>listening to Molymeme
Why do people do this? Does anyone actually put stock in what he says?
>listening to Molymeme
Why do people do this? Does anyone actually put stock in what he says?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he uses facts and evidence and statistics
but he often makes faulty conclusions
he has people on his show that im convinced are paid to act retarded
Not an argument.
anarcho capitalism
No one listens to him unironically. He is just a meme.
Stefan isn't an anarcho-capitalist; he believes in government, albeit a small one.
His videos about history are good, but that's because redpilled historians should literally be the only kind of historian
Other than that, he makes Chomsky and Zizek look like they actually aren't insane liars.
He thinks taxation is theft. A govt could not run without it
>Stephan - We should have stateless capitalist society
>You-Let me tell you what you think
Taxation objectively is theft. This doesn't mean he believes taxation should not be practiced.
Please cite the time Stefan called for a stateless society.
>taxation is objectively theft
How so?
His very first fuckin podcast.
Are you memeing or are you just retarded?
Anal is disgusting.
Why would anyone prefer to put a dick in a poohole instead of a warm babymaker hole?
This degeneracy seens to came from porn, which is controlled by jews. I don't think it's a coincidence...
Perharps they're turning everybody slowly into gays buttfuckers
It's only theft when the government doesn't do anything to protect you out guarantee safety and courts and police and all that. Taxation is payment for services the government offers, I.e, the framework of your society.
>off by one
You were so close to Kek's grace, and yet it was denied...
Yeah stop praising this crypto-kike
Neither explain why a govt like the united sates is stealing from you
It's always a theft because you have no way to opt out of it
Taking things from people without their consent at gunpoint is theft.
>he still hasn't posted a citation
>he thinks all of Stefan's positions are the exact same now as when he launched his first podcast
You're objectively wrong because you can't choose to not pay it. You receive the services regardless of whether or not you pay taxes.
update: or canadas now that i look
Just call yourself an undocumented immigrant
you consent by being a citizen
The farther the frontal nose lobe turns down the more Jewish genes
Just so you know
you do have a way to opt out....
I just want to do it because my gf doesn't want to do it and it degrades her.
I don't really want to do it just for the sake of it but fit the mental domination.
Once I did it once or twice probably will stop
His coverage of modern politics is good and informative. Everything beyond that is a meme.
Do I get an exemption from sales tax if I say so?
He has never said he's for any government, I provided source for my position, so please kindly give me evidence for it to be false
I pick and choose like all material. Stefan's primary flaw is that he is a complete narcissist. In my opinion, he's on the right track, but he lets too many of his shitty opinions get in the way.
To be fair the founding fathers also thought income tax was theft. The no government stuff is bollocks but the small government stuff is supported by mountains of evidence in history.
i agree small govt is better. I wouldn't say income taxt is theft because you can drop out of the system.
He said for example that woman's right to vote is the generator of big governement and caused demographic collapse because they vote to get subsidies to live on their own and dick hop. He then uses a random source he found in the internet. The hypothesis has merits but he basically treat it as a fact without sufficient research and build logical arguements based on that.
I never consented to receiving citizenship.
I don't have to prove a negative. Post the podcast.
A source being from the internet doesn't discredit it and "random" is a meaningless term.
not an argument Stefan.
yes but if you dont want the benefits of being one (being stolen from) then renounce it.
I said it before and I'll say it again.
Stefan is a wanna be cult leader.
This man should be ignored for his insane ramblings.
He's like a Glen Beck for fatherless millennials. In their late teens and early 20's.
Only an illogical person would discount his arguments.
>I never consented to receiving citizenship.
logic is usually good his premises are flawed though
"I don't have to prove negative" becomes fallacy the moment I provide an argument. It is then your obligation to disprove it or admit you were wrong.
If you don't show me how I am wrong, I'll cease to interact (for obvious reasons)
you can renounce you renounce your citizenship.
I don't like his degenerate, cosmopolitan beliefs; but his videos on race and crime statistics are useful for redpilling normies.
Most leftists these days will refuse to listen to a source if it's from a cuckservative or a hardcore white nationalists. I just tell them that Stefan is an atheist liberal with a college degree, and they take the bait.
4D chess.
If I mow your lawn and demand $10 or you get locked up by me. What is that? It certainly isn't a sale, it is a theft. Taxation is theft, just because you may receive services is irrelevant.
And go where exactly to another tax farm? Your renouncement is meaningless. Even if you were only on your own property and never left them will still charge you for it regardless if you say you are not apart of the system anymore.
I never consented to having a mother or father either.
You're free to build a log cabin up North.
No one will care if you go missing and there's enough food around to hunt.
I don't listen to him. He's disgusting. Period.
>Why do people do this? Does anyone actually put stock in what he says?
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