Will Princess Carolyn ever find true happiness?
I would fuck and marry the everliving shit out of Princess Carolyn
Okay so if a mouse and a cat fuck in this show they have either a mouse baby or a cat baby rather than a half-mouse half-cat baby. I was wondering about that.
she is QT my dude
Even though she has a barren womb and would take her frustation on never being able to get children out on you?
no babies and there's probably a lot of 40+ year old women out there like her right now.
Yes. Same as with Charlotte and Kyle.
According to how it worked so far in the show it's either one or.
You either have a horse baby or human baby. You either have a deer baby or human. You either have a cat baby or mouse baby.
>Anyway, do you want this paining
>It belonged to your grandfather, a man who knew what marriage meant
Comedy gold
Enjoy ur nokids lol
Yeah, there are no hybrids. Remember when Bojack had the drug fantasy about him and Charlotte's kid? The kid was a horse. Also Charlotte's actual human child.
Not many like her desu.
Who else completely fell for the future greatgranddaughter bait?
I have never felt so betrayed. I WAS PROMISED A HAPPY ENDING DAMNIT
Why is episode 11 always the feelsy gutpunch episode? Feels formulaic, man.
>falling for bait like that
Nothing has ever been that clearly bait.
I mean it is so obvious in hindsight, but I really want PC to be happy and stupidly clang to that promise that everything was gonna turn out good in the end.
Even when the fucking jeweler told her her necklace is fake I was in complete denial mode. I thought maybe it turned out they mixed it up or that it somehow still is valuable.
I don't know why I fell for it so hard.
>but I really want PC to be happy
That's why you fell for it. Her existence is to suffer, rather than be happy. She's the one truly good person and she had to fall and become shit.
Just finished the season. Loved the last few episodes, but didn't really like Todd's arc and felt like the Diane/Mr PB thing was sorta rushed and not concluded. Bojack's mom's storyline was absolutely great and though the whole Hollyhock thing was slow at first it god good and I'm really glad that Bojack is acting positively now. I hope PC is able to pick up the pieces and swallow her pride.
>the Diane/Mr PB thing was sorta rushed
she was struggling with it from the very start
i dont know about you, but i was honestly surprised when she said yes in season 1
I wasn't surprised, but it was obviously a sham from the start. "Rushed" was really the wrong word, it was more like a small segment of a larger story that didn't include the conclusion that wrapped up the end of season.
Overall a solid season.
So when will all the weird miscellaneous loose ends be tied up?
Switch 1 and 4. The end of 1 is just absolutely great and slightly overshadows 4.
>tfw i call myself a garbage fire too
This episode really hit waaaaay close to home
>That voice will go away right? It's just a stupid teenager thing, right?
This shouldn't be relatable, but it is. Does everybody have negative self talk constantly running, or is that just an anomaly for weirdos? It's been running on a loop since I was six and the only way to make it stop is to get distract myself. If it gets too quiet and I'm alone with my thoughts for too long it pops right back up at full volume.
There's no way that's normal, right? That would just be too cruel of life to have that be an intrinsic part of the human condition.
some people think it is. Bicameralism was once thought to be the basis for human religious belief
some say its the conflict between your thinking and feeling side
the only way to reach happiness is find a middle ground between the two
you know how you want ask out that one girl, and you keep telling yourself "Do it!", but you dont, out of fear... well, thats basically it
its not a sign of depression
I just finished episode 11. Jesus fucking christ that was just fucked
I honestly thought Hollyhock would be Beatrice's daughter she gave up for adoption for some reason throughout the whole season.
I hoped he would fuck Hollyhock
Episode 11 is always fucked
>Bicameralism was once thought to be the basis for human religious belief
That kind of makes sense. When negative thoughts pop into my head sometimes they seem fully formed and disconnected from how I'd like to see myself. It's almost as if an entirely different really mean cruel person that knows everything about me is addressing me- even harassing me.
I could see how this could be viewed as a religious experience. If you didn't know any better, you might think you were being spoken to by demons or gods or something.
He learned after what happened with Penny.
>urban socialite party lifestyle, groups popping on off always wondering where the next party is, drunken emotional bipolar moments, driving around from parking lot to parking lot in the night just so you can try and sit and talk, dodging cops making deals, always ready to fall into a depression or excitement if it's a good or bad party, or if you get whatever it is you're wandering around for
I'm nostalgic for this stuff in a way, but I'm glad I've gotten out of it. This show captures a very regular day-to-day but god damn what an awful life. I mean, with just a little bit of consistency, the ability to keep it all in one place, and friends who understand how to treat eachother instead of some self-sabotaging punk shit, you pretty much can avoid the tears and the histrionic pity parties that constantly occur in a show like this. Bojack and crew are short term thinking retards.
So it's pretty obvious Diane and PJ are getting a divorce aren't they
Diane does not deserve a happy ending
Now now Sup Forums, you don't want to end up like your Bojack's grandmother, do you?
That dude was fucked up
It was a different time
i had it for a long time. it disappeared a couple of years back when I started working with what I loved and started letting the past be in the past (including past mistakes). I think the voice is not something that holds you back, but a symptom that something is not right.
>Not many like her desu.
I feel like she and Ralph will get back together. It was too easy of a breakup and nobody better will come along for her. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
wtf i love bojack now
How did she know? Does she have A-dar?
She was in the meetup.
I'm not a little bitch so I don't but I unironically constantly have thoughts about how everyone around me are liars and cheaters that believe their sin is justified by everyone elses' sins as they spiral the world into a disgusting pool deceit and the true solution is for all of us to die and people like Elliot Rodgers are like angels of death sent to sacrifice a few sinners to absolve the rest of us and send a message to craft a healthier world for everyone and not just yourself but nobody's actually listening so we deserve more of him in the world until we get our shit together.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is why people with clinically diagnosed depression should be either lobotomized and/or sterilized.
That's not at all what he was getting at, but thanks for sharing your thoughts. Get help.
Have a trap they always make me feel better.
Cutie Bailey
Stupidest ranking I've seen.
It's Season 3 >> Season 1 > Season 4 > Season 2. They're all good though.
>the one truly good person
I think Todd fits that too even if his complete retardation gets in the way of his good nature occasionally
I feel like they really didn't use him much this season, the clown dentists plotline was great and the payoff was amazing but as a character he got a lot less meaningful screentime this time around
Todd is objectively a better person. PC isn't a good person, she's just obsessed with fixing things to make herself seem less shitty. She's cutthroat and doesn't give a shit about people if they're stopping her from her goals (BoJack, the victims of the shooting, her ex-mouse boyfriend, Judah). PC sucks, I don't have much sympathy for her
Yeah but actually tho
>true happiness exists
>dating a (((mouse)))
She fucked up, man. What more can you say.
Honestly I felt the truth kinda undermined the season I saw it coming but still.
>doesn't give a shit about people if they're stopping her from her goals
I can see where you're coming from but I don't think this is really true. I think what we saw in the end of her episode this season was the deep end of a long spiral that began when Bojack fired her. I mean fuck she's legitimately an alcoholic now.
I'd say the opposite if anything, despite finding out he has no parental obligation/responsibility of any kind to Hollyhock Bojack doesn't just dump her but does something fucking positive for a change
In the end, he's her brother, which is something she actually needs. He may be a failure of a father, but he's a more or less decent older brother.
because she is garbage
I think only real life viable hybrids happen, I swear I saw a mule at one point with a horse and donkey parent
They missed a huge opportunity when Todd asks her "are you asexual?"
She coulda been like "nah I'm a-xotl"
Is Bojack breaking his family's miserable life circle? Is season 5 going to be him helping out Diane and Peanutbutter figure out their relationship, pull PC out of her alcoholism with his new role and finally, ones he made peace with himself be friends with Todd again?
But what about in Season 3 when PC ruins BoJack's chance of being in Kelsey's film. She didn't give a shit about him then either
What would be fucking amazing is if there was a whole episode dedicated to him making amends, becoming a better person and everything seems really good.
Then in the final scene he makes amends with todd. All the luster fades away and you see bojack in a mental hospital watching re runs of all his old shows.
Like his mother, he no longer knows who he is or what he's done to anybody. The last scene is bojack asking Todd if he's good person. Todd hugs him and walks away for the last time.
Honestly expected this whole scene to go differently. I mean, would a cat cop really be that okay with a cat woman getting with a mouse guy?
i'd watch this movie
Do you really primarily remember the bad things in your life when you get alzheimers, Sup Forums?
I'm scared.
I dunno but I must have been thinking about that while I slept because alzheimer's actually does run in my family and the thought of that is absolutely terrifying
pic related, it's the writers making another tongue twister sentence
or an obscure pop culture reference
I really hate reference-humour because it's so cheap but Todd's bit about the pumped up kicks was really funny to me for some reason.
If the show is realistic, no. Unless she adopts, if she has a kid it's probably going to be screwed up. I feel bad for hee
> yfw you realize Bojack's mom drugged Hollyhock because she was constantly pressured about her weight herself when she was young
yes, once she starts dating a dog.
God I really hope the next season isn't political like Bob-Waksberg said. The story this show is telling doesn't need to be corrupted by stupid fucking DRUMPFT jokes
That scene was fucking kino
>3 eps into new season
>already all this bullshit about the DNA test instead of just solving the issue outright
why should I even bother watching this any more if they're going to do this bullshit yet again of refusing to move the plot forward?
>Does everybody have negative self talk constantly running
No, I dont
What? They do the DNA test same episode you cuck
The cold opening where BoJack is about to go run with the horses, and then he gets a call from Diane and looks up and sees the horses have already ran too far away from him hit me pretty hard. Reminded me of all the times where an opportunity for change was right in front of me and I missed it because I didn't want to deviate from familiarity.
That's not at all what that scene was about. Bojack was one step away from completely giving up on life, he's distracted by Diane's call and eventually he realized that there's still hope for him to become a good person.
There's something about this show that really gets my bestiality boner going.
Keep watching user.
Yes, exactly this, it's like a mechanism that tells you are not doing something right or that something is wrong in your life. So you have to go out and fix it and then it gets better, the thing is a lot of people dont listen to this and drink, use drugs, porn or some other form of self medication to ignore these feelings.
>Every single time something interesting starts happening
>Switch to Asian Daria
Watch "God Bless America".
Awful movie. Super did everything it did better while being nowhere near as pretentious.
Bailey is a tranny, not a trap.
>Asian Daria
Every time
I think it's just because a lot of the characters are just so appealing in different ways.
Yeah, but specifically I want to see a yellow lab fucking and subsequently knotting Alison Brie, I think.
>worst type of bestiality
>Every time
Lets be honest, that's her only real defining feature other than being a self centered piece of shit.
Well yeah. I just find it really amusing.
>shitty horse with no name cover
why is bojack so anti-america?
Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this. Guess the team saw one too many "Bojack Ledditman" posts and decided to give a nod
BH never was leddit anyways, only idiots could think that. This show is on a different level than something like Rick & Morty, and it manages to feel more natural to boast
Are liberals not furious that Diane, an Asian woman(although honestly I never realised until they said her name was Nguyen in one of the earlier episodes), is played by Allison Brie?
Her last name is said in the first episode.
she's thicc af