Sup Forums BTFO'd black fathers are the best fathers

muh narrative about black fathers being absentee and bad fathers is a lie. Its time you crackas learned a thing or two.

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That website lol complete cancer


That study didn't even examine the prevalence of black fatherhood though. It said that when niggers stayed with their bitch after knocking her up, they tended to spend more time with their kids. This is understandable since they usually are unemployed and live with their baby momma who uses welfare to pay the rent.

The article seems to think that the crisis of black fatherhood is that, once they decide to act like a father, they are somehow worse than other races of fathers.

Which nobody is claiming anywhere. The problem isn't that black men are bad father figures, the issue is that most choose not to be father figures at all.

If I was unemployed and on welfare then ya I would have a lot more time to spend with my son. 8/10 black kids don't know who they're father is



Mythical creatures are supposed to be fantastic user.

This study was only for fathers that lived in the same house as their child. That's a very tiny portion of black fathers.

So because the 3% of black fathers who actually stick around to raise their kids do a decent job, the "myth" of the "absentee black father" is "BTFO"?

CORRECTION: The study said they were more engaged when they lived with their kids. When fathers didn't, none of them were very involved. Which category do you think black fathers are more likely to be in?


>Which category do you think black fathers are more likely to be in?

Cell block 212A

>Which category do you think black fathers are more likely to be in?

10 to 20, no parole


Older black men are often pretty good at keeping youth in check.

"nigga dont do that, you'll get 15 to life"

I didn't know that Dave Chappelle was Australian.

>when niggers stay with their woman they knocked up they see their kids more

Really? what next, when nog fathers vanish they see their kids less?

What other obvious fucking facts does this study want to present as new and interesting information vindicating the shithole that is the black family?

>Unicorns are the best horses

>1 post by this ID

Dave, is that you?




Into the trash

Took me about 10 seconds then I was like Ohhhhhhhhhh......


Reality is a "myth" to liberals.

Piss off . You Cockold brainwashed Hammite . Lets learn to count first....1....4....8....8 . Now you repeat. Even after constant repetitions my own dog can understand .


I've seen a lot of black dads with their kids out at parks.
Unfortunately that's the exception and not the rule. It's undeniable that there is a baby daddy crisis going on in that population.

Meanwhile in reality.

As your nigger bitch gargles my cum for another 20 piece. I leave her room ,while she hits that glass dick. I check on the kids before i leave . Uncle whitey is all ways good for a piss bath .some nigglets scream some laugh . whats it to me ? Done got ur money and your food stamp card. Not done yet going to ur neighbors . rinse ,repeat . This is my second job , you know alittle pocket money , earn on the weekend . Uncle Whitey see ya soon. ,Boy....

There is no way they could have found a big enough sample size to make this study accurate.

"Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children..."

I stopped reading right there. Who do you think you're fooling, OP?

You understand that if this is valid, it removes another excuse niggers have for all the crime they commit, right?

Why are you trying to prove us right about blacks being genetically inferior?