I hate white men
their loser culture
American white women
I'm ashamed
Even asian men are less pathetic than white men today and the American loser culture and trash American white women
I hate white men
their loser culture
American white women
I'm ashamed
Even asian men are less pathetic than white men today and the American loser culture and trash American white women
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate white men
Disgusting Americuckolds
>implying cuckoldry is bad
It's literally just a fetish, same as foot fetish or BDSM yet nobody shits on people who are into that. When will this "hur durr ur a cuck" meme end you aren't less of a man just for having a fetish.
Nice article faggot, really made me think.
>leafs actually believe this
Back to the cuckshed.
>Back to the cuckshed.
Why are you against this specific fetish and not the thousands of other sexual fetishes? Why do you want to degrade people for being happy?
Bitches don't know about my artifact power.
I hate white men
Hate white men
Jesus, that fucking grammar. I couldn't read past the first line.
Yep. That's definitely Brazilian grammar.
It is truly an interesting problem. On one hand you have the issue of masculinity, then again femininity. We can trace the decline of the modern man to the end of the war. Where you Brazil, can easily relate. After withdrawal, production did not decline, but rather increased exponentially, leading to never seen prosperity and an unrivaled standard of living. This life without hardship led to a life of complicity and ignorance. Through these they slowly fell, until it became inevitable and then the decline progressed. If we were however, to remove these elements, then the population would reaffirm itself, as it would be necessary in order to progress economically. In Trumps America, they would be customary. Without this, nothing much can be done without repercussions, for the state impedes derision from the status quo. ISIS, because of this, has experienced a profound success amongst the young, men and women alike. A message is preached which resonates with those who feel left behind. This is not however, without drawbacks, unless the Umah can reuinite.
>Last comment
It's so much less shame and humiliation being a young for ISIS and maybe even feel pride in some way since it's much better tan being related to a white male after everything made in all racial ways by Americans for years in things that could never be erased.
Anti-white evolution since 2004 to be far pathetic today in shame with the globalist loser anti-white american influence
Google builds a profile of your interests based on your past searches. It then prioritizes results that people with your profile tend to click on.
If you typically search for black cock and cuckold tumblrs, then it will give you more black cock and cuckold tumblrs.
She'll scream "Oh the Masculinity!" while a non-white rapes her, and "Oh so Manly!" when it picks up a rock to bash her skull in. There are men in this country that aren't in the spotlight, men who don't take selfies and pictures of every meal they eat. There's a reason we're labeled burgers. There are American men in industry. There are supervisors on oil rigs, men in steel mills, carpenters, laborers, Tradesmen and Journeymen that aren't at all represented in media at all. There are smart American white men that bleed masculinity and don't give a fuck about their online image whatsoever. This bitch must live under a rock
Shut the fuck up you fucking broken English Spic. Yeah, white males are pussies nothing new here. Write about it in your journal instead of importing your neurotic episodes onto my Chinese forum like you do with your shitty coffee into my country.