How will Trump fuck Clinton in the debates?
How will Trump fuck Clinton in the debates?
By inserting his thing into her cunt
>He will pull her pants down with his BIG hands
>Then he will use the Presidential Penis to make her scream in Lizard Person
Trump will offer to pay her medical bills, only to quickly rescind his offer because it will mean he goes bankrupt.
Why would he stoop that low when he has Melania?
Just shove a pipe up there
Like this. He'll walk across the stage and lift her up off the ground
In the butt.
OP is a faggot didn't hear basically there will be no head to head debate thx to Clinton
Sans lube with sandpaper condom.
Ever heard of not sticking your dick in crazy?
But seriously, it should be the same way he fucked Rubio, Jeb, Cruz, and the like
He won't because the RNC fucked him by allowing Clinton's media proxies to moderate every fucking debate. How the hell did he not manage to get one honest individual to the table?
He will show his dick.
He won't because they apparently won't even be on the stage at the same time.
Why Trump isn't fighting tooth and nail against this is astounding.
He will pull out a strobe light from his pocket and hillary will have a violent seizure and die then everyone cheers
He knows what he's doing.
Doggy and dry
No, he doesn't.
Chris Wallace would not be moderating thr Fox Debate if he did. The other Networks are all supplying blatant Democrats so why can't he get someone like Sean Hannity?
there's a townhall or something going on prior to the debates. i can't remember exactly, but it ISNT the case that the debates will be held separately, they are still going head to head, don't worry.
who gives a shit. this only adds to his "the media is rigged" campaign
adding sean hannity to the team will only take away from that
Trump has demolished all of the liberal debate moderators before and he'll do it again
Clinton is faking being sick so you conservashits underestimate her true strength.
That wasn't about the presidential debates. The debates will still be head to head, as they should, and more than likely always will be.
Oh right. Yeah the town halls are never 1v1 anyway, so thats alright
Why would she debate? She hasn't done any press interviews and will still get millions of voters.
Like this
It matters little if he doesn't cut her down at the knees on stage face to face. He cant overcome blatant moderator bias if they are never on the same stage together.
The true strength she showed against Obama right?
he'll accidentally bump into her piss bag when they shake hands causing it to explode
You saw how he debated in the GOP convention.
He will make an ass of himself in front of all of america.
He did it because they hated all the other candidates too. How are you retards already forgetting Candy Crowley. It's going to be like that times ten for every debate. He needs to drive Hillary into a corner, but he can't if she never gets asked a single difficult question.
the difference is that he'll be willing to call out the moderators as biased ON STAGE, like he did in the primaries
Romney and McCain were too much of a cuck to ever do that
And he won those debates and the primary
When is the debate?
Talk about policies. His policies are all about improving the economic situation for AMERICANS. He will crush her if he does that.
Nothing short of openly comparing Anderson Cooper to Joseph Goebbels will drive the point home properly.
That aside, imagine what he could've done to her with a neutral moderator for even a single debate. Why is that too much.
Going live in 20 minutes
he'll have someone with a strobe light pointing at hillary in the audience to trigger a seizure, he will help her on national television making him look very presidential while shillary loss control of her blader in front of the nation
thanks don
with his shakespearean wit and word-smithing
Hillary looks way better than that horse-face Melania
Thats because all the other candidats were cucks that had no idea how to manipulate the masses.
Trump will have a hard to time to crack Clinton in the debates. Its very predictable what arguments Trump will bring and she sure will have a prepared answer to all of them.
Chris Wallace is much better than Hannity. Wallace is one-dimensional and (for his profession's bell curve) borderline retarded. Trump B-ing TFO him will have a much greater impact than any answer to softball questions from a synchophant could.
Trump thrives on hostile interviewers and actually does better with them.
Trump only has to stress Clinton enough to trigger a coughing fit or full blown seizure.
It would be damning to her campaign if she literally clasps on live TV.
He cat
He's going to touch her and cause third impact.
Screen cap this.
>Implying she has the mental capacity to speak eloquently on the fly
>Implying she's not in a walking coma
>Implying she'll make it to the debates
Someone missed the latest fbi reports
holy shit i have the best mental image right now
i wish i could draw because that needs to be done
>How will Trump fuck Clinton in the debates?
According to inside sources by the New York Times, Clinton has dispensed with facts and gone to complete name calling in preparation for the debate. My bet is that Donald is probably go down the Rubio route and either call her out for using canned attack lines, or just let her destroy herself by failing to banter properly.
by acting completely unlike Hillary has been preparing for
her team has been prepping her for countless Trump variables, so she'll already be nervous trying to recount everything she was told to say in response to Trump saying x
all Trump has to do is say y instead, and she'll short circuit
He struggles when fighting more than one enemy at a time. His worst debates were when the other candidates worked together. He can beat Clinton or the moderators but not both at once.
K, thanks Bruh
What about Chris Wallace? I'm a Hillary voter and I'm worried about him being biased against her.
>Its very predictable what arguments Trump will bring
no it's not. you're an idiot.
Dropping WikiLeaks bombs in every other sentence.
The moderators will still shill for Hillary hard, though.
Huh. I was under the impression he defeated multiple opponents as well moderators during the primaries. Thanks for correcting the record, #imwithered now
>How will Trump fuck Clinton in the debates?
That "interview" was fucking pathetic. It was clear he promised in advance not to ask a single question people wanted to know the answer to.
They beat each other up too. The primaries could have gone much differently without Christie's takedown against Rubio.
There is no way Hillary can do well during the debates. These debates will be the most shocking thing ever put on censored television. Hillary is too dumb. Trump is as good as any of us to go against her. He isn't controlled opposition.
If you think Hillary can win one single debate you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about
"Winning" won't be enough. He needs to beat her so badly that not even the state media can make it look good
>Being this deep in denial
You should probably just watch the football game on debate night, to protect your manufactured reality
Can someone make this better?
You're the one in denial if you haven't realized by now what the Democrat media machine is capable of. Everybody knows who Kazhir Khan is yet hardly any can name Patricia Smith.
which is exactly what is going to happen. They'll still defend her, but any sane-brainwashed person will completely revoke support from her
>he's with us
>any sane-brainwashed person will completely revoke support from her
There aren't enough of those to win an election. The average voter is too stupid and there's going to be more fraud than ever.
I watched a lot of his speeches in the various states.
He is saying the same shit over and over again.
if hillary wins, which is a possibility. someone 10 times more extreme than trump will try to gain power.
do you know what campaigning is? do you know how anything works? if you are actually from europe i wouldnt be surprised by your mindset because everyone in Europe is brainwashed from day 1
Fucking japs always coming up with weird porn
>i wouldnt be surprised by your mindset because everyone in Europe is brainwashed from day 1
And that comes from an american. Holy shit i need to screencap this shit.
because that's a FORUM, not a presidential debate
you're literally a product of american brainwashing. you can't deny it. Europe is the most psychologically controlled place in the world
>Europe is the most psychologically controlled place in the world
All the jews that pull the strings live in your country. All that hollywood jew propaganda comes from your country.
Man's got good taste.
They chose the moderators and they will focus on attacking Trump. They will make sure not to let Clinton to debate.
pic related. Globalists moderators.
yeah and it's Europe that takes that shit to heart.
If trump goes first, Hillary is done for. - she needs to set the tone ike trump has for months now.
Are you trolling? How? USA is the breeding ground for Black Lives Matter; SJW, Transgender, Gay/Fat-Acceptance and all the other shit.
You cant seriously tell me that your 60% white country is not as fucked as Europe.
> with his penior.
Low quality, from you. You should probably emigrate to Canada, or post from a Canadian prox.
It's not because refugees can't just walk in. They are also still significantly more conservative than Europe is.
The US hit a landmark 10,000 Syrian refugees. Canada already took that many.
And Germany? A million? How on earth do you plan on deporting them?
dude just look at your immigration crisis and how everyone over there is just accepting it. at least half of country doesn't want immigration from those areas unlike the 80% of your country that does.
your country used to be controlled by 4 other countries. there is no way German's aren't brainwashed. you're probably an outlier because you come to this board but you have to admit that your country is way more radical left than us. IF we were as bad off as you, Trump wouldnt even be a candidate
>be german
>wake up
>immediately get my prayer mat and kneel to the direction of Merkels house
>pray for more black people cause diversity
>go to facebook
>somebody said something mean that hurt my feelings
>call the police and give them their info
>that'll show 'em
>finally go to work
>Gotta make sure to pass through the ghettos so I can get culturally enriched
>finally make it to work
>at 9:00 am on the dot we have to all face a picture of Merkel and give a pledge
>10:00 have to go to the bathroom
>sign says all gender inclusive
>there's been been some cases of peeping toms, all of them of the arab race, we usually let them go because that's their culture
>You cant seriously tell me that your 60% white country is not as fucked as Europe.
Ah poppycock Europe is doing just fine.
He won't. He only fucks his daughters.
By borrowing our deportation force when we're done with it.