as noted above, copyright infringement intrinsically fuck up lives?
I agree, nice digits
Yes and our voting process is subject to the laws laid out under the form of government here.
>How does, as noted above, copyright infringement intrinsically fuck up lives?
You're asking me to explain to marxist scum how somebody else taking away something that another person earned might piss people off. You won't understand it until it happens to you. And when it does, nobody will be around to give a shit anymore.
Because they will vote democrat
Because it allows you to take rights away from people who abuse the morals of our society.
If you dont do this then they can abuse the system and then everything would fail.
>pol translation
It stops the niggers from voting as much
snek thread?
Violent felons should not be allowed to vote
>serve your time and be deemed safe to release back into society
>not allowed to own a gun or vote because the government doesn't trust you
Hmmm, why do we release them if they aren't safe to release? Either give them their rights or don't release until safe to do so.