>10 Years Of iCarly
Saw that trend in twitter. God, times flies. What happened with them?
>10 Years Of iCarly
Saw that trend in twitter. God, times flies. What happened with them?
what happened to you, bro?
Great question, nigga.
Nickelodeon went to shit in 2005 when they closed down Nick Studios. iCarly came out in 2007, so it's the shit era of Nick.
They got too old for Dan's sexual perversions so they had to cancel the show.
I wonder how much rich you have to be to "yatching" Miranda and Jenette.
kids I used to babysit when i was in highschool, now have families of their own and careers, yet im here posting frogs on Sup Forums..what a life.
Living the dream.
Icarly was legitmately a good show. Hilarious characters
>10 years
Wow, why haven't I killed myself yet?