What would Sup Forums think of Burqas being introduced as an element of Christianity, to me it seems to make sense and would be very compatible with the ideas of the rest of the religion.
Christian Burqas?
No. Just the opposite. Muslims don't like a fucking drawing of Mohammad. Christians have naked women and naked kids in statues and paintings IN THE CHURCHES. Why? Because GOD MADE US IN HIS IMAGE AND THERE IS NO SHAME IN THE BODY. As long as it isn't lustful, nudism is fine.
Christianity is based, mofo.
How about just for fat girls?
What would you think about homosexual marriage being introduced as an element of Islam? To me it seems we can rewrite holy scripture anytime we want because I'm not even part of the religion being rewritten.
Catholics have that and Catholics are pagan ie. not white.
Burqas are a cultural thing anyway, why can't we have them too, after all Islam is a similar religion to Christianity, we could take some ideas from them regarding the treatment of women I think.
B-but user you´re forgetting about us chubby chasers.
>pagan ie. not white
Catholics are pagan?
Are you retarded?
>Monotheism originates from sand nigger land
NZ wishes it could be Australia.
I hope the Maoi eventually kill you cucks.
Show scripture from the bible justifying burquas or gtfo fag
Catholics are pagan #protestant>pagan
>>Catholics are pagan #protestant>pagan
Evidence please.
Only when praying and this is yet a theocracy so cannot be mandatory
Idol worship, Roman pagan traditions integrated into the church, Mary worship, faggot cuck who claims to be the intermediator for God on earth and wears a faggy hat, and general blasphemy like vain repetitions in prayer and painting Jesus like a long haired hippie. Not all of these scream pagan but it screams somethings wrong louder than the altar boys getting molested ever could.
Retarded, I like looking at women in tight jeans and tank tops and stuff.
No evidence truly provided and wow noice joke fag boy sorry your dad and a priest are two different people and just because your dad touched you doesnt mean the priest did too
You should be stoned for thinking like this.
We already have the Amish.
Are you christian?
>chubby chasers
So that's why you hop the border...
Complete submission to the only God should be what our entire society is based on, not just in some obscure small communities.