"Oh yeah? Then why did it win an Oscar, bub?"

>"Oh yeah? Then why did it win an Oscar, bub?"

Other urls found in this thread:


>"For you."

Keep trying

i liked the one earlier

>Uhhh, you're fucking ugly


"Yeah? Well I'm sure Leo cares about me infinitely more than he ever will about you, so you can kiss that fantasy goodbye!"

Literally the only way out of this one would be to start running around screaming as loud as he could.

>With a face like yours, there's no way I'd be the only one leaving


>Caring about what other people will think
>Not embracing the awkwardness
You lost right there Sup Forums

>"I'm going to use my jewish connections to ensure a globalist banker becomes president of this country and you're flooded with muslims until it's statistically probable that you will be a victim of crime or know someone who is a victim of crime."

Did Jonah go too far?

>Sup Forums still hasn't come up with anything good
hahah give it up guys, you lost and will continue to lose

There is no good comeback. He'd simply have to murder her.

Oh, so that's why Trump got elected. Based Jonah.

I believe in this instance he was justified in what he did.

Fuck off, even if Sup Forums had come up with a good comeback someone would just say "That's not a good comeback" to keep the meme going.

There's plenty of good comebacks, but those are not comebacks that HE could use given his status as a celebrity.

>I'm rubber you're glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you.

>Takes one to know one!

He blew it

>"Wow. That was completely uncalled for and mean-spirited."
There. The presented now feels like shit, the audience starts clapping and cheering, showing support for Jonah for standing up to bullying.


> someone would just say "That's not a good comeback" to keep the meme going.
that will never happen. and this isn't a meme. you cannot possibly come up with anything good in that scenario in front of a televised audience without sounding butthurt or annoying. especially given she was laughing her ass off the entire time. gg ez

Those would only work if she wasn't attractive

and he was attractive

>oh yeah? You know what this is? It's called a gun. Now...wait, are you scared? Don't be. HEY! KEEP FUCKING FILMING! Come here honey, yeah I got something for you

What makes you think being attractive stops you from getting called ugly? Did you just start browsing this board today?

"Oh yeah? Well let's , uh , share the breakfast in the morning and call it , uh ,even yeah? I'll be parked at the Wendy's"

*flirtatiously touches Norm while laughing*

>Trapped in a nightmare
>Trapped in a nightmare
>Trapped in a nightmare

>Is it because I am Jewish? Really? One would think that a show like this would be more open-minded and tolerant. I suppose not. I thought our society was way past this sort of bigotry and discrimination! Shame on you, Ornella! *walks away*

>Why would you say that? Why would you humiliate me like this? Do you think this is funny? Do you really think it's funny that I don't look like Brad Pitt? Do you think it's ok to make people feel like shit?

Then continue to sit there upset, creating an awkward situation.

jonah needs to learn how to take control of a sticky situation like /ourguy/ did.

"now why would you do that? comehere, comehere, why would you do that?
whats so funny about that?" it's ridiculous Do you like thinking less of people, is that it? Don't run away. That's incredibly rude. I'm here giving you an interview and you do that ... it's incredibly rude.You're a jerk ... jerk ... you're a jerk."

it stops you getting called ugly from being effective

This is the best response I have seen

Matt Damon is also pretty based in that regard.

This poster is ugly

Not really. People are insecure.

>tfw i wrote this

>tfw i wrote this too

teachers fucking suck my man. they work an important job and do it poorly and then we pretend because the work they do is important that their performance is good. its not. theyre like a union of shitty firefighters who let homes burn down most of the time. student results go back, they come out retarded, and the teachers get paid great money to take holidays and work short shifts.

damons bias is cause his mom is a teacher and he goes off and assumes all teachers are good because she is good, when thats a massive fallacy of generalization.

Most of my teachers were pretty good except for the high school physics teacher who would always answer questions with questions and the middle school English teacher who seemed to have no interest in actually grading anyone's work personally. Both J names, interestingly.

>shitty salary


>long hours


>>shitty salary
The U.S Bureau of the Census has the annual real median personal income at $30,240 in 2015

Median teacher salary in the US is $44,000 to $50,000

So they're getting way more than the median but they're getting shitty pay? AND they get time off for holidays, so they're earning that much while on holidays versus the full timers without holidays who earn less

Must be real fucking hard being a teacher Matt.

Stop lying faggot i wrote that

>tfw I wrote this

>I wouldn't leave

These seem like they would work or just bring something up about her fat-shaming him.

this faggy quippy buzzfeed shit bothers me inordinately

"It's personality that counts you fucking roastie"

What gets me is that the joke wasn't even funny or clever. She knew exactly how it sounded and said it anyway.

It is an important job, but most kids these days don't want to learn shit and are bratty assholes. Imagine if your job was to train new employees, and when they showed up only a handful actually were interested in learning the tasks while the rest either ignored you or were purposely disruptive. A teacher's job should be to present the material in an accurate, efficient, and preferably interesting manner. If the kids don't want to learn, then that shouldn't be their problem.

we had this science teacher in year 7 that refused to teach us any of the required science experiments because some students were too loud one day at the very start of the school year. she was also obviously stoned all the time and looked like a heroin addict. She also never gave me usb back which had my assignment on it and claimed i never gave it too her. ausfag education


Anyone can teach, that's not even a skill. Accepting that kids are, and always have been, immature annoying cunts is the entire job. If you can't figure out how to get them to listen to you that's because you suck at being a teacher.

You don't send a dog trainer in to a pack of dogs then pat him on the back for being shit at training dogs because it's hard. That's the entire job.


>Anyone can teach, that's not even a skill.
Literally had to stop reading there. You have zero life experience if you honestly believe this.

>Haha, oh yeah you OLDER women do tend to like those OLD 90s heart-throbs from a long time ago

Oh wait, nevermind. You completely contradicted what you said in the next two sentences.

>That's a bit disrespectful to Miles. For Yahwe's sake he sitting next to me!

When you define teaching as reading from a book anyone can teach

When you include the onerous requirement that you learn to actually control retarded kids, the entire reason we have teachers, otherwise we'd just let them self teach, then it's pretty obvious teachers can't do their jobs

>hurr the kids are to blame because I can't control them
>I just need more money and holidays

Oh, was this interview for War Dogs?

Sup Forums I don't know if you're being ironic but every "comeback" that has ever been suggested in these threads is never better than cringe-inducing.

Oh yeah? Then why did it win an Oscar, bub?

shit really? alright guess it's time for you to show us how it's done lad

Alright, alright, here's my go at it. *clears throat*
>"Fuck you."

Omae wa mou shindeiru!

>Non not interested sweetie thats the point! :D

>Tы пoжиpaтeль мoeгo мyдaкa, гнилaя фpaнцyзcкaя cвинья. Bы бyдeтe пoбeждeны, пoтoмy чтo я мoгyщecтвeннa, и я бyдy изнacилoвaть c бoльшoй paдocтью!
That's all it takes to shut a bitch down.

>Oh I didn't know you knew russian!
>Maybe that explains why you're always russian for seconds

>Hey, I don't blame ya. I'm more of an acquired taste


>"that's why they call it a fantasy"

>By the look of it, you've acquired a lot of tastes

>*silently gets up and walks across the room and punches her in the face, knocking her out instantly*
Only acceptable response.

*eats her*
Hehehe, that's what you get for calling me a fatty bitch.

This whole situation reminds of something my friends at school used to do, want to hear the story Sup Forums?