Why was this allowed?

Why was this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


Paedo infestation in the film and tv industry hadn't been discovered yet.

>Mfw I quote Shakespeare to the ladies
Gets em wet everytime lads

>qt at the bar
>swagger over like a confident Iago
>she looks me up and down and smiles
>ask if she wants to make "the beast with two backs" and wink
>she blushes and has to fan her face and take a deep breath
>"I hate the Moor."
>she visibly shakes in place and I can hear that she's sopping wet
>"Now is the winter of our discon-"
>can't even finish before she's dragging me to the bathroom to fuck over a puke-crusted lidless toilet
Based Bill, works like a charm.

They totally fucked, right?
She's also smoking during that interview at age 17 or something.

It was a different time.

post link then user

I like to quote James Joyce.

Fucking americans

People didn't lie about finding teenagers attractive in the past.