i have an older brother who recently moved out but is moving back in temporarily due to not having a place to stay and he tends to be very explosive sometimes, he's very liberal and refuses to accept other people have differing ideals.
today i was scrollin down my facebook and he walked into my room and i commented on how there were so many posts about Brock Turner being released, he proceeded to talk about how it's all because he was a white male and i told him it was more likely because he's rich and went to a prestigious college, not his skin color. I don't know why but he decided the only way to cope with me having a separate opinion was by calling me a white supremacist and a sperglord and had a total fucking chimp frenzy when i told him he was being a white apologist cuck. He punched a hole in my door and then told me he hated me multiple times. how the fuck am i supposed to live with this for the next few months?
I have an older brother who recently moved out but is moving back in temporarily due to not having a place to stay and...
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i'm 18 brah that isn't an option
Just beat the faggot up, you fucking idiot.
Wtf? Call police show them property damage
He's your brother, punch him in the fucking face pussy.
Sneak into his room at night, tie him to his bed and beat the shit out of him with a bag full of oranges while calling him private pile over and over again.
CTR is sliding the FBI releases. Sage and hide.
he sounds like he may be legit retarded. How is that anything to get that upset about. Like wtf? rofl
Kick him out.
okay other issue
he is a manlet but he also happens to get angry where my mom is so when i try to he just runs and hides behind her and calls me a psychopath and an autistic retard and then threatens to call the police on me
What difference at this point does it make?
No one cares fag
fuck him in the ass
Just don't talk to him.
>doesn't have a place to stay
Toss him on the street and let him protest the rich for more tax money.
Or he can get a job, pay his own way and figure out the red pill way.
Beat that nigger up. Sounds like a fucking bitch.
Then apologize to your mom that her firstborn turned out to be such a bitch.
too late man, he is an indoctrinated liberal millennial cuck. he is never going to be red pilled. It is up to you, your generation to raise up against everything.
he sounds like a piece of shit. Talk to your mom about it, tell her you're worried since he's so violent. When she's not in the house one day, just beat the shit out of him.
It'll come down to character history, your word vs his.
what did your mom say about him punching a hole in the wall
This. And when he's down tell him to stop breaking shit, fucking faggot. Your parents have to pay for that shit.
He's your fucking brother. Your only mission should be to save him. Make him swallow some red pills some way. First beat the shit out of him though, only then will he humble himself.
Constantly antagonize him. He's your brother but you must break the conditioning.
Call the Police. This will remove your parents from the equation. Something tells me they will be too cucked to try to fight them or fight you when the police arrive.
Tell the police he punched a hole in your door and was threatening to kill you.
He will he hauled off, you can drop charges later but it will send a strong message not to fuck with you.
>i have an older brother
Damn sucks your older brother is such a faggot ive been able to redpill my lil bro to white identitarianism and being based as fuck we just went on a hike through our local woods where we drank beer and talked about politics the whole time
This doesn't really work anymore.
It would be nice if we could go back to the days where the friendly local policeman would stick your kid in a jail cell for a few hours and then release him to the parents without charges filed but it doesn't happen much anymore.
Wtf is going on it that picture lol
She probably thinks he is a good boy and he dindu nuffin.
Sounds like an insane infp
Poison his food
You're an adult, brah, so it is an option.
My brother did the same shit. Only I hit him anyways.
I went to jail but got the charges dropped, luckily. Domestic charges are no joke. Would have lost gun rights for whatever retarded reason.
This has nothing to do with "friendly local policeman", its just a fact. If he makes a death threat they MUST take him away.
If you say you want to press charges, they WILL press charges in a open criminal court.
If you say you won't testify or maybe you misinterpreted his rantings as a death threat, they must drop the charged.
I did this frequently back in the US about 3yrs ago.
you have three options. the first is to ignore him, the second is to call the cops and the third is to jump him when your mother isn't around, why do you need to wait for him to start something when you can just beat on him and then tell him that you'll drag him outside and he can spend the night in the yard like the dog he is if he breaks shit or loses his temper like that again.
This. Ausbro gets it.
Rise above it. Sounds like your brother is a borderline retard, but don't engage with him. At all. Keep doing what you do and don't, DONT let him get under your skin.
Sounds fucking pathetic. Getting butthurt over a bullshit trumped up sexual 'assault' case. Why would an adult male get upset by that? Your brother needs a fucking root.
Sorry, shouldn't speak local lingo... I'll translate- he needs to get laid.
>moving back in temporarily due to not having a place to stay
>how the fuck am i supposed to live with this for the next few months?
keep calm laugh accordingly and troll on
shoot him in the face, you will do the world a favor and he would have killed himself eventually anyway.
You don't.
Kick him out. I moved in with a friend and his brother, guy is a total slob, constantly out of money because he spends it on nothing but booze and weed for his friends.
Proceeds to cut himself on a near daily basis.
Everything is a battle for us to get him to do something such as cleaning dishes.
Wakes up, cranks his Nigger music to the max and either starts being emo or leaves the house with his music maxed.
Constantly begs for smokes, weed, alcohol and other things for free.
When we ask him for stuff its a fucking negotiation.
We gave him a months notice that he was being kicked out, and their parents complained that we need to give him one more chance.
So now i have to put up with this cunt for another month, but he will be kicked out this month.
Damn that graph is a telling tale. If I first started visiting Sup Forums at around 2010-ish and am rightly considered a newfag, then what do we call this epoch of Sup Forums ?
Tell him to live in a co-op, surely his liberal brethren will take him in, for no charge of course
Help nip user
How do you say "That's degeneracy" or "that's degenerate!" in japanese?
I can send my onii-chan to have a talk with yours. He's somewhat leftist but also somewhat redpilled--he's all for LGBT, animal, children, and women's rights but he fucking hates muslims with a passion and thinks blacks are lazy. He's also 6'6' and 220 lbs of muscle.
watashi wa faggot
I did that a year or two ago. My brother still spergs out over my parents even showing the slightest support for any non leftwing idea and gets mad when my mom gives him suggestions on what jobs he should do because he doesn't "want to be the Bourgeois" and watches John Oliver and Bill Maher on the Xbox. I'm thinking of taking away the games I paid for if he doesn't stop.
I only seen one way out of it user. You should kill yourself, make sure to stream it so we can enjoy it.
Fucking saved that image
Cute af
>he tends to be very explosive sometimes, he's very liberal
Is this him?
>be me
>live at mom's house during college and after because it's too expensive to move out where I live (city)
>sister is giant SJW cuck
>sister is a pothead and abuses amphetamines
>entire family knows she abuses amphetamines
>flunked out of college in her last semester because of drug abuse but cried to her professors who gave her all A's out of pity instead of F's or I's
>throws tantrums like 5-year-old all the time
>literally got to the point that she would have massive, hours-long tantrums every night, trashing her room, and throwing sharp objects at anyone who tried to console her
>mother refused to kick her out for whatever reason
liberalism is a mental disorder
Alright user here is what you do.
First I need you to get some of your friends, realistically you only need a couple, but the more the better.
Next im going to need you to get a bar of soap, the bigger the better, then get a long gym sock. Now bring your friends over and sneak into his room at night, he has to be asleep for this to work. Now at least one of your friends is going to need to use the covers on his bed to hold him down, another will need to cover his mouth so he cant scream. This last part is important user, youre going to need to take the gym sock and turn it upside down, making sure the soap falls onto the floor where he can see. Next look at him and act suprised, then bend over for the soap, this is when your other friend fucks you in the ass because youre a faggot, and your cuck brother watches in horror as his brother gets anally raped infront of him. He'll never talk to you again, problem solved. Youre welcome.
Your name on the lease? You should have told that autists parents to fuck themselves.
You should watch old yeller
Lol living with mommy and daddy at 18. You and brick Turner are over privileged cishet white males.
>there are people that move out of their parents
Why? Do you enjoy giving your money to some kike landlord and maybe even having some shitty roommates?
How do you justify moving out of your parents house?
>he doesn't have eternal control over the router
IF anyone gives me shit they lose their internet and even killing me won't restore your access to the internet cause I took the password to the grave with me