Christianity sucks.
I understand that it's a new meme to be pro-crusade and have family values, virtues and morals, but why are we choosing this ass-backwards kike religion?
I was raised Christian and my childhood was a continuous series of threats that I will go to Hell unless I go to church. Not much virtue or moral guidance, just go to church and put the money in the tray and sing these boring songs or you will be thrown into a dark firepit to be tortured by demons forever.
Every time I see someone posting the pro-christian shit, they don't bring up the hell-threats which has been a staple of the church since the beginning, just the secular traditionalist parts.
Can anyone tell me WHY christian shills are trying to rebrand their religion? Is it entirely Jew-run to ensure Israel has control over our minds even if we go full DEUS VULT?
Christianity sucks
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All religions are cults, and their purpose is to have control over you.
jew here. :)
>Can anyone tell me WHY christian shills are trying to rebrand their religion?
It's mostly just edgy tryhard dumbfucks.
Sounds Catholic. Don't lump them in with Christians.
I think the burning hell fire thing is a protestant meme.
I think there is more subtle levels of punishment in the afterlife.
Regardless of whether or not you believe in God user, you should understand that the Godlessness of modern society is a symptom of decay, not a shining example of progress. Moral relativism should be hated by intelligent theists and atheists alike. Our society is sliding into a cesspit of moral decay and decadence. The Muslims will conquer us in this trajectory and they deserve to.
Occult-Chan wishes you a happy Friday evening!
You have to remember that only God will judge. The things you hear of how religion is supposed to be done is through other people's interpretations, not His.
Our ancestors fought for this.
Nope. Mix of protestant and baptist.
Went to a Jesus camp where they spoke in tongues, too.
I always felt like God didn't love me as much as the other kids because he didn't take over my body and make me scream and cry in jibberish.
>implying hellfire preaching isn't one of the greatest things on God's earth
God have mercy on your foolish soul
Thank you, occult chan!
I fucking love that guy
Amen to that, brother
The charismatic movement really is dangerous. Please don't base your view of Christianity upon them or your experiences. Base it upon the Bible, if anything, my friend.
No man has standing to tell anyone else about the nature of any metaphysical entity. Such things are by nature and definition, impossible to know first-hand. Religion is bunk. Any sentence with God [verb + third person marker] is speculative.
Christians are butthurt less people are buying their bullshit so they yell louder and cry persecution.
It's kinda sad. A real Christian wouldn't feel like his faith is threatened.
what if someone has a genuine metaphysical experience?
>Not being a Kekist
The Book of Revelation constantly speaks of Christians being persecuted. Of course, you wouldn't know that, you ignorant little heathen.
Because when countries become more and more atheistic, the general trend is for said country to become apathetic with a lesser sense of unity.
This is a problem when people that have a firm belief such as that of Islam come through and cause problems under a unified effort.
So the best thing to do right now out of all of the possible options is to unite under one belief that represents the values of Western civilization, and can create unity among those to counteract the growing tides of Islamic violence.
Otherwise, our culture will fade away and be replaced.
Christianity must be replaced with Mazdeanism.
Mazdeism is a warrior religion and promote virtues like bravour, honesty, strength unlike Christianity who promote weakness, submissiveness, and so on.
Heil Ahura Mazda, the God of the Aryans !
How's the 9th grade going, faggot
lol what the fuck is this even supposed to do exactly?
Your god is fictional and the dead religious/political dissident you worship is a pile of dust under the soil of palestine.
This is targeted at young adults who understand the concept of Hell is not tangible. In my opinion, Hell is what happens to our lives if we don't live virtuously. That is NOT what I've ever heard from any christian.
Lmao, yeah 2 Kings 2:23
Bible has maybe 10% good parts
Tetragrammaton only has power over the faggots he tricked
>sing these boring songs
Boring? Sign of low dopamine, a mental illness. This often goes hand in hand with narcissism and antisocial behavior. Get better.
Don't criticise what you don't understand.
Isn't this what world famous faggot Fred Mercury was born into?
Couldn't be closer to the point.
A group of kids insults a balding "prophet" so he asks god for a favor to send bears to maul them. What am I missing?
Do you know the signifigance of what they said, and how it was understood in that culture?
mate Christianity is based as fuck and jesus sacrificing himself is why europe has for so long been far more civilized then the rest of the world, due to the moral he taught.
be happy our society is mudslime or fuckin pagans sacrificing children to god.
Modern catechising is shit, especially in Protestant churches. You have to do some research on your own to get a proper idea of Christianity.
morals he taught'
be happy our society isn't.
>Don't want to sing bible hymns?
>Mental illness
Thanks for giving me yet another reason to hate christians, Brazil.
Does it matter? It's an allegory on how free speech is bad and feelings (especially those of religious freaks) are more important than rights.
check out the red ice radio from today
theie is a version of asataru that isn't dildolect
euro ancestor worship
It certainly does matter, because it is the key to understanding the passage. And what evidence is there to suggest that this passage is an allegory?
Atheists are ignorant, arrogant retards, and the world be so much better without them.
>Two bears maul forty-two children because God favors his bald homie more than anyone else in the world at that time.
Are you suggesting that this should be taken literally? If so, is this the best use of God's efforts? Why does he care more to protect bald mans feelings than the lives of children?
Because belief in a 6000 year old flat Earth is definitely the less ignorant of the beliefs
Get over yourself.
Yeah, fuck those stupid fundie zionist churches who did that stuff, but you can't just disown God like that.
Watch this little documentary. It dispels the Philo-semitism espoused by crazy evangelicals:
Read some books, friend.
I can also probably answer some questions if you'd like, but keep it civil. Resistance of complete submission to emotions is what separates us from animals.
>muh victim status means I'm right!
Christians showing their leftist colors once more. Guess they have to spread the word online in between nigger toe licking sessions.
>The current year.
Ha! I'm facebook friends with some jerk-off race traitor who follows the Asatru thing. He accidentally posted a red ice article and when I pointed it out to him, he deleted the article and then posted, "Recently I reposted an article about Iceland which was from a white supremacist website called redice. I was unaware. Of this. Apologies lol. Also fuck redice."
>Moral relativism
>current year
Refer to pic and vid related.
Yes, literally. And God doesn't have any 'efforts', He just does. Enoch chosen by God and had great spiritual blessing. In fact, he and Elijah were the only men taken up by God without facing death.
The boys, taken in context, basically called him a disease-ridden leper and were wishing for his death. As per the Law, if a boy were to speak to a man like that, he was to be put to death. And they were. God wouldn't contradict his own law, and Enoch wasn't in a position to put them all away, so another arrangement was made.
>except when...
>not moral relativism
>the very fact that you have to arbitrarily pick one of the countless religions with contradictory dogma
>not moral relativism
Nice buzzword, did you hear it on /r/christian?
Forgot the part where just "going to Church" means you haven't actually "Accepted the love of Jesus Christ into your heart," and therefore you're still damned to eternal Hell. Or you forgot to beg the intercession of a Catholic priest, and the same applies.
Christianity served three purposes; to destabilize Rome with proto-Bolshevism, to impose the Mosaic banking laws on Europe, which made it illegal for non-Jews to run a banking industry, and to cripple and confuse Europe's analytical mind for as many centuries as possible. The first two worked like a charm, the third is arguably still working to this day.
So why did he stop enforcing his own laws? Why did he protect ONE christian back then? Surely some one somewhere else could have been actively tortured because of their beliefs, but he goes all out with bears because a guy got insulted.
Are we really that much worse than any other group of heathen? Is worshiping a false god really any better than not worshiping anything? Why do you crosskikes always single us out?
Of all people, an Australian shut you down and within a minute.
>implying there's a difference
>having to ignore the more important second part for some pathetic semantics
Because none of it actually happened... Lol. Pretty easy explanation. Sorry about my fellow ausfag, we aren't all retards.
Because the tribes of Israel no longer exist and Christ has come and fulfilled the law. Or if I misunderstood your question, He worked through His creation.
Because he was especially holy and had great favour with the Lord. As I said, only he and Elijah were taken up to be with the Lord without facing death. Also, with the natural Chain of Being, men > boys.
I don't understand your next point. Is God not (in theory, at least) omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent? For all we know, the tortured guy was also helped by the Lord.
This was also the religion of the Achaemenid and the Sassanid empire, even the Roman Empire practiced it in the form of Mithraism before Christianity took over.
You're right. There is no moral guidance in the modern church. It's been feminized. Most Christians are now liberal. Deus cult larpers may be dumb but they want to fox it.
Some words are used differently if it reflects different contexts or circumstances. The word 'sie'/'Sie' is a good example of this.
>Can anyone tell me WHY christian shills are trying to rebrand their religion?
For deities' sakes, let them.
It's the constant secularization of Christianity that makes it tolerable. Women not being property, abolition, rape being a crime, age of consent are all completely unbiblcable concepts, but because Christians changed the core of their religion those and many other principles have been altered.
Most people don't want true, original Christianity. Most Christians don't want true, original Christianity. Let them change it, just make sure it's for the better.
And don't take it away from them.
To take away stupid peoples' false hopes is to turn them idle, and eventually against you. Religion is a tool, use it like one.
>implying there isn't a difference between killing and murder
>implying it is simply pathetic semantics
Come on now
Maybe your parents were just retarded and weren't very good Christians? Something to consider. It doesn't say you go to hell if you don't go to church. Get a clue and pick up a King James Bible, user.
Christianity has a variety of beliefs. As far as the permanent torture goes, the Bible doesn't actually say this. I was raised in a Christian family that always refuted this. Many see it as a "second death" or basically a death of your spirit.
This, to be honest.
I have a bible with my name engraved on it. I was not isolated with solely my parents. Everyone in my family and communities all said the same things.
Lucky you. They probably didn't tell you that God is literally an old man in the sky sitting on a literal throne in a literal place surrounded by literal winged beings.
>As far as the permanent torture goes, the Bible doesn't actually say this.
>46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment
Your family lied to you and now you're lying to other people.
After reading the Quran, which has far more hellfire preaching than the Bible, I can tell you it is extremely obnoxious and the reason got banned from Mecca.
Christianity is no different from Islam and Judaism apart from a couple poems and nifty outfits.
They are both murderous cults that have caused untold suffering.
The current Christians are not Christians. They are as much of a Christian as a bacon eating vegetarian. Modern ethical practices, legal institutions have only temporarily tamed the murderous visage of Christianity. Take them away, and we have two Islams.
>just let christianity change with the times bro
the whole point of the religion is to preserve tradition. if they can't maintain it as it used to be it's worthless
No one said anything about 'modernizing' it. For all intents and purposes, keep the believers thinking the same thing. Control and channel the way they act, however.
For fuck's sake, people fought bloody wars because two sects couldn't agree on nitpicks about doctrine. There's much better shit to go to war about than that.
Which is why Hitler loved Islam for being the most controlling
I'm talking about Sup Forums Christians who realize that Christianity could be our savior from the islamic terror and degeneracy, but they leave out the bad parts like heaven and hell which used to be the main things that scared people into accepting abrahamism.
>For fuck's sake, people fought bloody wars because two sects leaderships couldn't agree on nitpicks about doctrine.
You are either insulting human intelligence or seriously underrating it. We aren't rats that need to be tricked in order to get a wedge of cheese.
Defeating Islamic terror and degeneracy by injecting a slightly milder form of theological cancer is like curing high blood pressure by slicing open your veins.
I as an atheist/agnostic can appreciate the cultural works and mythology of Christianity but they are no more interesting than countless other mythologies in the world. There is no particular reason why a reasonable individual should choose to believe over being skeptical in search of truth.
no contest
>We aren't rats that need to be tricked in order to get a wedge of cheese.
Yes we are. This is what very few seem to grasp: we are all naturally evil. It's a biological imperative to be the best and the only one. Society is against our better nature, but logically, it makes more sense than going at it in packs.
There is no solution unless we have some way to biologically rewire our instincts and our emotions.
>we are naturally evil
[citation needed]
>shinto Europe
>Defeating Islamic terror and degeneracy by injecting a slightly milder form of theological cancer is like curing high blood pressure by slicing open your veins.
No shit you fucking idiot canadian moron. Maybe you haven't seen the deus vult christian revival threads around here. That is what I'm asking about.
He's probably a nigger or a jew projecting.
How is it in this age of enlightenment, there are so many people who are so much stupider, and often lack even the most basic logical faculty, common sense?
It's because nobody wants to think. Everyone wants to feel, whether it's pleasure, fear of something, or a difficult struggle.
Freedom isn't the ultimate win. America has more of it than any nation before, and people are more dissatisfied than ever.
What we really like is that eternal struggle to get freedom, and almost having it. It's illogical, but crucial for a mortal species to strive to survive.
10/10 post
>How is it in this age of enlightenment, ...
How is it possible that in the 21st century, you living in America, with access to the internet, library and thousands of resources are you not able to post a single coherent post with sources. Is rambling part of your DNA or are you just a pathetically projecting fears of humans onto others?
Nah you subhuman, behaviour is genetic.
Plenty of people aren't emo faggots or criminal when given freedom.
You want a good society, kill anyone that do crime or isn't happy.
In less than five generations you'll have a peaceful and happy society ( assuming you don't become a cuck and open the borders ).
You can make any man a criminal. All you need is to craft the right environment.
>You want a good society, kill anyone that do crime or isn't happy.
>In less than five generations you'll have a peaceful and happy society
This is the false assumption that there are 'bad guys' and 'good guys'. Hitler had the Jews, the Communists had the Capitalists, but the truth is not that simple.
The truth is exactly that simple.
Behaviour is genetic.
Kill the vectors of genes responsible for undesirable behaviour for at least five generations, and you'll virtually eradicate target behaviour.
Of course, the shitskins are so inferior cognitively and morally that it's simpler to kill them all in sight and devote the triage process to europeans and east asians, the only two subspecies worthy to live on my planet.
Some races are more genetically predisposed to criminal behavior, but anyone can be made a criminal.
There isn't a bogeyman responsible for everything bad. We are the bogeyman.
>Christianity sucks
Why come on a Christian board then?
Attention seeking?
Because it's cool to be the opposite of reddit. Really, that's the only reason.
Your perception of Christianity has to do with a fact you were raised in the most backwards 3rd world country which is USA where religion is still percieved differently as the rest of developed world where one can be Christian and not retarded Bible humper
Two reflexions. 1) "To have control over you" doesn't mean to control your thoughts through a process of fear (albeit for mediocre people it does). It means to give you the means to sustain mental sanity when facing the infinite void of the human soul.
It's not by chance that the greatest philosophers (Spinoza, Descartes, Leibniz, Bergson, Deleuze and so many others, but also Nietzsche, mind you, were either Christians or understood personal religion in a positive way).
2) Christianity, amongst all religions, has two purposes. One is to make all humans equals in front of the inherent tragedy of the human condition, the second is to provide each of us with a special relationship to divinity. In this sense, christianity as understood by some (smart) people is a wonderful thing.
Note that you don't have to be part of a group to practice christianity. You don't have to pray, you don't have to make sacrifices, you only have to examine your soul and make it better, in the sense of simply becoming more receptive to the love in and all around yourself.
What will atheism do to stop the spread of Islamic radicals?
Absolutely nothing. because atheist are scared shitless when it comes to publicly speaking out against islam.
Excluding famous atheists like richard dawkins.
Everyday average atheists wont say shit.