Why is Gen-X (people born between 1965 and 1981) such a mess, Sup Forums?

Why is Gen-X (people born between 1965 and 1981) such a mess, Sup Forums?

>Poorer than Boomers were at their age.
>Higher rates of homelessness
>Has failed to take power from the aging Boomers, unlike what the Boomers did to THEIR elders
>Persistently-high rates of crime and social dysfunction
>Terrible rates of drug-addiction

What went wrong? Why did Gen-X fail to live up to the standards set by the Boomers?

NMfag here, isn't this the wetback who got shot in Alamo today?

More niggers in gen X than the boomers

They got fucked. Boomers didn't retire and they were basically replaced by immigrants.

They'll be too old to take the boomer jobs when they retire, leaving it all for millennials. Or more immigrants.

Yes. But not before he killed a cop. 38 years old, which is supposed to be outside of the peak crime years for men. You're supposed to have your shit together by 38, but Gen-X isn't pulling it off thus far.

Yeah but you have to admit we have more bantz than millenials by an order of magnitude. I think we may be the best at it.

fuck off grandad

P.S. I am 41 and still rent a one-bedroom apartment. I just talked to a friend today and he'll be paying off his student loans until he's 50 (and he's a doctor).

>yeah my life sucks, but I have internet "banter"

I'm just saying - we were the first to face political correctness, in the early 90s, and we just laughed it off and threw it back where it had to stay for ten-fifteen years. The millenials just rolled over.

Every generation after the boomers will be worse than the next. Just wait, millennials will experience all of those issues, but worse, as the modern woman destroys society and masculinity dies. When a man can't be a man, he gets depressed. Then those other issues follow.

It's only gonna get worse from there.

The men that run the world are the silent generation and a few "greatest". All those crusty old billionaires are still clinging on.

Gen X reporting in.

2 blonde hair blue eyed daughters
I'm doing my part, are you?

Not much longer until they're blackened.

My cousin is 30 and has over $300,000 in student debt. And he's a doctor. His younger brother's a dentist and is over $200,000 in debt.

Kek and millennials are takin the fuck over, culturally at least, as the boomers did in the 60s. The generation after us is going to be just as cucked as Gen X is today.

That's crazy. This guy "started" with $180,000, meaning that's what he had the day he graduated in 2004.

Gypsy generation.

It's all in the cycles.

What makes you think that? If we don't change immigration every generation is going to dwarf the next. Theres no end to it.

>Poorer than Boomers were at their age.
Fucked economy and they grew up assuming they'd be able to live their parents lives.
>Higher rates of homelessness
See above, also raised by boomers
>Has failed to take power from the aging Boomers, unlike what the Boomers did to THEIR elders
Boomers won't fucking get out REEEE
>Persistently-high rates of crime and social dysfunction
>Terrible rates of drug-addiction
Raised by boomers.

>Gen X intellectuals

I'm 40 and own a near million dollar home

You're not missing out on anything but an ass raping in extra taxes

Millenials are way more pozzed than most of us but I know several insufferable middle aged born again SJWs so none of us are immune to cuckery


Boomers singe handedly destroyed the West in a single generation. There is no going back from this multiculturalism and diversity immigration agenda that they've pushed. And they have successfully indoctrinated the next generations to follow suit.

>failed to take power from the aging Boomers, unlike what the Boomers did to THEIR elders
what the fuck is this word salad supposed to mean?

The Baby Boomers were very aggressive and assertive in the workplace. They basically just shoved the older generations out of their way, and by the time they were in their 40's, they held the US presidency and many other key positions in politics and economics.

Gen-X is turning 51 this year, and their ranks remain thin in those positions. They have been a lot more willing to continually eat shit from Boomers than to overthrow the Boomers and take command.