Let's post some nice political cringe, I'll start with some OC

Other urls found in this thread: HUGH MONGOUS

Why are catholicucks so autistic?

Holy shit

>new age hipster Catholics
I fucking hate these people. I should've been a Russian Orthodox.

They look nice normal people to me.

the 2 in the image are normal, the one in the glasses and the one in the fedora are clearly autistic

>huurr durr I will change my religion because muh testosterone, alpha male, shitskins are fuckin my white girls

Grow up. You're not welcome in Orthodox faith either.

what do you guys do in that kind of situation assuming actually cared enough to give advice for whatever reason? like what would be the "alpha" thing to do as opposed to this sad omega vermin?

I'm trying to think what I'd do in that situation and I'd probably be like "well fuck you too then ho" and expect the probable chimp out for lulz.

also OC

Nah, turn your back on Christianity its too tainted with turning the other cheek and wimpy shit like that.

>huurr durr I will change my religion
Never said that, huecuck. If you can't understand English then piss off.


niggers shilling a nigger religion, what a surprise

>Reproductive rights
What is this? China?

>hurr orthocucks are le supreme Christians

should have become a TradCat and stfu you heretic scum

Regarding my picture?
I'd probably tell her off or respond with "oh, just bitching into the void then?" or something stupid. Literally anything but what this fag did.

Do yourself a favor and just admit you're a shitty atheist with "western civilization" fetishism. The mission of catholic faith is not only fight against sissy sjw but also people like you.

What the fuck is going on in this picture? I get it
But I'm genuinely curious about what point he was trying to make or what he was trying to say by being such an autistic faggot.


was meant for

Holy shit Sup Forums my youth director a few years ago looked just like this dude, except he was a stanch republican and a completely alpha male. Now he lifts every day, drinks good whiskey, posts praise about trump, yet treats all the liberals that give him shit for it with the upmost respect. Truly a supreme gentleman. Weird to think I could have this cuck in the pic as my youth director.

The entirety of Vladomin B's YouTube channel.

the point he was trying to make was that his party is filled with autistic faggots

He is trying to prove that the libertarian party is so free you can even be free from your sense of self-dignity.

How does fluffing niggers in Africa accomplish that mission statement?

The apostles weren't exactly paragons of virtue prior to knowing Jesus. Matthew was a tax collector which was considered some of the worst kinds of people to associate with. You faggots want essentially the ISIS version of Allah with a Christian face, a god that commands you to kill and persecute. That's not what Christianity is about, that's now what it's ever been about, it's exactly the kind of shit the Jews did that Jesus denounced.

>That's not what Christianity is about
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[h] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Don't trust the beaner shills trying to promote their white genocide religion

Not being Anglican masterrace

This image triggers all the cuckold porn you have seen lately?

Black priests from my church kiss white people feet. So what?

Also, you called me a nigger right here Why I would be offended by the Pope kissing a black-men feet?

>white genocide race
as opposed to Jewish capitalism, true Ang- I mean Aryan system


His tattoo is literally of an anarcho-COMMUNIST.

I fucking lost hard

>Not centered.
>No message
>"Slaves" Unreadable against the background

I cringed

Yes, really keeps away all the autistic ''alt-right'' teenagers from becoming members of my church. I think this is good.

It's supposed to be a belief set to guide you towards transcendence and communion with the creator of the universe who is described as a god of love over and over in opposition to a world where everybody enjoys kicking you when they're down. That is, if you choose to believe in the Bible and its message. If you want a god that says to you your tribe is the best in the world and it'll help you kill your enemies and enslave the survivors you're not a Christian. I don't care what you believe, become a jihadist, invent your own religion, whatever, just stop trying to hide behind the figure of Christ because you're certainly looking for something else.

>question everything
>lol except my own worldview


>enjoys kicking you when you're down

>you're not a Christian
obviously not
You can keep your disgusting desert religion

asks the security guy his name... thought she would have learned her lesson

>priests from my church fuck children in the ass. So what?


dope, tyr is great.

>no undesirables allowed in my church
>implying it's your church not God's church

>implying God is a jew nailed to wooden torture mechanism

Sup Forums is predominantly atheistic, just not left wing. Even the christcucks here barely understands their own faith and then pretend to be in good company just because some interests align.

The alpha thing to do would be just not reply and find a new girl.

>neet containment board is predominantly not Catholic
sounds good

Jesus wasn't a Jew in he was an Israelite

False flag.

>Jesus wasn't a Jew in he was an Israelite
Jesus was subhuman filth just like you bible belt nigger filth

Nah lolbergtarians really are that autistic. Just looked how cucked their fucking nominee is.

>you will never have a qt non degenerate woman to marry and have a family with like Renée

not an argument

to be fair the principle of defending individual liberty is based but unfortunately 99% of people who identify as "libertarian" do have autism for some reason and the party is especially retarded

your children will come out as autistic as glassesfag and fedoralord

I wasn't making an argument, I was stating a fact. Israelites are Middle Eastern subhumans

He was operating on the theory of "no such thing as bad publicity."

Trump breaking all the rules will lead to 101 imitators for varying degrees. Just look at Gary Johnson going LMAO TRUMP IS A PUSSY... y wont anyone vote for me :(((

>this song
top fucking kek. great work

Holy fuck that got to me.

lost to every single one of these


Levanites were white.


you're retarded. but supposing you were right that doesn't change the fact that it's a cuck religion promoting cultural self-suicide.

Calling me retarded isn't an argument. I'm right.

And I don't know what your culture is, but mine is Catholic.

And didn't get it. One dude ended up being born in a manger. He ended up being able to walk on water and shit.

Holy shit, St. Mark's is redpilled as shit.

seenice culture faggot
>I'm right
keep turning your other cheek and a nice Levantine family will take you and your family straight to heaven

My sides


>implying catholicism isnt heavily influenced by pagan traditions
Apostate pls

Family wouldn't be a problem, FAMILIES is a different thing entirely and millions of men in their 20s-30s is completely different again. Also they weren't a family, they were a couple and of which one was expecting.

>Conduct false flag
>Now America is fighting your battles
>Start spreading the word that the real terrorists are Americans
>Cucks lap it up
>No one has any reason to suspect you

that Pope has been in his position for 3 years. Catholicism has been in Europe for 1500.

Also, misinterpreting the kissing of feet. Catholicism believes in dignity of the poor. But dignity does not mean allowing others to harm you.

Do these faggots realize how 2003-ish they sound? Over time, critical scrutiny has debunked all of these early Bush Era memes.

>critical scrutiny has debunked all of these early Bush Era memes

> America was solely responsible for the mideast

I'd assign more blame to the Bongs t.b.h

>Historical Dialectic

I meant exactly what I said. People have looked into these Bush Era myths and have come to realize how fucking retarded they are about this American imperialism bullshit.

For example, this guy thinks we deserved 9/11 for arming Al Qaeda. But at the time all we were doing was helping the sovereign nation of Afghanistan fight off the invading Soviets. How is that a bad thing? How does that give Al Qeada any reason (morally or politically) to attack us? How does that make any sense unless you are cucked beyond all reasonability?

Also, why is it our responsibility what a country does after a private American weapons manufacturer sells them weapons? Does America selling weapons to Saddam give Saddam the right to annex neighboring countries and commit genocide against the Kurds? Should Saddam take NO personal responsibility for his autonomous actions?

None of this liberal crap makes any sense whatsoever. It's just delusional, self-hating cuckery brought to you by Michael Moore. Also, he fails to mention why the Ottoman Empire was defeated and split up. Just so much 2003 bullshit in one post. I feel like I was transferred back to high school after reading that.

Or how about the Ottoman Empire? They started a major war that they lost (very similar to how they started the 6 Day War, lost and still cry about it).