Why Sup Forums hate this movie?

Why Sup Forums hate this movie?

it's good

Why does their suits look like something from toys r us.

did the photographer intentionally make them look like hobos?

Why does hollywood want me to look at danes bizarre white benicio del toro white


I haven't watched it yet bt I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy the BD. Most people were expecting something else and thus complanined.

I fucking love those eyebrows and Rihanna can literally do nothing wrong.

I dunno, I kinda liked it
Visually more interesting than all the bland shit we got in scifi these last years

Did you just get back from homecoming, op?

the dude has those weird stoner eyes like the guy from that movie with chapelle that played 24/7 on comedy central
the girl has a face that makes me really want to turn her into a single mother or something because I kind of want to bang her but also don't want to be anywhere near her.

I didn't know they made a mass effect movie.