Watch as CNN can't even contain the retardation that is the Clinton campaign. Just watch as this bitch's face sinks in disappointment at the revelation that her goddess Hillary shit the bed.
We are witnessing THE MOST unqualified person to run for the POTUS ever. These bombshell notes would be released the Friday BEFORE a three day weekend. Kudos to the bitch and her MSM goons.
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>moslem plant
...these are just a few of 90-IQ inbreds' fa-vou-rite things!
>I-uh-t-that's a totally appropriate way to destroy a device
Holy shit that's hysterical.
Pisses me off that nothing will come of this of course, just like the other billion fucking scandals
Why did they destroy the blackberries?
To hide evidence?
They fact checker guy said they smashed them when they were done using them. If the FBI thought it was to hide evidence there would have been a criminal investigation.
What she use, a hammer?
>If the FBI thought it was to hide evidence there would have been a criminal investigation.
What would be the point? Not like they are going to arrest her.
What other fucking reason would there be to do that? The excuse everyone keeps using is "oh, it just looks bad, but she had no bad intentions." That excuse might be good one time, but Clinton had been caught lying countless times about this. This is complete and utter madness that she is not on trial right now.
It's the drip-drip-drip method the Clintons are famous for. She ride this scandal like she does the two sided dildo with Huma hoping that the normies will get tired of hearing it.
There was some information on the device itself they didn't want out there. I don't know how much intent the fucking FBI needs. When I'm speeding 45 in a 30 I wasn't INTENDING to break the law. Makes me go hmm....
Guy on the right got BTFO
So, who's gonna show his benis now and divorce to distract normies from this.
>They don't even care anymore
>They drop redpills have themselves on TV.
That guy on the right looks like he sucks dick and takes it up the ass. Any man who would defend hilldog would have to fall into that category.
Literally trump rn
>That guy on the right looks like he sucks dick and takes it up the ass
damn, you must have a keen eye for dick-sucking and cock-taking...
CNN needs a nuke
>doing the ice bucket challenge in an expensive suit on top of your skyscraper with 2 super models
there is literally no one more alpha than the donald
They just did. Stop asking questions.
>using a fake quote
are you sure he didn't say "Australians are the dumbest people"?
Nobody is taking this bait boyo
Praise Kek
You really could see it in her eyes. It's like she finally realized she's just a stooge.
Was it russia that hacked the emails?
What like with an axe?
The "Friday before" would mean last Friday you retardicus
He is the definition of man.
I think the better question is which unarmed black youth on his way to church for their programs is going to get shot by whitey this weekend?
Clearly common core has failed you fellow burger.
Well if he does do those things then maybe I do.
Wow. Do these news reporters actually think they're white? They're not white.
i hate brooke baldwin. she one time had the gall to say she is an unbiased reporter. if you watch CNN unironically you are a sheep. worse than a sheep. you're a loser
I thought the title meant Hillary was eating buckets of actual blackberries
Look at these fucking shitskin reporters!! No wonder Europle says America isn't white! Those reporters are just shitskins pretending to be white! Look how dark they are!
What's the point.
Sheep can't be made to speak the King's English.
>smashed one blackberry
oh okay that makes sense, they didn't want the info on the blackberry to get out
>smashed 13 blackberries
now, that seems suspicious.
Do these reporters actually think they are white?
Hello CTR shill here to try and derail the thread.
>Bosnian girl.jpg
This bitch...? That's Brooke Baldwin. She's down with Sup Forums. She's the one who coined the whole great hacker Sup Forums meme.
I'm legitimately concerned that these degenerates are fooling the country into thinking they are white
God bless people who sit through all this not only clinton watching bullshit but also having to watch fucking cnn to catch all the fuck ups.
I would fuck her if you know what I mean.
Holy shit that guy just blew them the fuck out.
>Yes, they did
Her hair stay stationary despite head movements.
It's plastic.
>She's down with Sup Forums
shut the fuck up. she's just as bad as every other CNN talking head
Hahahaha that fact check.
God I hope CNN and crew take a hint and pick up show for a ome way trip to Canada.
why didn't they just send the devices to the FBI so they could be wiped and reused?
>She's the one who coined the whole great hacker Sup Forums meme.
I'm asking Sup Forums right now, we will see if they have an answer.
Why do they have a fact checker?
Its Friday "of" retardicus
>as bad as don lemon
Dat face
>implies they don't check "facts" before airing them
jesus christ, are they even trying anymore?
The hair... is real?
yes. as bad as don lemon. she's fucking awful. they both twist words and lie to people. they both ask softball questions to clinton surrogates and the stupid irrelevant ones to trump surrogates. how do you not see this?
>they literally smashed them with hammers
This how literal children try and cover up their mistakes.
That quote has already been debunked as being false. Nice try though Rabbi.
As real as Hillary's brain damage.
Well we clearly need a CNN fact check on this.
>a government employee destroying mobile devices with hammers
This is fucking insane. Sustainability acts in governments to deal with IT equipment are made to ensure this type of shit does not happen for environmental reasons.
I doubt it's because of corruption, government agencies are notorious for buying a bunch of IT equipment and replacing it when it's completely unnecessary to do so, I just can't wrap my head around how someone in such a high position of political power, entrusted with protecting data securely, could be so inept as to destroy equipment like this.
Every government employee would have known the policies in place for discarding of old equipment (I'm pretty sure her department could face penalties for doing this) and surely these politicians SHOULD have some system in place so that an IT expert can go through and wipe data from old phones if security is an issue.
>Hillary's brain is so messed up she tries to delete evidence by hiding her blackberry under a blanket
>spend the last week at work doing STIGS
>this bitch uses an unsecured server and unsecured phones to conduct Top Secret information
If the internal storage device (integrated memory or a memory card) are physically destroyed, it is practically impossible to retrieve any information on it.
You should change that filename to
Hair transplants have existed for quite a while now.
Smashing it with a hammer will work just fine
You just need to whack the HD/memory storage into bits
Orange looks good on her.
>Prison jump suit
>Hold on, we need to fact check that Smashing blackberries with hammers thing because that sounds ridiculous
>It's true
>well.......fuck then
You can just see in her eyes she's defeated
man that was so alpha, he barely flinched
god damn thats attractive as fuck
nah, she just probably tries too hard to keep her hair in that shape. you see it in black people who try to get straight hair when they are naturally nappy.
I imagine it going down like a scene from some dumb ass sitcom
>oh shit we gotta destroy this evidence
>here, everyone grab a hammer and whack these blackberries
digits confirm CNN defeated
Seriously, how are the libtards in the media ever going to be able to resolve their trustworthy and believably standings after this election? Sure, 99.99% of Sup Forums knows the media is full of shit but now more and more normals know it now. The media has gone all in on worse bet they could ever make. Even if $hillary is elected they are going to have to keep this shit going for the next 4 years at least.
noice digits
If you look at her throat you can see her gulping, like "FUCK SHUT IT DOWN NOW IM GOING TO SUICIDE BY 2 BULLETS TO THE BACK OF MY HEAD WHILE TAKING A SHOWER" .
I would unironically start worshiping kek if Russia actually said this someday.
When my brother wanted to build a computer and he asked what to do with his old drives if he didn't want anyone to get anything off of them. I told him to drill holes in it then smash them with a hammer. So yeah, that's the best option.
I wonder if I can finally get him on the trump train now.
I hope the FSB is taking notes
"Did I say one thing wrong?"
dude that look of utter satisfaction
>I doubt it's because of corruption, government agencies are notorious for buying a bunch of IT equipment and replacing it when it's completely unnecessary to do so, I just can't wrap my head around how someone in such a high position of political power, entrusted with protecting data securely, could be so inept as to destroy equipment like this.
Because of corruption... Are you fucking serious?
Werent they like running guns to fucking ISIS faggots secretly?
Don Lemon is not that bad. The people who are REALLY bad is that dumb Spic never Trumper and Van Zant who are literally triggered by sound of Trump's voice.
>there is literally no one more alpha than the donald
pretty obvious why she refuses to do press conferences
They don't care. They will keep pumping out the propaganda, they are essentially blogs for billionaires at this point broadcasted on cable. Bottomless pockets.