Haven't had one of these in a while and I've lost the list. Will start things off easy.
Why are you suggesting comedy?
Also robertlstephens.com
inb4 le satire meme
You're aware the prince was biting satire at the time, right? It was about how much of a dick the current ruler was after Machiavelli got fucked by him?
You got that in just in time
The New Order: Collateral Reading
>To help gain a better understanding of the modern Hitler movement, we commend to your attention the following background and collateral material
The Works of David Irving
>". . . a British historian, David Irving, perhaps the greatest living authority on the Nazi era . . ."
the bible
This is a great book about the American Dream
This thread looks to be garbage, but in case anyone is serious, every man needs to read and re-read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.
Dude needs to lose some weight.
"Economics in one lesson" was breddy gud
Also the Havamal
kant's critique
descarts' meditation
voltaire's thoughts on atheism
hegel's dialectic
sun tzu
bhagavad gita
Everything Hans-Hermann Hoppe and Nick Land has written.
Mein Kampf
Is it actually?
I think Discourses on Livy was closer to what he actually thought. The love and fear and praise and blame chapters are good at least. Wasn't the Prince a gift to some Medici to win his favor and he didn't even read it?
This desu
And off the top of my head from what I've read this year, I'd highly recommend:
Starship Troopers - Heinlein
Infantry Attacks - Rommel
Icebreaker - Suvorov
Been reading On the Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Maybe the first philosophical text I've felt like I have understood most of what I'm reading.
Feels good man.
have to agree
>Impact title font
Communism is LITERALLY a meme
Does this have pictures in it so it's easier to read?
Take a look at this if you are new or have not seen it. It is Sup Forums's own library, in about thirteen sections, and always growing.
A History of the World in Our Time
Hitler, Churchill and the Unnecessary War
noice famalam
Is this one the same one from 8ch? Haven't seen those monthly book club threads in a while.
I'm hard as fucking diamonds
Animal Farm
Homage to Catalonia
All you need to read.
There is only One Book that is required reading.
where is that pic with all the Sup Forums approved literature, I think there is one of /lit/ guide to right wing literature
you shame your ancestors, harald.
You say that like it's a fact, when no one really knows for sure what his intentions were, and historians have been debating whether he was serious or not for a long time.
starship troopers
Holocaust Handbooks
Everything by E. Michael Jones
My brother had a copy of this in the other room...
I hate my brother btw. Total fag
my post is so useful that I will bask into being an oldfag